Aesk Kyrgryn

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Aesk Kyrgryn
Aesk Kyrgryn
Played by: @Rain Lily#4751 on Discord
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 190~ lbs
Gender: Gender Fluid
Race: Miralauka
Alignment: Neutral Good
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 30 BBY
Place of Birth: Alpherides
Hair Color: Silver
Universe of Origin: Star Wars
Occupation: Freelancer/Gig worker; Former Jedi
Rank / Skill Level: Novice Apprentice
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Though raised as a stoic warrior monk, Aesk does not neatly fit into that category at all. Their biological connection to The Force has imparted a special view of spirituality in every aspect of their lives, but instead of rigidly conforming to a set of ideals to attain utter peace and concentration, they opt to adopt a more gray mentality of letting the waves of life carry them where they may. This lassiez-faire approach to life is tempered with a deep contemplative streak, and it is not uncommon to find the Miraluka deep in meditation or thinking at seemingly random places. This practice makes Aesk seem prone to daydreaming at least, and utterly spaced out at worst.

They outwardly appear modest, but are not afraid of using a rather cutting wit when annoyed or joking around. At times, they are worryingly cryptic in moments of contemplation, but are usually straightforward in most conversation. They have little to no compunctions about defending the ones they care for and fighting against perceived injustice.

Aesk has an inherent mistrust of authority and institutions due to the uncompromising discipline they were subjected to as a Jedi. They see their new exile as an opportunity for intellectual, emotional, and spiritual growth, and believe that most people must take their own development and growth into their own hands to prosper.

Special Skills

The Miraluka possesses a scholarly streak and is adept at studying ancient texts, deciphering languages, and analyzing academic subjects of a wide variety. As a Jedi, they were taught the basics of lightsaber combat, Force power usage, and the art of nonviolent ways to advance goals, such as mediation, negotiation, and socialization in general.

Special Abilities

Aesk possesses a strong connection to The Force, using it to perceive the world around them instead of sight. However, they are still not skilled in controlling this connection and harnessing its power well due to a lack of experience and training. Their raw power and talent do not make up for the value of a practiced skill.

They are also quick to learn new subjects or skills, a trait that served them well while on the run from inquisitors and agents of the Jedi Purge.


As most Jedi are, Aesk was taken as an infant from their home to begin training in the monastic order. As a child, they were brought up to venerate the ascetic values of the Jedi, the rejection of self, celibacy, rejection of emotional attachment, and other teachings in addition to the martial education involved. But the young Miraluka had a wild streak not present in much of their people and often was the source of mischief and strife for many a teacher in the marble halls of the Jedi Temple. Though without eyes, the Miraluka had the gift of being able to perceive the world through The Force, the living network of power that bound all living beings together. Unfortunately, Aesk was more content to use these powers to sneak into dark places where they didn't belong, and the youngling soon garnered an appreciation for exploration and an insatiable curiosity for the forbidden. When the Clone Wars and the Jedi Purge to follow came, they were but a child of 11 years. They were caught in the midst of the slaughter at the Jedi Temple, only escaping by crawling through miles of sewers to reach safety in the dark, unable to save any of their friends or teachers.

In the years to come, they would wander the galaxy, their true identity hidden from the world at large in order to survive in the new order. Rejecting the orthodoxy of their upbringing, they endeavored to strike out a new path in understanding the world and The Force, seeking out forgotten tomes and knowledge in an effort to learn from their perceived failures to save the ones they cared for, or to be at peace with the events leading to their exile.


Aesk does not possess much beyond a broken lightsaber, some clothes and personal effects, and a collection of ancient tomes and holocrons.