Luminar Order

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Revision as of 06:43, 2 December 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs) (Added image for the 'holy symbol' of the order.)
The banner of the Luminar Order
The symbol of the Luminar Order
A Luminar Man
A Luminar woman

The Luminar Order is an interstellar nomadic society, residing within a fleet of ships that traverse the cosmos. As a community, they are defined by their unique way of life, traveling across the stars and living in a self-contained, mobile society. Their existence is marked by a blend of advanced technology, deeply rooted in the use of Solar and Aurora Crystals, and a culture that emphasizes balance, harmony, and inclusivity.

Historically cautious in their interactions with external political entities, the Luminar Order prefers to remain neutral and independent. This approach stems from past experiences where involvement in local politics led to unfavorable outcomes. Despite this caution, they are not a timid people; rather, they are known for their calculated and careful demeanor. Their decision to stay apart from local political affairs is a strategic choice, ensuring their community's safety and maintaining their values of peace and balance.

Physical Description

The Luminar race, while distinct in their origin and culture, bears a striking resemblance to a common terrestrial form. Members of the Luminar race typically exhibit a wide range of size and shape variations, similar to what one might observe in a diverse, populous species. Their physical features include a bipedal stature, with two arms and two legs, lending them a symmetrical appearance. Facial structures among the Luminar are varied, showcasing a spectrum of characteristics that contribute to their unique identities. This resemblance to a familiar form allows for an interesting dynamic within their society, especially in their interactions with members from other races.

Culture and Society

In the Luminar Order, the transition to adulthood and the subsequent roles each individual takes on is a defining aspect of their culture. The trial to become an Apprentice is a pivotal moment for all young adults in the Order. Successful completion leads to the rank of Apprentice and the journey towards becoming a Guardian, while those who do not pass become Acolytes, still playing vital roles within the community. While the majority of the Order consists of the Luminar race, it is a diverse and inclusive society, welcoming members from various races across the fleet. Those from other races who wish to join are embraced with open arms, provided they align with the Order's values and can contribute to its mission.


Community and Cooperation
Emphasizing the importance of working together for the common good and supporting each other in daily endeavors.
Knowledge and Learning
Valuing the pursuit of knowledge, both practical and theoretical, as a lifelong endeavor for all members.
Respect for Individuality
Recognizing and appreciating the unique skills, talents, and perspectives of each member, fostering a culture of respect and inclusivity.
Sustainability and Conservation
Prioritizing the sustainable use of resources and the conservation of their environment, reflecting their commitment to living in harmony with the cosmos.
Innovation and Creativity
Encouraging creativity and innovation in all fields, from technology to the arts, as a means of advancing their society and expressing their culture.
Peaceful Resolution
Advocating for peaceful solutions to conflicts and disputes, in line with their overarching commitment to balance and harmony.
Responsibility and Accountability
Holding each member responsible for their actions and decisions, ensuring accountability within their community.
Open Communication
Promoting transparent and open communication as key to building trust and understanding within the Order.

Love and Courtship

In the Luminar Order, love and courtship are approached with a blend of their spiritual and cultural values. Relationships are based on mutual respect, deep understanding, and a harmonious balance between partners. The pursuit of love is seen as a journey of both spiritual and personal growth, where individuals are encouraged to form connections that enrich their lives and contribute to the community's well-being.

Courtship is typically characterized by open communication and shared experiences, allowing bonds to form naturally. The Order values the individual's choice in matters of the heart, respecting the unique nature of each relationship. Partnerships are often celebrated communally, reflecting the importance of community in their society. Marriage or union ceremonies, marked by rituals like the 'Dance of the Unified Flame', emphasize the spiritual and emotional connection between partners.

Relationships and Marriage

Relationships within the Order are approached with a focus on spiritual and emotional connection. Marriage is seen as a sacred union, a commitment to mutual growth and understanding. The Order's marriage ceremonies, such as the 'Dance of the Unified Flame', symbolize the deep spiritual bond between partners. Respect for individual choice is paramount, and relationships are built on open communication and shared experiences.

Family structures in the Order are inclusive and often extend beyond biological ties. They embrace a broader definition of family, incorporating extended members and mentors, creating supportive and nurturing environments. This approach recognizes the diverse needs and dynamics of each family, allowing flexibility and adaptability. Families are formed not only based on kinship but also on shared values and connections, fostering a strong sense of community and belonging.

