Spheres of Aetherology

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The study of manipulation of Aether is called Aetherology. Branches encompass both psionic and magical study, though most of such studies are not understood to be the study of the same thing, as they are created through fundamentally different processes. The former is about manipulation of ones own energies into patterns to accomplish a goal while the latter manipulates ambient energies for the same purpose. As such they feel very different and are accomplished through different, though similar, means. For the purposes of this document, magic is interchangeable with psionics even though such acts would be performed differently in each case.

Elemental Arts

The basic elements of Fire, Wind, Earth, and Water are the basis for all magical constructs and each has their own spheres of study and specialization for each.


The magical art of using sex as a basis for drawing, using, or manipulating magical energy, specifically drawing magical energy and using sex as a component in casting magical spells. Usually deals with using sex and orgasm as a sealing trigger to complete magical spells, or pulling energy away from a living being through their orgasm. Also deals with sex and orgasm as a way to manipulate the life force of a living being.

The act of sex and orgasm is one of exchange of life force, the spark of life which can be created using said exchange can be repurposed and utilized for the casting and sealing of patterns of aether. It is a particularly powerful kind of casting, psionics are especially good at this form of casting. At the moment of climax, specially joint climax, the energies of both parties are linked and exchanged. Thus that intense flow of energy can be exploited and used to cast and seal spells. Particularly good at sealing intricate magical patterns, especially when linked with Litaurmancy, to create an incredibly potent final piece of casting. This form of casting also is especially powerful to use in wards and summoning.


The magical art of using letters in magic, mostly runes, but also can be any written or carved letter. These letters become the basis for written spells. While ancient runes are most powerful, especially when carved into a surface such as stone, wood, or even skin, any letters (including those of a book) can be used to cast magic. Litaurmancy deals mostly with making spells more permanent, it is one of the most ancient spheres.


The magical art of manipulation of the dead. While it does deal with the reanimation of corpses, it also deals with the manipulation of energies at death. Death is a powerful thing as are the _previously alive_ as components in casting. This art focuses on not only imposing ones own will onto the previously alive but also manipulation of the release of energies at death. Death, in and of itself, sees the release of the naturally animating life force of a being. Sentient beings provide the most powerful energy release at death. This art also deals with a study of the _soul_ as a usable and manipulatable energy. In this necromancy can be used for both good (as in keeping the soul of a person from escaping for the purposes of healing) and for evil (as in trapping the essence of the fallen to be used in casting). Most often associated with evil because its spells can be used to reanimate the dead into mindless automatons.

The law of equivalent exchange applies in a particular way here, a life cannot be restored unless a life is spent. There is a finite window at the moment of death for the life force to be captured / returned to the body before a life must be exchanged for that restoration. At the time of death, for an instant, the doorway between realms is open and thus death can be a powerful component for some of the most potent magic.

This differs from Sanguimancy in that it deals explicitly with the events of death and not with the living. Though the two arts can work in tandem, they are specialized spheres of study.


Similar to necromancy but deals with the imparting of a life at the point of birth. A particular quality of life energy (aether) occurs at the time of birth. This is a rarely learned sphere of study as it requires extensive knowledge of birth and experience in birthing. At its most evil the life of a newborn can be stolen, resulting in a stillborn baby, and used by Ortuimancy similar to how Necromancy uses the energy released at death. At its most good, the art can be used to protect life at the moment of birth to use a portion of that energy to heal the mother, child, or both.

Life Necromancy, the doorway between life and death is open for an instant at the moment of birth. As a component of magic, that momentary opening can be an incredibly powerful element, even if one does not harm the child being born. It is likely, however, that any infusion of casting into the birthing process will result in a child born with unique and special qualities.


The magical art of using blood as a basis for drawing, using, or manipulating magical energy, specifically drawing on blood as a source of magical power and using blood in ritual to cast / consecrate the use of powerful spells. Also deals with using blood to draw magic from the life force of another person. Similar to Necromancy but focuses on living beings rather than the dead.

Blood magic is especially dangerous as it allows the practitioner to draw the life force out of blood and use / manipulate it. This can easily cause death but also takes a tole on the caster. Nothing is given without risk, the target of such casting is momentarily connected to the life force of the caster, as it is impossible to cast blood magic without using some of ones own blood. This school is especially difficult for psionics to accomplish, due to the nature of their abilities.