Oflar Empire

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The banner of the Oflar Empire

The Oflar Empire, with its capital in Harwold, stretches from the rugged foothills of the Penda Bluffs in the west to the imposing Naramunz Mountains in the east. To the south, the arid expanse of the Sadir Desert, once the dominion of Emirkol the Chaotic, marks its boundary, while a formidable mountain range defines its northern frontier. Governed by the Divine Triarchy and the Council of Elders, the empire seamlessly blends meritocratic principles with egalitarian values. Trade is uniquely characterized by Time-Tithe, Sakralfrid Scrolls, and Sacred Stones, embodying the Oflarians' reverence for time, knowledge, and nature.

Important Places

The capital of the Empire, Harwold, is a vibrant blend of history, culture, and commerce. Set in a temperate zone, its streets resonate with tales of the empire's legacy, while its markets brim with goods from every corner of the realm. Beyond the capital, the Abby of Shattered Souls stands as a solemn testament to sacrifice and heroism, a place where monks once defended the innocent against insurmountable odds. The enigmatic Ruins of Aznar's Delve beckon those seeking introspection, its silent stones whispering lessons from a forgotten tragedy. Meanwhile, the formidable Tower of Ammon the Woeful looms, a bastion of martial prowess where the empire's elite warriors are forged.

The beating heart of the Oflar Empire, Harwold stands as a testament to the empire's resilience, prosperity, and architectural prowess. Nestled in a temperate region, the city is adorned with grand edifices, lush gardens, and bustling marketplaces. Its strategic location has made it not only the political capital but also a hub of trade and culture. The streets of Harwold echo with tales of valor, wisdom, and the empire's rich history.
The Abby of Shattered Souls
This hallowed ground bears witness to one of the most heroic chapters in Oflarian history. Once home to a legendary order of monks, the Abby stands as a symbol of sacrifice and valor. During the War, these monks, armed with little more than their faith and determination, defended the Abby against overwhelming odds, ensuring the safety of hundreds of children and families who sought refuge within its walls. Today, the ruins of the Abby serve as a pilgrimage site, where citizens come to pay homage to the brave souls who laid down their lives for the greater good.
Ruins of Aznar's Delve
Shrouded in mystery and reverence, the Ruins of Aznar's Delve are a poignant reminder of the empire's ancient past. While the specifics of the tragedy that unfolded here have faded into legend, the essence of the tale remains. It speaks of hubris, of a great folly, and the profound lessons learned in its aftermath. The ruins have become a place of introspection for many Oflarians. Those facing challenges or seeking clarity often undertake pilgrimages to this site, hoping to find answers amidst its silent stones.
The Tower of Ammon the Woeful
Rising majestically against the mountain peeks to the north-west, the Tower of Ammon the Woeful is more than just a military fortress. It is the cradle of the empire's finest warriors. Here, young recruits are molded into elite soldiers, trained not just in the art of combat, but also in the empire's values and tenets. The warriors of Ammon are the vanguard of the Oflar Empire, revered for their skill, discipline, and unwavering loyalty. They are the embodiment of the empire's martial spirit, standing as a bulwark against any threat that might befall the land.

Culture and Society

The Oflar Empire, a vast realm, is a harmonious blend of ancient traditions and progressive ideals. Oflarians, as the people of the empire are known, are characterized by their deep introspection, resilience, and unwavering sense of community. They possess a unique duality, being both warriors at heart and seekers of peace. Their actions are guided by a profound respect for nature and a belief in the sanctity of life. Oflarians are also known for their thirst for knowledge, often seeking wisdom in both the ancient tales of their deities and the ever-evolving world around them.