= Child-Rearing and Education

Children in the Luminar Order are raised with a communal approach. While parents play a significant role, the entire community contributes to the upbringing and education of the young. This communal child-rearing ensures that children are exposed to a wide range of influences and teachings, reflecting the Order's emphasis on holistic education and exploration. Education is a collaborative effort, with various members sharing their knowledge and skills. This system nurtures a strong sense of community in children from an early age, instilling the Order's values of cooperation, respect, and lifelong learning.


The Luminar Order's economy is predominantly based on resource sharing and bartering, aligning with their values of communal support and avoiding the pitfalls of currency-based systems. Resources within the community are shared equitably, ensuring that all members have access to essential needs such as food, healthcare, and housing. For non-essential items and services, bartering is the preferred method of exchange, fostering a sense of mutual aid and collaboration. This approach enhances community bonds and reduces the complexities and inequalities often associated with monetary systems. When engaging in external trade, bartering is also preferred, trading their unique skills and crafts for necessary resources or technology.

The Luminar Order, valuing self-sufficiency and craftsmanship, primarily focuses on making and using what they need within their community. This approach underscores their belief in self-reliance and sustainability. However, they are not isolationist and engage in trade with other societies, primarily through barter. Their trade dynamic is based on exchanging surplus goods and specialized services for resources or technologies that are not readily available or producible within their community. This system of trade allows them to maintain their self-sufficiency while still benefiting from interstellar commerce.


Rare Minerals
Essential for specific technological applications or crystal enhancements.
Advanced Medical Supplies
Specialized equipment or medicines not producible within the Order.
Specialized Technological Components
Parts needed for complex systems or repairs.
Scientific Data and Research
Information from other civilizations that could benefit their understanding of the cosmos.
Cultural Artifacts
Items of significant cultural or historical value from other societies.


Crafted Goods
Unique items made by the Order's artisans, prized for their craftsmanship.
Technical Expertise
Services in technology, navigation, and crystal manipulation.
Psionic Services
Specialized services utilizing their enhanced psionic abilities.
Artistic Creations
Artworks and cultural items reflecting the Order's heritage.
Knowledge and Educational Resources
Sharing of their philosophical, spiritual, and scientific knowledge.


The technology of the Luminar Order is deeply integrated with the Solar and Aurora Crystals, primarily in their starships' power systems. Each ship is equipped with five such crystals, functioning in pairs to continuously power the engines, ensuring that at least one crystal is always active. This setup is crucial as the ships are significantly crippled without the power supplied by at least one Solar Crystal.

In terms of navigation and control, the properties of the crystals are used to augment psionic abilities, allowing for thought-controlled operation of the ships and most of their technology. This unique interface creates a deeply intuitive and responsive system, aligning with the Order's philosophy of harmony and balance.

For other power generation, the Luminar Order employs solar power extensively, harnessing the energy of stars to complement the crystals. Fusion power is also used, particularly for the everyday needs of Acolytes and Apprentices. However, their fusion reactors and reserve batteries are not as advanced as their crystal-based systems. The reliance on a mix of advanced crystal technology and more conventional power sources like solar and fusion power reflects the Order's balance between their mystical heritage and practical needs.


The political structure of the Luminar Order is anchored by a council known as the Triad Council, comprising the Wanderer, Starborne, and Keeper. These three pivotal figures, each holding a significant leadership role within the Order, form the core of the council. In addition to these permanent members, the council is expanded by six additional seats. These seats are filled by individuals elected by the trio, ensuring a diverse representation of perspectives and expertise. This council structure facilitates a balanced governance approach, combining the practical leadership of the Wanderer and Starborne with the spiritual and philosophical guidance of the Keeper. The inclusion of the six elected members allows for a broader representation of the Order's members, ensuring that decisions reflect the diverse needs and views within the community. This council is central to the Order's decision-making process, guiding them in their journey and maintaining the harmony and unity of their society.


The overall leader of the Luminar Order, responsible for guiding their journey and making strategic decisions.
The interpreter of signs from the cosmos and the chief navigator, tasked with charting the course through space and interpreting celestial events.
The spiritual leader of the Order, responsible for preserving the ancient teachings and spiritual well-being of the community.
A specially educated Guardian in technical aspects like technology, science, or medicine, responsible for advancing the Order's knowledge in these fields.
A spiritual teacher-warrior who uses a bonded Solar or Aurora Crystal to maintain cosmic balance and protect the Order.
A new member in training to become a Guardian, learning the ways of the Order and the intricacies of their role.
Refers to the general members of the Order, who fulfill various roles within the community. Acolytes engage in diverse professions and responsibilities, from artisans and scientists to educators and support staff. They are integral to the Order's functioning, contributing to its societal and operational fabric.

