Itzmitzin Acatl

From Solas Tempus DB
Itzmitzin Acatl of house Metztli
Played by: darktrooper501
Alias: Cehualloh
Height: 5’8”
Weight: 132 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Human - Full Body Cyborg
Alignment: Lawful Good
Age: 38
Date of Birth: 2200
Place of Birth: Juchipila
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Dark Brown
Figure: Thin and toned with the tattoos of her people etched onto her cybernetic body.
Universe of Origin: Coyote and Crow
Organization: Juchipila local government
Occupation: Council member
Setting: BU

Brave and charismatic but not overly pompous. She is a woman of action but can use words when she needs to. Itzmi is adaptable and goal oriented but still kind and protective of the weak.

Special Abilities

  • Enhanced Sight - infrared and ultraviolet.
  • Enhanced Hearing

Special Skills

  • Tactical Knowledge
  • Cultural Knowledge
  • Logistics Knowledge
  • Survival Knowledge
  • Leadership Skills
  • Skilled in CQC both unarmed and with a variety of edged weapons


Itzmi was born in the City of Juchipila, part of the ancestral Caxcan lands, to the noble family of house Metztli. Like most people of Cemellaltepeme her surname correlated to the day name she was born under, Hers was day 5-Acatl. Being the child of nobility she was pampered from birth though to a certain extent she was the last of a generation that faced adversity growing up. The great winter, Awis, affected the whole of Cemenahuac although to the peoples of Cemellaltepeme it was known as the death of the fifth sun. Even though Awis ended many centuries ago the strain and hardships left a mark. Only recently have the surpluses been so numerous and the climate so mild. For a time it meant that in Itzmi’s early years, she enjoyed many luxuries and saw hope on the faces of her people. She was modestly reserved but was still social. She could very well be described as aloof but fun, making friends with the charisma of her presence. However as she grew up the excess fueled old rivalries. Tensions arose in the multi-ethnic society, a tension that even the nobility felt. It was of little shock then when the Irekechwa Empire declared war, intent on recapturing old territory in the valley of mexico.

Regardless of whether the war started from the Cemellaltepeme or the Irekechwa in the end Itzmi was called to fulfill her house’ oath to the nation and was sent to war. She was placed under the command of a war-band. She could have just commanded from the rear and engaged in the easier battles and managing logistics she chose not to. She operated in a semi independent mode and decoupled her war-band from the logistical lines of her country. They engaged in foraging and launched a guerilla campaign against the Irekechwa forces. As her war-band gained prowess and her reputation grew her war-band would be known as the Naguales (protector spirits). Eventually this would culminate in Itzmi herself receiving the title of Cehualloh (guardian). Despite her bravery the war would end in a stalemate between the two powers. Itzmi and her war-band would be called for border skirmishes for years following.

In between her duty to protect her people she started under the tutelage of her father, a local tlatoani. Her responsibilities increased as did what she had to learn. Initially she started in a committee in charge of infrastructure projects for her people. There she learned all new set of skills, using her charisma but having to develop a sense of pragmatism, work ethic and delegation of tasks. Her time there was illuminating, youthful bravado becoming tempered by experience and passion now able to be refined and honed into a potent edge, like that of an obsidian blade. Her father noticed and gave her more duties. More committees and councils to be a part of. In turn Itzmi took the new duties as a challenge and met it head on. The most important thing she learned however is that even if she initially or partially fails, it is useless to focus on the failure for too long. She didn’t let herself be bogged down by negative emotions and modes of thinking and her friends and family helped her to rebound from dark times.

All good things come to an end and her life would soon take a turn. A few weeks after her 37th birthday Itzmi was caught in an explosion, an accident that left her body severely damaged. She would be rushed into a healthcare center where care workers tried to stabilize her. Despite the effort her body was experiencing multiple organ failure and so a novel treatment was attempted, Her brain along with as much of her nervous system as could be saved would be placed within a life support system in an artificial coma. Once her life signs were stable an artificial body was commissioned. The first of its kind a full body prosthesis. Within a year and near to her birthday the body was completed and ready. While the body was constructed, selected use of stem cells were used to regenerate the damaged parts of her nervous system. Her brain and nervous system was grafted into the full body prosthetic, giving her an unprecedented integration with the datastream. The gamble was successful and she was not just able to regain consciousness but also quickly adapted to her new body and new reality.