In the heart of Oflarian values lies the profound reverence for personal deeds. While the accomplishments of ancestors and family are honored and celebrated, it is one's own actions that truly define their character and worth in the eyes of the community. The Oflar believe that the essence of an individual is best revealed through time spent in purposeful action. This emphasis on doing or Verkliga stems from the understanding that while the past provides roots, it is the present actions that shape the future. Stillness, or Sakralfrid, is a deeply cherished and very personal journey of introspection and reflection, a sacred pause amidst the rhythm of life. However, using it as an excuse to avoid work or responsibilities is considered a grave transgression called Vilaara. From a tender age, Oflarians are taught the importance of active participation.

Romance, Courtship, and Love

In the heart of the Oflar Empire, love weaves a tapestry that is both intricate and profound. Here, the bonds of affection are not just confined to the realm of romance; they extend to the ties of friendship and kinship, each revered as sacred connections of the heart. The lines between commerce and courtship often blur, creating a unique dance of emotions and exchanges. The Time-Tithe system, traditionally a mode of trade, finds its way into the early stages of romance. One might offer a deeply personal scroll, a cherished story from their life, in exchange for hours spent in the company of a potential partner. This intertwining of tales and time creates a foundation of trust and understanding.

Yet, the community plays a pivotal role in the dance of love. Elders and peers, with their wisdom and keen observations, might nudge two souls together, believing in the potential harmony of their union. Sometimes, their efforts border on the theatrical, orchestrating scenarios to ensure the two individuals cross paths, share moments, and perhaps, discover a shared rhythm of the heart.

Even amidst these orchestrated encounters and time-bound exchanges, there remains a tradition that is pure in its intent and powerful in its impact: the romantic confession. In the vast expanses of nature, away from the hum of daily life, couples seek solace. Here, amidst whispering trees and reflective waters, they bare their souls. Whether it's a declaration of undying love, a promise of commitment, or even the painful admission of a union's end, the natural world stands as a silent witness, offering its tranquility to those in turmoil. In these serene settings, the Oflarians believe, one can truly listen to the heart, find clarity, and achieve balance.

Joining of Families

In the Oflar Empire, the act of bonding for life goes beyond the mere union of two individuals; it signifies the merging of two families, two legacies. Given the empire's profound emphasis on community, such unions often extend beyond romantic inclinations. They are frequently seen as strategic alliances, designed to strengthen familial ties and bolster communal prosperity. While love remains a cherished sentiment, it isn't always the primary catalyst for these unions. In fact, choosing to prioritize the collective good over personal romantic desires is viewed as a noble deed in Oflarian society, earning the individual heightened respect and stature.

In modern Oflarian times, the dynamics of bonding have evolved. Couples no longer require legal approval to initiate their courtship or to combine families. However, the cultural ethos of the empire still holds sway, often prompting couples to seek familial blessings before embarking on their shared journey. While rare, there are instances where couples, motivated by unique circumstances or visions, opt to establish a new familial unit, distinct from their ancestral lineages. Such decisions, though respected, can sometimes be perceived as a reflection on the leadership of the families they've left behind. Regardless of the nature of the union, one principle remains steadfast: every newly formed or merged family bears a sacred duty to uphold and nurture the community, ensuring its continued harmony and growth.

Within the intricate fabric of Oflarian relationships, certain dalliances, albeit rare, find acceptance. It's not uncommon for non-blood relatives within the same family unit to form intimate bonds, as long as both parties have reached adulthood. Such unions, while legally permissible, can draw curious glances, especially if they become recurrent. The community's acceptance diminishes if the relationship presents a notable age disparity. Typically, an age difference of up to five years is considered acceptable in early adulthood, with the permissible gap slightly increasing as individuals mature, but never surpassing a decade.

However, the Oflar Empire establishes a clear boundary when it comes to relationships between adults and those yet to complete the adulthood ritual. Even if the age difference is minimal, such liaisons are strictly prohibited. The sanctity of childhood is zealously guarded in Oflarian society, and any violations of this principle face stern consequences. An adult involved in any intimate act with a child commits a grave offense, one that the community addresses with unwavering severity.

