Kit McDaniel

From Solas Tempus DB
Kit Regar
Played by: User:Dasfier
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 120lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Djin
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 22
Date of Birth: August 4, 2000
Place of Birth: Chicago
Eye Color: Ruby Red
Hair Color: Platnum White
Figure: Slim and feminine, pale skin with platinum white hair
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Occupation: Thief
Setting: Angelic Sins

She gets easily overwhelmed, lost and confused, due to her past of being a thief, she tends to be more independent or try to be. She can easily become dependent on her master due to the nature of her curse, she pretends to hate being given things but actually really loves being given precious things, especially nice and exotic things and cloth.

Special Abilities

  • Shapeshifting
She can take many forms, though these forms can be forced to change by commands, against her will.
  • Djin Magic
    • Illusions
    • Minor Alteration

Special Skills

  • Pickpocketing
  • Stealth
  • Breaking & Entering
  • Theft

Special Equipment

Magical Lantern
  • Lockpicks
  • Zipline
  • Thief Cloths
  • Toolbelt
  • Stethoscope
  • Knife
  • Magical Lantern

Magical Lantern

She is bound to this seemingly innocuous and antique lantern, existing inside it when commanded to. When she is within a warm light glows at its center. The object was cursed long ago by a Djin who managed to escape it's clutches, it has been waiting for some poor unfortunate soul to trigger the curse ever since.


Kit was born a man, growing on in the streets he knew no real home and didn't belong anywhere. He was an outcast and troublemaker doing whatever he could to survive. He turned to thieving, mostly pick pocking at first but then burglary and more risky but also lucrative jobs. He was a loner but got good at what he did. He would take rare items, artwork mostly, having a particular passion or taking statues and sculptures.

One day rumor had it that a local man, James Henry McDaniel, was leaving his townhome regularly to see some girl he had picked up somewhere. That was Kit's chance, it was the perfect time to sneak in and what a quick score. It was said that James had an extensive art collection and some fine artifacts both rare and extremely valuable. He broke in and was successful, in a way. He found an antique lantern, somehow it struck Kit as particularly beautiful and it was in a locked and sealed case like some kind of antique. Even though he didn't know what it was, he knew he wanted it. He carefully bypassed the lock and broke the seal, when Kit touched the lantern some kind of a trap was set off.

Kit isn't sure what happened next, his clothes were shredded somehow and Kit fell to the floor in a bed of thin strips of cloth. That wasn't all, somehow, Kit found himself bound to the lantern by magic beyond his comprehension. The biggest shock was yet to come, when Kit realized he was no longer a male but was not a woman. He had become a female, clothes shredded, laying in a bed of her former clothes and laying on the floor. Kit was confused, lost, unable to recall exactly what happened in a magic-induced haze.

Now she exists tightly bound to the lantern, living within it unless she is summoned / allowed out. She is a Djin. Whoever owns the lantern owns her, in effect, and can command / summon her. Unlike many Djin she did not become filled with a knowledge of what she was now but rather just a vague and confusing understanding of her new self.