Muireann Shae

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Muireann Shae
Muireann Shae
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Ann
Height: 5'2" (Human Form)
Weight: 108 lbs (Human Form)
Gender: Female
Race: Water Elemental
Age: Unknown
Date of Birth: Unknown
Place of Birth: Irish Sea
Eye Color: Pale Blue (Human Form)
Hair Color: Sky Blue (Human Form)
Figure: Lithe with Light Blue Skin in Human Form
Universe of Origin: Embers of Soteria
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Muireann is a gentle soul, truthful to a fault and self-assured. She is an extrovert but cannot stand conflict and will avoid a fight if at all possible. She is a dreamer at heart, desiring to draw those close to her into her dream of the world. Often a beacon of light to those around her, her heart is indomitable when she chooses to involve herself. For all of her wonderful dreams she can be cruel, often not understanding why others may be hurt by her strange ways. Many things about the human world are alien to her and she struggles to understand the nuance of interpersonal relationships.

Special Abilities

As a water elemental, Muireann is able to control and direct the very nature of water itself. She is a manifestation of the sea, made of sea water.

  • Control Elemental Force of Water
  • Shapeshifting
She can take a variety of forms by shaping her water, including humanoid and several forms between sea water and a solid person.
  • Liquify
She can temporarily transform objects within her into liquid and carry them with her. This is not a destructive ability and only lasts while the object is inside her.
  • Water Teleportation
She can teleport through water instantly.
  • Mist
She can transform herself into a dense fog or mist and move at high speed through the air.
  • Commune with Sea Life
She is able to communicate fluently with all life in the sea.

Special Skills

  • Expert Swimmer
  • Expert on all Sea Life on Earth
  • Innately Understand the Purity and Health of the Sea


Muireann does not know when she was born, to her she simply exists and has always done so. She recalls seeing the earliest tribes of humans inhabit to the islands near where she made her home, the isles of Ireland, England, and Scotland as well as shores of France. She spent most of her time playing with sea creatures large and small, rarely being seen by a human. Other elementals saw more of the two legged creatures on the shores, especially when they ventured into the sea. So long as those from the land respected the sea, the elementals respected them. All things needed to eat and thus when they would take fish to feed themselves, it was perhaps sad but natural.

As a young elemental, Muireann did not understand the concepts of gender. As water is a giver of life, most humans referred to elementals as a woman, she. Tightly bound to the mother Earth, Muireann began to understand the sea was as a woman; a strong carrier for / giver & taker of life for all creatures. Even the humans were born out of the depths of the ocean, though they scarcely remembered -- their lives were so short.

When Muireann grew older, she became curious of the world of men and women, particularly the strange men who could not carry life but were somehow necessary. She often wondered of their purpose for they could be so angry and belligerent. What could possibly be the purpose of such creatures? Creatures that seemed to value violence over creation were alien to her. For many thousands of years she felt that all men were such people, violent, angry, and stayed away from them.

Over the many centuries of time, Muireann visited the land a few times and learned to mimic the humans. She could form herself into a man or a woman but did not understand either very well. She was closest to the women and thus would take that form and walk amongst them once or twice a century to learn more. The lives of humans were but drops in a bucket to her, age was relatively meaningless to her. She had no concept of death but began to understand the toll it took on the humans. She understood death and what it was for humans when she played with one that the currents had taken far, far out to sea. Believing the human to be like her, of the sea somehow, she did not know when the young girl sank into the ocean that it would be her final breath taken. Somehow she felt she owed the family for her carelessness. She began to know the child's family who lived by the sea, fishing and playing in the waters often. They named her; first Muireann for what she was -- of the sea. Later, their children's children began to refer to her by a surname, Shea out of respect for her. Muireann did not know why it meant respect but they respected her and she would watch over them, all of that clan, when they were out in the water. She especially loved to play with the children, they would swim out to the sea with such innocence.

Soon enough though, that too was at an end. One of the young men called to her, wading out into the ocean until he was far, far too distant form the shore. She came to escort him back, as she would do when one of the young ones were in trouble and about to take their final rest beneath the surface. Yet this young man asked her to stay with him and walk along the beach. She did, wondering what he could possibly want of her. She was of the sea, did he not understand this? He did but he begged her to leave the sea for him and be his, saying he loved her and professing devotion to her. When she told him she could not, he became angry and she fled, it was the last time she had seen the family. She knew the children would miss her but the young man had scared her, she knew that some men had magic that could trap or enslave an elemental, it had happened to some of her sisters. They would leave the sea and never return. She could not allow such a thing to happen no matter how much she would miss the little ones.

As the world turned and aged, many humans came in ships to explore the coasts. She stayed away from them. Eventually, she fled from the shores entirely, not wishing to see the young man again and fearing he would go out to sea to look for her. One day she was swimming with a pod of dolphins and playing with them, it was a bright and sunny day of happiness when she became disoriented and found herself suddenly in a deep cavern with no one around. A fairy bridge, she blocked it open with her magic but could not push her way back.