Family Life

In the Oflar Empire, while the meritocratic principle of Verkliga underpins familial structures, families predominantly function as egalitarian units. Every member, irrespective of age or gender, is granted a voice, fostering an environment of collaborative decision-making. This ethos of inclusivity and adaptability also extends to the very composition of the family. As children embark on their personal journeys of self-discovery, they may find a deeper connection with the values or pursuits of another family. In such instances, they might choose to integrate into that family. This transition is perceived not as a departure but as a meaningful pursuit of personal alignment and growth.

However, the voice of young children, those who have yet to accumulate deeds or experiences, holds a unique place within the family dynamic. While their perspectives are acknowledged and valued, decisions aren't necessarily bound by their input. The true weight of one's voice in family matters is earned after undergoing the rite of passage into adulthood, a significant ceremony that marks their status within the community. This transition isn't merely age-based; it's a reflection of maturity and adult-like demeanor. Typically, this rite is undertaken between the ages of 18 to 20, but it's the individual's expressions of maturity and understanding of the empire's values that truly determine their readiness.

Communities play a pivotal role in child-rearing. Communal spaces buzz with the laughter and energy of children, overseen by the watchful eyes of the elderly. These spaces are more than mere playgrounds; they are nurturing grounds where the wisdom of age meets the curiosity of youth. The elderly, with their wealth of experience and tales of survival, are revered figures. Their role in childcare isn't just a responsibility but an honor, a way to pass down values and stories to the next generation. Within these groups of elders, however, power dynamics still exist. The elder with the most significant and impactful deeds, regardless of gender, often holds the most influence, their words carrying weight born from a life of action and accomplishment.

Economic System

At the heart of the Oflar Empire's economic system lies the principle of collective ownership and shared destiny, embodied in the Distributed Cooperative Economy. Businesses and industries transcend the notion of mere profit-driven entities; they are revered as communal endeavors. Owned and run cooperatively by their members, every individual has a stake in the venture, ensuring that profits are equitably distributed and decisions resonate with the collective voice, echoing the empire's deep-seated values of community and mutual respect.

Intertwined with this cooperative ethos is the sacred principle of Resource Stewardship. The Oflar perceive the natural world not as a mere commodity but as a divine trust. Every economic activity, be it the extraction of minerals or the cultivation of lands, is approached with a blend of reverence and responsibility. Businesses, in their pursuit of growth, don the mantle of environmental guardians, ensuring their endeavors align with the empire's spiritual tenets and that nature's sanctity remains untarnished for the epochs to come.

The empire's unique modes of trade, from the intimate exchanges of Time-Tithe to the revered transactions involving Wisdom Scrolls, further enrich this economic tapestry. These practices, deeply rooted in the empire's history and values, ensure that every transaction is more than just a material exchange; it's a sacred act, reflecting the Oflar's commitment to community, knowledge, and mutual support.


Primarily serving as the empire's external currency, Sacred Stones are polished gemstones believed to hold spiritual resonance. Their luminous beauty and spiritual significance make them highly sought after by foreign nations, establishing them as the primary medium for international trade, though precious metals are also accepted. While every Oflarian might possess a few of these stones, they are predominantly used for dealings beyond the empire's borders, ensuring that the Oflar's spiritual essence touches foreign lands.

Time Banking

In the heart of the Oflar Empire, where craftsmen mold art and farmers nurture the land, Time-Tithe stands as the cherished mode of trade. Rooted in the empire's values of community and stillness, this system transcends mere transactional exchanges. Instead of traditional currency, individuals earn what they need based on the time they invest in their craft or service. A potter might provide a farmer with pots in exchange for a set number of hours of farming. Conversely, someone with time to spare might offer their hours to aid another, perhaps assisting in daily chores or lending expertise in a specific craft. At times, a seller might even deduct from their own time-tithe to commission a unique creation from a buyer. Central to this system is the belief in equitable time exchange, ensuring that every hour given and received is of equal value. This sacred practice fosters a profound sense of community, as every hour spent becomes a bond to other members of the community.

