Reven Atreus

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Reven Atreus
Reven Atreus
Played by: User:Dasfier #7327 on Discord
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Human - Cyborg
Alignment: lawfull Good
Age: 20
Date of Birth: June 21, 26 BBY
Place of Birth: Corellia
Hair Color: Brown
Universe of Origin: Star Wars
Occupation: Jedi Shadow
Rank / Skill Level: Jedi Knight
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

He sees the balance of the force as a balance, between the emotion of the body and the harmony of the mind. He believes that one must harness both to have true strength and use them to temper one another. This has given him great strength in the past when facing darkness

Special Skills

  • lightsaber proficiency
  • dual bladed lightsaber proficiency
  • Force training
  • infiltration
  • Cybernetics
    • Force enchancers

Special Abilities

  • Force abilities
  • Sensitivity to the balance of the force
  • Enhanced connection to the force


Originally born as the son of a starship captain and his wife who had settled down on Corellia, life for him would have been pretty simple, if it weren't for a sith that had kidnapped him a couple of years after he was born, then proceeded to implant specific force enhancing implants into him.

He was rescued by a pair of Jedi, who unknowingly found him. He was sent to the Jedi temple on courasant where he was trained in the ways of the force. As he grew he proved to be exceptionally strong, along with a series of scars as evidence of his implants. He was given the rank of Jedi knight during the clone wars and began working as a member of the Jedi Sentinels. As such he spent much time meditating, guarding the temple, and studying the ways of the force. He eventually was recruited to become a Jedi Shadow, an elite group of Sentinels that aided in the collection of information, espionage and finding dark force users throughout the galaxy. He accepted and was trained.

Over time he learned through his work as a shadow that there were extremes, and then there was a balance, the mind and the body working as one, instead of fighting each other, that provided a jedi's true strength and mastery of the force. This provided temperance of his own self and he was able to see more clearly, but not the entire picture... until the purge.

When the Jedi purge happened he was away from the temple, investigating a lead as to the growing sith presence in the area, and the growing dark-side presence in the galaxy... like a plot was about to come to fruition. That's when he received the transmission to avoid the Jedi temple and the republic has fallen. Since then he retreated, he has avoided detection with ease for the most part, even avoiding the inquisitors who were out hunting for him, many his former comrades, which his heart ached to see what had happened to them, but he continued... until one day he was pulled to a new world entirely.


  • Temple guard fold-able dual blade lightsaber (topaz blades).
  • Temple guard robes
  • Jedi Sentinel Shadow robes (as seen in image)
  • Personal holocron