Kit McDaniel

From Solas Tempus DB
Kit Regar
Played by: User:Dasfier
Height: 5' 8"
Weight: 120lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Djin
Alignment: True Neutral
Age: 22
Date of Birth: August 4, 2000
Place of Birth: Chicago
Eye Color: Ruby Red
Hair Color: Platnum White
Figure: Slim and feminine, pale skin with platinum white hair
Universe of Origin: Angelic Sins
Occupation: Thief
Setting: Angelic Sins

She gets easily overwhelmed, lost and confused, due to her past of being a thief, she tends to be more independent or try to be. She can easily become dependent on her master due to the nature of her curse, she pretends to hate being given things but actually really loves being given precious things, especially nice and exotic things and cloth.

Special Abilities

  • Shapeshifting
She can take many forms, though these forms can be forced to change by commands, against her will.
  • Djin Magic
    • Illusions
    • Minor Alteration

Special Skills

  • Pickpocketing
  • Stealth
  • Breaking & Entering
  • Theft

Special Equipment

Magical Lantern
  • Lockpicks
  • Zipline
  • Thief Cloths
  • Toolbelt
  • Stethoscope
  • Knife
  • Magical Lantern


A former thief, and a good one at that. Growing up in the streets, she knew no home or belonging anywhere. A bit of an outcast and troublemaker, she did whatever she could to survive. Including pickpocketing passerby’s, to burglary and general theft, she was especially good at taking rare items and pieces of art, such as statues.

One day she heard about a local self made rich man leaving his house often to visit some girl, she thought it was the perfect time to sneak in and get a quick score. She was successful… Well mostly, she found a beautiful golden lantern, she wanted to take… As soon as she touched it… She set off a trap of some kind maybe… It’s not clear… She suddenly became a female humanoid, her clothes torn and shredded… leaving her in thin bed cloths, and on the floor, but she felt in some way, connected to the lantern… Leaving her confused and lost.