Wisdom Scrolls

In bustling industrial zones and serene educational halls, Wisdom Scrolls are the lifeblood of knowledge exchange. These scrolls come in two distinct types:

Heritage Scrolls
These contain cherished family tales, traditions, and ancestral wisdom. Deeply personal, they are often passed down through generations, serving as a family's spiritual and historical compass. Trading these is rare, and when it does happen, it's a profound act of trust and bond formation.
Sakralfrid Scrolls
These are repositories of practical knowledge, detailing crafts, techniques, and skills. Whether it's the art of textile weaving, the intricacies of book printing, or the discipline of swordsmanship, these scrolls are vital for the empire's industries and educational pursuits. Trading these scrolls is not just a commercial act but a sacred exchange of knowledge. Often, to fully grasp the wisdom within, an apprenticeship or time commitment is required, ensuring that the receiver truly values and applies the knowledge. In the Oflar Empire, scrolls are not mere possessions; their worth is realized only when the knowledge within benefits the community.


In the heart of the Oflar Empire, governance is a harmonious blend of divine representation and the wisdom of age. The central executive power rests in the hands of the Divine Triarchy, while the Council of Elders, deeply rooted in the empire's regions and clans, oversees domestic affairs. Together, the Divine Triarchy and the Council of Elders form a balanced and holistic governance system. While the Triarchy ensures that the empire remains true to its divine teachings, the Council ensures that the voices of its people are heard and respected. This dual structure ensures that the Oflar Empire remains both spiritually guided and deeply connected to its roots.

The Divine Triarchy

The Triarchy meets regularly in a grand hall, where decisions are made collectively, ensuring that each deity's teachings are considered. Their rule is not just about governance but also about upholding the spiritual essence of the empire.

Representing the deity Onos, this ruler embodies the empire's historical struggles and aspirations for peace. As the guardian of war and serenity, the regent oversees the empire's defense, foreign relations, and upholds the value of balance in all executive decisions.
Channeling the teachings of Eruer, this ruler emphasizes introspection, harmony, and understanding. Responsible for cultural, educational, and spiritual affairs, the sage ensures that the empire evolves with wisdom and remains true to its introspective nature.
Symbolizing life's cyclical nature through Citona, this ruler focuses on health, agriculture, and the environment. As the beacon of renewal, the warden ensures the empire's sustenance and its harmonious relationship with nature.

Council of Elders

Comprising wise and experienced individuals from different regions or clans, the Council of Elders serves as the resonant voice of the Oflar people. Tasked with overseeing domestic affairs, they address everything from local disputes to resource allocation, ensuring that the empire's vast and diverse populace is well-represented. While the Council operates with significant autonomy in decision-making, their sessions are typically overseen by a member of the Divine Triarchy—either the Sage, the Regent, or the Warden. It's a rare and ceremonially significant event when all three members of the Triarchy attend a Council meeting. This oversight ensures that domestic decisions align with the empire's broader vision and spiritual tenets. The Council convenes in a circular chamber, a design symbolizing unity and equality. Each elder, while representing their region, also stands as a guardian of the empire's values, ensuring that decisions prioritize the collective good.

Interactions Foreign Powers

In the vast expanse of the world, the Oflar Empire stands for both strength and serenity, paying homage to its warrior roots and its profound commitment to peace. The Regent, embodying the essence of Onos, navigates the intricate dance of diplomacy with a warrior's heart and a peacemaker's wisdom.

The Regent cares for their people and protects them, from both foreign powers as well as war itself and approaches foreign relations with a blend of assertiveness and respect. While the empire's history is steeped in conquest and expansion, its present is defined by a fervent desire for harmony and mutual understanding. The Regent, ever-conscious of the empire's past, ensures that interactions with other sovereign powers are rooted in honor, transparency, and mutual benefit.