Justice and Law

Within the Luminar Order, law enforcement and peacekeeping are primarily the responsibilities of the Guardians. As spiritual teacher-warriors, Guardians are entrusted with upholding the Order's laws and principles. They are seen as impartial and wise, making them well-suited for dispensing justice and mediating disputes. Their deep understanding of the Order's values and teachings, coupled with their warrior training, enables them to maintain peace and order effectively.

Legal disputes within the Order, be they criminal or civil, are adjudicated through a structured judicial process. For serious criminal cases, a tribunal of three Guardians is convened to serve as judges. This tribunal deliberates on the matter, ensuring that the proceedings are fair and in line with the Order's laws and principles. For less severe civil matters, a single Guardian is appointed to judge the case, assisted by a panel of two legal advisors from the ship or community where the incident occurred. This panel provides additional perspectives and expertise, aiding the Guardian in making a balanced and informed decision. This judicial system reflects the Order's commitment to fairness, balance, and the resolution of conflicts in a manner that upholds their core values of peace and harmony.

Spiritual Beliefs

The spiritual beliefs of the Luminar Order are founded on principles of inclusivity and balance, emphasizing the importance of embracing the full spectrum of existence. Their philosophy advocates steering clear of extremes, whether in the form of indulgence or asceticism, recognizing that a harmonious life is maintained by avoiding polarized views and behaviors. They believe in a path that values peace, understanding the interconnectedness of all life, and rejecting dualistic notions of absolute existence or non-existence. This approach promotes a balanced and holistic understanding of life's complexities, fostering wisdom and enlightenment through a comprehensive and compassionate perspective.

Cosmic Harmony and Balance
At the core of the Luminar Order's philosophy is the belief in maintaining a balance between the forces of destruction and creation, symbolized by the interplay of the Solar and Aurora Crystals. This principle extends to a broader understanding of the universe, where every action and event contributes to a cosmic equilibrium.
Interconnectedness of All Life
The Luminar Order holds that all life is interconnected through the cosmic energy of Aether, and every living being is part of a vast, intricate tapestry of existence. This belief fosters a deep respect for life in all its forms and an understanding of the impact of one's actions on the wider universe.
The Sanctity of Knowledge and Wisdom
A fundamental belief of the Order is the pursuit and reverence of knowledge and wisdom. This includes not only the understanding of cosmic forces and mystical energies but also the pursuit of self-knowledge and enlightenment.
The Journey of the Soul
The Luminar Order views life as a journey of the soul towards enlightenment. This journey is marked by learning, spiritual growth, and the eventual return of the soul to the cosmic fabric, enriched by the experiences and lessons of life.
Ethical Use of Power
The Order teaches that with great power comes great responsibility. The ethical use of the energies and abilities bestowed by the Solar and Aurora Crystals is paramount. This belief emphasizes the importance of using power for the betterment of all, rather than for personal gain or domination.
The Cycle of Rebirth and Renewal
The Luminar philosophy encompasses a belief in the cycle of rebirth and renewal. This cycle is not only a physical phenomenon but also a spiritual and cosmic process, where the end of one phase signifies the beginning of another.
The Significance of Prophecy and Destiny
The Luminar Order places significant importance on ancient prophecies and the concept of destiny. They believe that certain events and journeys are preordained by the cosmos, shaping the path of the Order and its members.
Respect for the Sacred and the Profane
The Order maintains a deep respect for both the sacred (the mystical and spiritual aspects of existence) and the profane (the physical and material world). They believe in engaging with both realms to achieve a fuller understanding of the universe.
The Pursuit of Harmony within Oneself
Central to the Luminar beliefs is the pursuit of inner harmony and balance. This involves a continuous process of self-reflection, meditation, and personal growth to align one's actions and thoughts with the principles of the Order.
The Role of the Guardians
The Luminar Order views its members as guardians of cosmic wisdom and balance. This role entails not only the protection of their knowledge and artifacts but also the active understanding of harmony within the universe.

