
From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 18:42, 12 June 2023 by Darktrooper501 (talk | contribs) (Created page with "{{Character Box |player= Big Cunt Belle |name= Alloy |altname= Gem of the Collective |race=Senti |type=Unknown, likely Katamuran |alignment=Lawful Neutral |gender= Female |height= 6’0 |weight= 345lbs |haircolor= Silver |eyecolor= Emerald |age= 37 |dob= Unknown |birthplace= Berserker Arena |universe=Original/Project Multiverse |occ=Drhuvian Hunter |org=Berserker Military |figure= Alloy is a six-foot-even, three-hundred-forty-five pound female Senti who grew with among t...")
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Played by: Big Cunt Belle
Alias: Gem of the Collective
Height: 6’0
Weight: 345lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Senti
Type: Unknown, likely Katamuran
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 37
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Berserker Arena
Eye Color: Emerald
Hair Color: Silver
Figure: Alloy is a six-foot-even, three-hundred-forty-five pound female Senti who grew with among the Drhuvs. She is physically lean, expressing sharp facial features with notable muscle tone due to her line of work. Alloy is above-average height for a pre-cent, but is otherwise average for development milestones and maturity.

Alloy’s face, as before, expresses sharp facial features that can sometimes border on malnourished. Her emerald eyes are permanent cosmetic augmentations and while her true eye color is unknown but would likely be copper due to stress and trauma related injuries. She has narrow eyebrows, full lips and a slightly deformed nose, at the tip and bridge, from work-related injuries.

Her body is a dull alamo white with a slight sheen. She is lean and muscular with several scars around the right hip, across the small of her back and across her false ribs from training and work-related injuries. As well as the scars, the middle right false rib is minorly bent. There is a small sterile port on top of her liver as part of her augmentations. In any other regards, Alloy is healthy and average.

Universe of Origin: Original/Project Multiverse
Organization: Berserker Military
Occupation: Drhuvian Hunter
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Alloy, while Senti, is sometimes a hyperbole of what a Drhuv could be. She is known to play rough and mean with others among her thicker skinned kin and suffers a false bravado to compensate with the constant predation from her less-than-welcoming familiars. Despite the xenophobia she has faced, and likely as part of her bravado, Alloy is known as The Gem of the Collective by her king due to her especially vibrant and loud personality that often finds her the center of the room when she didn’t intend to be. There is no first in being jailed for her hubris.

Without the pressures to perform, Alloy is quiet and curious. She often finds herself too close when learning new things and forgets herself and her one-of-a-kind upbringing. Almost naive, she is quick to indulge in simple comforts and playful tricks when allowed to play on her own.

Special Abilities

Enhanced Jacobson’s organ, sinus cavities and olfactory functions as part of living with Drhuvs.

Special Skills

Naval Boarding Tactics Close Quarters Combat Psychological Warfare Guerilla/SERE Sapper Certification

Special Equipment

MPMS-Madus, 8 Gauge multi-purpose shotgun Drhuvian Hunter Augmentations Augmented renal system for improved filtering Augmented liver for improved filtering and for store/injection of fluids. US2.h-Aleilus, Hunter-specific powered armor system Helpful Harness, A Drhuvian Interstellar-Class medium civilian ship Prosthetic claws 2x “Thunder” Concussion grenades 2x “Joint” Foam grenades 1x “Limb” Canister MLR.H-Madus, 12.7x55mm revolver


Alloy was born in captivity inside of Berserker prisoner arenas. She was not named at birth and was immediately taken in by a sympathetic Berserker guard. Alloy was raised from birth to the age of ten by this foster mother before she died. As part of tradition, Alloy was given a trinket of bones made from her foster mother. From the age of ten to eighteen, Alloy moved frequently from reluctant and neglectful foster parents to toxic and outright abusive parents up until the age of eighteen where she enlisted with the Drhuvian Berserker Fleet.

Alloy did not manage to escape discrimination and prejudice in her basic training. In an unfortunate break, Alloy participated in a basic training tradition involving stealthily stealing the training base’s flag nude. She was victorious, but a particularly hostile instructor brutalized her for it.

Alloy was recycled and sent through basic training again, this time without incident. She managed to find a pack that would accept her and soon competed to join the Hunter special forces group known for brutality and incredible effectiveness in boarding actions. Her great success, even posing a threat to be the top Hunter candidate, started to become a famous but niche success story picked up by Animus, the Drhuvian Berserker king.

Through her first few promotions, Alloy also became known as a workaholic. While typical for Drhuvian Hunters experiencing the toxic euphoria and beginning of addiction to their combat stimulants, she was able to achieve SABLE, DRPT and Apollyon certification within a relatively short time period. This gauntlet of training and increasingly prevalent story allowed Alloy and her pack and audience with Animus. A large ball aboard the flagship Blade of Isomeria introduced and gave Alloy the nickname “Gem of the Collective” under the new interest of the warrior king.

While under the supervision and increasing guidance from Animus, Alloy’s pack began to soar to excellence and notoriety. This did not offer many new prospects to Alloy herself. As a hunter, she simply did not have the job or training to excel past experimental training, developments and security for high-level government officials. While she had the unofficial title of princess to the Berserker throne, she had reached the top at age 35.