The Oflar Empire engages in open dialogues, fostering alliances and trade partnerships that benefit all parties involved. They believe in the strength of collective action, often leading or participating in regional councils and international assemblies, where diverse nations come together to address shared challenges and aspirations. However, the empire's commitment to peace does not imply passivity. The Oflar, with their warrior lineage, maintain a formidable defense force, ever-ready to protect their homeland and allies. But this force is not for conquest; it stands as a shield, a reminder of the empire's capability and its choice to wield power responsibly.

Law and Justice

In the Oflar Empire, the guardians of law are not just enforcers but are seen as living embodiments of the empire's values. Drawing deeply from the belief that one's deeds reveal their true nature, these guardians, often referred to as Deedwatchers, patrol the streets and lands with a vigilant eye and a compassionate heart. They are trained not only in the art of combat but also in discernment, understanding that true justice is not about punishment but about guiding individuals back to the righteous path. Their presence is not one of intimidation but of reassurance, a constant reminder that every deed, good or bad, shapes the tapestry of the empire.

System of Justice

The Oflar's justice system is a blend of reflection, restitution, and rehabilitation. Courts, called Halls of Deeds, are places where actions are weighed and intentions scrutinized. Judges, revered as Deedseers, possess a deep understanding of human nature and the empire's spiritual tenets. Trials are not mere assessments of guilt but introspective sessions where individuals confront their actions and their consequences. Punishments are rare; instead, the focus is on atonement and community service, allowing individuals to mend the fabric of society they might have frayed with their actions. The belief is strong: it's not about retribution but about guiding souls back to harmony.

Rights of the People

At the heart of the Oflar legal system lies an unwavering commitment to the inherent rights of its people. Drawing from their history and spiritual beliefs, the empire's constitution enshrines the principle that every individual, regardless of status or origin, possesses sacred rights that cannot be infringed upon. These include the right to dignity, freedom of belief, and the pursuit of one's own destiny. The empire recognizes that the collective strength of the Oflar lies in the well-being and freedom of its individuals. Any act that seeks to suppress these rights is not only seen as a legal transgression but also as a spiritual one, a deviation from the empire's core values and its covenant with the divine.

Religious / Spiritual Beliefs

Within the intricate spiritual tapestry of the Oflar Empire, Onos, Eruer, and Citona emerge as monumental pillars, their doctrines and legends deeply intertwined with the empire's chronicles and principles. Onos, with his embodiment of both conflict and serenity, reflects the empire's historical struggles and aspirations for peace. Eruer, championing stillness and observation, mirrors the empire's evolution from aggressive expansion to introspective harmony. Citona, symbolizing life's cyclical nature, resonates with the empire's phases of destruction and rebirth. Collectively, these deities not only form the spiritual heart of the Oflar Empire but also influence its religious practices, their narratives and lessons steering its inhabitants through eras of transformation, adversity, and rejuvenation.

Onos, the God of Keeping
As the empire expanded, conquering and civilizing, it was Onos they invoked for strength and guidance. Embodying both war and peace, Onos became a symbol of the empire's dual nature: its fierce determination to bring order to the barbaric lands and its deep-seated desire for harmony within its borders. The tales of Onos, with his consort Myta, the Goddess of Decay, emphasized the cyclical nature of existence, the balance of growth and decline, conquest and consolidation. In the empire's darkest hours, during the War of the False Prophets, it was Onos' wisdom that many sought, praying for the fortitude to face adversity and the vision to find peace amidst chaos.
Eruer, the God of Stillness
As the empire underwent its transformation post the Peace of Ages, Eruer's teachings became paramount. Born of a forbidden union, he epitomized the art of observation and the value of understanding the world's rhythm without disturbing its harmony. The empire, once aggressive and expansionist, began to see the virtue in Eruer's ways, realizing that true power lay not just in conquest but in understanding and coexistence. Eruer's tales taught them to embrace the stillness, to listen more than they spoke, and to seek harmony with the lands they now called their own.
Citona, the Goddess of Life
In the aftermath of wars and upheavals, Citona's role in the empire's spiritual tapestry became ever more crucial. Overseeing the thresholds of birth and death, she became a symbol of renewal and hope. As the empire rebuilt, physically and spiritually, it was Citona they turned to for blessings. Her teachings emphasized the sanctity of life and the importance of guiding souls to their rightful paths. The empire, once a force of destruction, now sought to be a beacon of life and rejuvenation, with Citona's principles guiding their way.

