Role playing is full of a lot of jargon. To make this worse a lot of games have their own sub-set of acceptable jargon, meanings which differ in various ways from generally accepted versions. This means that definitions of terminology can vary widely between games. Here is a list of jargon and terminology that we use here in this game.
- AU
- Alternate Universe / An alternate version of an existing universe (see Multiverse)
- Erotic Role Play
- Gary Stu
- A male version of a Mary Sue.
- Godmoding
- The practice of playing a character to be invincible or otherwise untouchable, often times going well outside of the bounds of reason even in a made-up world.
- IC
- In Character
- Marty Stu
- A male version of a Mary Sue.
- Mary Sue
- A particular kind of character, that embodies absurd wish fulfillment for the player. Usually an indicator of an inexperienced or immature player.
- Metagaming
- When a character is played with and reacts to / uses knowledge the player has for which the character has no way to know. Another way to put this is when a player uses what they know OOC to influence their character(s) even when the character(s) have no way to know said information.
- Mun
- See Mundane
- Mundane
- A term for a player often used in Journal based games (such as games played over mediums like Live Journal, Greatest Journal, Insane Journal, etc..). Not often used in live chat or forum role plays.
- Multiverse
- A collection of multiple universes bundled together by a common threat, also refers to the idea of multiple universes where any potential outcome creates its own universe where things are different from the current one. This generally carries that idea that for any particular set of conditions there is an alternate universe where that set of conditions exists.
- Muse
- Source of inspiration and creativity. Sometimes referring to where a writer looks to for inspiration (i.e. a person), though at times this is also erroneously used to refer to a persons character. Writers block will often be described as ones muse being burned out, missing, dead, or otherwise unavailable.
- Non-Player Character, analogous to an extra in a movie or TV show. Someone who is there to facilitate the story and nothing more.
- Out of Character
- PbEm
- Play by Email / Playing a role playing game via email being sent back and forth.
- PbP
- Play by Post / Playing a role playing game via posts on a forum.
- PC
- Player Charater
- Scene
- A particular role playing session, in character. Much like a scene in a play this can be a small chunk of a larger role play or just a single session played independently.