Spiritual Holidays

Harmony Day
Celebrated during a rare planetary alignment within view from their current location in space, symbolizing cosmic balance and the founding of the Luminar Order.
Crystal Convergence
Commemorated with the sighting of a asteroid field along the fleet's course, representing the discovery of the Solar and Aurora Crystals and their cosmic energies.
Eternal Flame Festival
Observed when a new star is discovered or a supernova is witnessed, symbolizing the enduring light and knowledge of the Eternal Flame amidst change.
Astral Alignment Celebration
Held during significant celestial events such as solar eclipses or the passing of comets, viewed as cosmic signs and celebrated with stargazing and interpretations.
Day of Prophecy
Marked by a rare cosmic phenomenon like a unique planetary transit, interpreted as reminders of the ancient prophecy guiding the Luminar.
Wanderer's Day
Celebrated upon the rare sighting of a pulsar along their course, symbolizing the spirit of exploration and the role of the Wanderer in leading through the unknown.
Starborne Festival
Held when the Milky Way is most visible, highlighting the Starborne's skills and understanding, and seen as a sign of guidance and exploration.
Keeper's Day
Observed during the rare alignment of two binary star systems, creating a row of four stars from the fleet's view, symbolizing the dual role of preserving and illuminating knowledge.
Remembrance of the Scattering
Commemorated on witnessing a star going nova, marking the start of the great war and the scattering of the Luminar people.
Cosmic Landfall
Celebrated when the fleet lands for resupply on uninhabited, beautiful Class M worlds, or in sight of a particularly stunning world, symbolizing renewal and connection to the beauty of the cosmos.

Spiritual Rituals and Practices

Circle of Unity
Integral to Harmony Day. Members form a circle, each holding a crystal fragment, meditating on balance and sharing insights. This ritual emphasizes the collective commitment to maintaining universal harmony.
Artisans of Light
A central part of Crystal Convergence. A night of storytelling and artistic expression, where members create representations of their connection to the crystals, celebrating the discovery and impact of these cosmic artifacts.
Vigil of the Eternal
Marking the Eternal Flame Festival. Symbolic flames are lit on each ship, accompanied by historical recounting and a moment of silent remembrance, honoring the legacy of the Eternal Flame and their lost home.
Starbound Reflections
Celebrated during Astral Alignment. This ritual involves stargazing and discussions about the celestial event, culminating in writing and releasing cosmic messages, symbolizing the Order's aspirations.
Drama of Destiny
Central to the Day of Prophecy. Members reenact the prophecy’s fulfillment, followed by a communal reflection on their journey and destiny, reinforcing the prophecy's guiding role in their history.
Explorer's Communion
Associated with Wanderer's Day. Led by the Wanderer, this ceremony involves sharing exploration stories, emphasizing the value of discovery and the continuous pursuit of knowledge.
Navigators' Challenge
A key feature of the Starborne Festival. Members participate in traditional navigational exercises, celebrating their heritage and reliance on celestial navigation and guidance.
Wisdom Keepers' Forum
A ritual during Keeper's Day. Involves public readings from sacred texts and philosophical discussions, deepening members' understanding and connection to their ancient teachings.
Candlelight of Remembrance
Observed on Remembrance of the Scattering. A solemn ceremony of candle lighting and sharing survival stories, reinforcing the Order's resilience and unity.
Mosaic of the Cosmos
Conducted during Cosmic Landfall. Members create a communal artwork with elements from the planet, symbolizing the beauty of the cosmos and their connection to it.
Harmonious Dawn
A daily ritual. Each morning, members meditate with their crystal fragment, focusing on aligning their spirit with cosmic harmony, a practice reflecting their commitment to balance.
Covenant of the Crystals
The induction ceremony for new members. Involves taking vows and receiving a crystal fragment, symbolizing their commitment to the Order's values and community.
Final Journey's Homage
The death ritual. The deceased's crystal fragment is to the communal repository, followed by sharing of memories, celebrating their life and contributions. When the celebration is over, the body is returned to the cosmos to start its final journey through space.
Dance of the Unified Flame
The marriage ritual. Exchanging crystal pendants and dancing around the Eternal Flame representation, this ceremony symbolizes the warmth and light of the union.
New Star Blessing
The childbirth ritual. The newborn is introduced to the community and given a new crystal fragment, marking their connection to the cosmos and the Order from birth.

[Need to add ritual of coming of age and of finding a crystal.]


In an age long forgotten, when the galaxy pulsed with undiscovered mysteries, there existed a sacred world, cradled in the arms of the cosmos. This world, veiled in celestial beauty, was home to the Eternal Flame, a living embodiment of cosmic wisdom and energy. It was here, in the shadow of this hallowed flame, that the Luminar Order was born.

The Order's inception was no mere happenstance but the culmination of an ancient prophecy. This prophecy foretold of a group of seekers, not driven by the hunger for power but by an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Among these seekers was the venerable Astramir, a sage whose visions of the cosmos were unparalleled. Joined by Lysandra the Seer, whose eyes could pierce the veils of time, and Thalorien the Harmonizer, who could attune the very essence of Aether, these pioneers formed the core of the nascent Order.