Religious Values

The following tenets form the moral and spiritual compass of the Oflar Empire, guiding its people through the ebb and flow of time, ensuring that the empire remains true to its core values even as it evolves and grows.

  1. Balance in Duality
    Inspired by Onos, the God of Keeping, this tenet emphasizes the importance of maintaining equilibrium in all aspects of life. Just as Onos embodies both war and peace, the Oflar believe that there is a time for action and a time for stillness, a time for conquest and a time for consolidation. This principle teaches that true strength lies not just in dominance but in understanding and embracing the dual nature of existence.
  2. Harmonious Observation
    Drawing from the teachings of Eruer, the God of Stillness, this tenet underscores the value of understanding the world's rhythm without disturbing its harmony. The Oflar are taught to be keen observers, to listen more than they speak, and to approach challenges with a calm and measured demeanor. It's a reminder that there is wisdom in patience and that true understanding comes from quiet reflection.
  3. Sanctity of Renewal
    Rooted in the principles of Citona, the Goddess of Life, this tenet celebrates the cycles of birth, death, and rebirth. The Oflar believe that after every ending comes a new beginning, and that it's essential to honor and facilitate these transitions. This principle has been especially poignant in the aftermath of wars, guiding the empire's efforts in rebuilding and rejuvenation.
  4. Unity in Diversity
    Reflecting the empire's vast expanse and diverse cultures, this tenet emphasizes the importance of unity amidst diversity. Drawing from the empire's history of conquest and civilizing, it teaches that while differences exist, they can be harmonized under a shared vision and purpose. The Oflar are encouraged to celebrate their diverse heritage while working together for the collective good.
  5. Guardianship of Nature and Life
    Inspired by the empire's deep connection with nature and the teachings of deities like Kraul, Protector of the Forests, this tenet instills a sense of responsibility towards the natural world. The Oflar are taught to view themselves as guardians, not conquerors, of the land. They believe that by respecting and nurturing nature, they ensure the empire's prosperity and the well-being of future generations.

Important Holidays and Ceremonies

In the Oflar Empire, religious holidays and ceremonies are deeply interwoven into the fabric of daily life, marking significant moments of reflection, celebration, and transition. Holidays such as Onos' Equinox and Eruer's Solstice provide moments of introspection, emphasizing balance and stillness, while Citona's Dawn and Kraul's Greening celebrate renewal and nature's bounty. The Harmony Festival showcases the empire's rich cultural tapestry, and Guardians' Day underscores the Oflarians' sacred duty to protect nature. Ceremonies like the Rite of Passage and Bonding Ritual mark personal milestones, while the Ceremony of Remembrance and Ritual of Renewal offer communal healing and rejuvenation. The Initiation of the Guardians stands as a testament to the empire's commitment to uphold its core tenets, ensuring that its protectors are well-prepared for their sacred duties.

Religious Holidays

Onos' Equinox
Celebrated during the spring and autumn equinoxes, this holiday honors the balance in duality, reflecting Onos' embodiment of both war and peace. It's a day of reflection, where the Oflar meditate on their actions and seek equilibrium in their lives.
Eruer's Solstice
Observed during the winter solstice, this holiday celebrates the teachings of Eruer, the God of Stillness. It's a time for quiet contemplation, where the Oflar retreat inwards, embracing the stillness of the longest night.
Citona's Dawn
Marking the first day of spring, this holiday celebrates renewal and rebirth, honoring Citona, the Goddess of Life. Festivities include planting new seeds, both literal and metaphorical, symbolizing new beginnings.
Kraul's Greening
Celebrated at the onset of the rainy season, this holiday pays homage to Kraul, Protector of the Forests. The Oflar engage in tree-planting ceremonies and nature walks, reconnecting with the land.
Harmony Festival
Drawing from the tenet of unity in diversity, this holiday celebrates the empire's diverse cultures. It's a vibrant festival with music, dance, and food from different regions, emphasizing the harmonious coexistence of varied traditions.
Guardians' Day
Observed in the heart of summer, this holiday honors the Oflar's role as guardians of nature and life. Rituals include offerings to the natural world and ceremonies that pledge protection to the land and its creatures.


Rite of Passage
As Oflarian youths come of age, they undergo a ceremony that tests their understanding of the empire's tenets. Successful completion marks their transition to adulthood and their readiness to take on responsibilities.
Bonding Ritual
Drawing from the importance of unity and community, this ceremony celebrates unions, be it marriages or alliances. It involves the intertwining of hands and the exchange of vows, symbolizing the merging of destinies.
Ceremony of Remembrance
Held annually at Eruer's Solstice, this ceremony honors those who have passed on. The Oflar light lanterns and set them afloat on water, symbolizing the journey of souls to the next realm.
Ritual of Renewal
Performed at Guardians' Day, it may be done alone, with close family, or as a community. This ceremony is conducted to rejuvenate the land and its people. It involves the planting of sacred trees and the recitation of prayers seeking blessings from the deities. This may also be performed after major events, such as natural disasters.
Initiation of the Guardians
A special ceremony for those chosen to be the empire's protectors, be it warriors, scholars, or priests. It involves a series of trials, testing their commitment to the empire's tenets and their readiness to serve as its guardians.


Born from the confluence of enduring patience, harmonious non-action, communal bonds, reverence for the cold season, and unyielding determination, the Oflar Empire rose as a beacon in a fragmented realm. These foundational principles, diverse yet intertwined, became the bedrock upon which the empire's grandeur was built.

Within the imperial courts, tales of valor, honor, and destiny were not mere stories but reflections of the empire's very ethos. These narratives, deeply rooted in the imperial philosophy, were passed down with reverence. Families, both noble and common, would gather in grand halls and humble abodes alike, recounting tales of divine beings who shaped the world, legendary heroes who expanded the empire's frontiers, and monumental battles that tested the Oflarians' mettle.

The Oflar Empire believed in a divine mandate, a manifest destiny that called upon them to bring civilization and order to the far reaches of the realm. To the Oflarians, the territories beyond their borders were lands of untamed wilderness, inhabited by tribes and communities yet to be touched by the guiding light of civilization. It was the empire's sacred duty to extend its benevolent influence, civilizing these lands and integrating them into the Oflarian fold. Yet, within the empire's vast borders, a spirit of cooperation and unity thrived. The Oflarians viewed each other as kin, bound by a shared destiny and a collective responsibility to uphold the empire's values. Communities worked hand in hand, ensuring that every citizen, from the highest noble to the humblest peasant, played a part in the empire's grand narrative.

The majestic landscapes of the empire, abundant with nature's marvels, were seen not just as territories but as sacred lands, believed to be the dwelling places of divine entities. This reverence for the land and its tales, combined with the empire's mission of expansion and civilization, further solidified the bond between the Oflarians and the empire they cherished.

Tales of Salvation and Dominion

As the Oflar Empire flourished, its leaders and scholars looked to the ancient tales of valor and destiny for guidance. These stories, once shared around hearths, now resonated in the grand chambers of the imperial court, inspiring a new vision for the empire. The tales spoke of divine beings guiding the Oflarians to greatness, and the empire saw itself as the chosen instrument of these deities, destined to bring order and enlightenment to the world.