Guided by the ethereal wisdom of Elyndra, the Mystic Weaver, whose hands could stitch the fabric of reality, and the profound insights of Orionus the Starbound, a traveler who had journeyed beyond the known stars, the group embarked on their destined path. They were to be led by the cosmos to a discovery of profound significance—the Solar and Aurora Crystals. These luminous artifacts, steeped in the very essence of creation and enlightenment, were to bestow upon the Order unparalleled understanding and power.

The crux of their quest was reached with the aid of Solara the Illuminator, whose bond with the Solar Crystal unveiled realms of fiery energy, and Lunara the Tranquil, who, through the Aurora Crystal, revealed the mysteries of time and tide. Together, these great figures of the Luminar's history harnessed the crystals' powers, intertwining their fates with the destiny of the universe and laying the foundation for the Luminar Order's legacy—a testament to their courage, wisdom, and unyielding pursuit of balance and enlightenment.

The War and the Scattering

Yet, the universe, in its infinite complexity, does not grant such gifts without trial. A great war, born from shadows of greed and domination, descended upon the sacred world of the Luminar. The monks, peaceful guardians of cosmic equilibrium, were led by the wise and venerable High Guardian Elarion, whose foresight had long warned of impending darkness. Beside him stood Kalendra the Peacemaker, a voice of reason and unity in the face of burgeoning chaos.

Among those who valiantly defended the temple was Orionis the Brave, whose courage became the stuff of legend, and Sylandra the Shield, whose protective spells held the darkness at bay as long as fate would allow. Yet, despite their efforts, they were forced to flee, leaving behind their temple, the Eternal Flame, and fragments of their legacy.

In this era of turmoil, the Order’s knowledge was obscured, as foretold by the prophecy—a necessary act orchestrated by the enigmatic seer, Vaelorin the Preserver. His foresight ensured that the core teachings of the Luminar would be enshrouded in mystery, protected from those who would misuse them.

Scattered like stardust across the galaxy, the Luminar monks, now led by the resilient Astrael the Wanderer, carried within them the ember of their ancient teachings. Zephyra the Starborne, renowned for her celestial navigations, guided them across the stars, while Myrion the Keeper safeguarded the remnants of their sacred texts. Together, they awaited the time when they would be worthy to reclaim their lost heritage, a quest that would one day be revived by new generations of Luminar, holding the promise of rediscovery and restoration.

Journey for Redemption

In the wake of the great war that scattered the Luminar Order across the stars, the remnants of this once-great society reformed under the guidance of three pivotal roles, each holding immense significance within their ranks. Astrael the Wanderer, Zephyra the Starborne, and Myrion the Keeper emerged as the pillars of the Luminar Order, embodying the resilience and enduring spirit of their people.

Astrael the Wanderer, revered as the foremost leader, assumed the mantle of guiding the Luminar people through their diaspora. As the Wanderer, Astrael embodied the resilience and adaptability necessary for survival in a galaxy now fraught with uncertainty. The role of the Wanderer was not just a title but a symbol of hope and perseverance, leading the Luminar in their search for a new sanctuary and the path back to their ancestral home.

Zephyra the Starborne, entrusted with the role of celestial navigator and interpreter of cosmic signs, became the Order's guide through the vast expanse of space. As the Starborne, Zephyra's unparalleled understanding of the stars and their secrets charted the course for the Luminar's journey. Her insights into celestial phenomena and her ability to decipher the language of the cosmos were instrumental in seeking signs and omens that might lead them back to their lost temple and the Eternal Flame.

Myrion the Keeper, the spiritual heart of the Order, continued the vital task of safeguarding and interpreting the ancient sacred texts. The Keeper's role was one of profound responsibility, preserving the wisdom and teachings of the Luminar's ancestors. Myrion's deep knowledge of their sacred lore was crucial in unraveling the mysteries that could guide them home. As the Keeper, Myrion was not only a guardian of the past but a beacon of spiritual guidance, offering counsel and maintaining the Order's connection to their foundational principles and beliefs.

Together, these three leaders – the Wanderer, the Starborne, and the Keeper – formed the cornerstone of the Luminar Order's hierarchy in their time of exile. While the Wanderer and the Starborne provided practical leadership in their quest for a new home and the path back to their origins, the Keeper served as the spiritual leader, ensuring that the heart and soul of the Luminar Order remained intact. Their combined leadership represented the balance between the practical necessities of survival and the spiritual and philosophical ethos that defined the Luminar Order. In their hands lay the future of their people and the hope of one day returning to the sacred world they once called home.