With this divine mandate, the Oflar Empire entered its colonial period, a time marked by exploration, conquest, and the fervent belief in the empire's duty to "save" those they deemed less civilized. To the Oflarians, the lands beyond their borders were not just territories to be acquired, but realms of darkness awaiting the empire's guiding light. The so-called "barbarians" inhabiting these lands were seen as souls lost in chaos, in dire need of the Oflar's civilizing touch.

War, for the Oflar Empire, was not a mere act of aggression but a righteous endeavor. It was their burden, their divine duty, to wage wars that would better the world. Battles were fought not for mere territorial gains but to spread the empire's ideals, to integrate these new lands into the Oflarian fold, and to uplift their inhabitants. The empire's war drums echoed with a dual purpose: conquest and salvation.

Within the newly acquired colonies, the Oflar Empire established administrative centers, schools, and places of worship, aiming to integrate and "educate" the local populace in the Oflarian way of life. While there were undoubtedly benefits brought by the empire's rule, such as advancements in infrastructure and governance, the colonial period was also marked by resistance from indigenous communities, who fought to preserve their own cultures and traditions against the empire's overwhelming influence.

Back in the heart of the empire, tales of these colonial endeavors were celebrated. Stories of brave Oflarian generals "liberating" foreign lands, of scholars teaching Oflarian script to eager students, and of priests bringing spiritual enlightenment to the colonies became part of the empire's ever-evolving narrative. The colonial epoch, with all its complexities, further solidified the Oflar Empire's belief in its destiny to rule and better the world, driven by the ideals of their ancient stories and the righteousness of their cause.

Reflections on the War of the False Prophets

The War of the False Prophets stands as a poignant reminder of the complexities of ambition, power, and the human spirit. It is a chapter that the empire approaches with a mix of reverence and regret, understanding that while it shaped the Oflar of today, it also left scars that will never truly heal. With a belief deeply rooted in their divine mandate, the Oflar Empire saw the unfolding war as a path to further their imperial reach. Yet, as they ventured forth, driven by tales of valor and destiny, the weight of their actions began to bear heavily upon them. The empire's mission to "save" perceived barbarians was not the noble endeavor they once believed it to be.

As realms united under the banner of the Alliance of a New Dawn, the Oflar Empire, in its quest for expansion, found itself embroiled in conflicts that tested its very soul. Territories were annexed, but at what cost? The resistance faced in these new lands was not just against imperial rule, but against the erosion of indigenous cultures and identities. The empire's vastness became both its strength and its Achilles' heel. While new territories were brought under the Oflarian banner, the teachings of the New Prophets ignited flames of dissent. The empire, which once marched with unwavering conviction, now grappled with the moral quandaries of its actions.

After the Peace of Ages

In the shadow of the War of the False Prophets, the Oflar Empire sought a new verse for its age-old saga. The Peace of Ages, not just a parchment's promise but a sacred vow, emerged from the mists of time, heralding not just the stilling of swords but the dawning of a new age for the empire. The Peace of Ages was no mere idea; it was the empire's heart-song, a yearning for harmony after witnessing the storm of its own ambition. The empire, once driven by the call of the fallen warriors, now stood at the crossroads of its destiny, the echoes of battles past urging it towards introspection. With a newfound passion for the songs of harmony, balance, and the spirit's fire, resonated with the empire's thirst for rebirth.

The empire, like a master smith at the forge, began its work of mending. The land, scarred by war, began to bloom anew, and the bond between the Oflarians and the whispers of the forest grew deeper. The Peace of Ages rekindled the warmth of the great halls. The empire, with tales of old and new intertwined, wove a tapestry where kin stood by kin, and the song of the collective echoed louder than the lone voice. The sagas of war and the new wisdom of harmony merged, crafting a realm where shields formed a protective circle, and the communal fire burned bright. A new kind of story was told through the empire.