Kaito Senju

From Solas Tempus DB
Kaito Senju
Played by: Red
Alias: Red Lightning
The Senju with the Sharingan
Height: 6 ft
Weight: 200 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Shinobi/Daemon/Angel/Wolf
Age: 28 (Actual age unknown)
Place of Birth: Konohagakure
Eye Color: right eye is black but the cornea turns red with black marks when sharingan is active. Left eye is completely purple with black marks
Hair Color: White
Figure: average and fairly fit
Universe of Origin: Naruto
Occupation: Konoha Jounin/ Sin of Wrath / Prince of Konoha / Wandering Shinobi / Ex- Commandment Of love/ Counter Guardian
Rank / Skill Level: S-rank shinobi
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Status: Approved
Setting: Cross Setting

calm, quiet,aggressive (only in combat), vocal in combat, protective of his family, friends, and loved ones,practically emotionless, talks only when he feels it serves a purpose (most times), learning to be more friendly

Special Skills

  • heighten speed
  • heighten hearing
  • heighten sight
  • heighten strength
  • movement tracking
  • able to see in the dark

Special Abilities

Kaito “Red lightning” Senju Power list

Curses and miracles placed on kaito

  • (Curse)Cursed Seal of the Heavens (placed upon his right shoulder)
  • (Curse)Sins of the creator (Blue lines placed upon the right side of his body)
  • (Curse)Curse of the sins (Red lines placed upon his neck)
  • The Stardust warrior (Curse & Miracle placed upon his arms)
    • Left arm: Freedom of the Future (Miracle)- Grants Heighten precognition and increases chakra flow and strength (Blue and white in color)
    • Right arm: Chains of the Past (Curse)- Grants minor eternal youth and reinforces the body with the side effect of hearing the whispers of Anadresh and seeing her echo. (Black and red in color)
  • The Counter Guardians Marks (Miracles & Curses placed upon his chest and back)
    • Right Pec: Peace (Miracle)- Grants Reinforcement of the users weapons (Red in color)
    • Left Pec: Chaos (Curse)- Grants enhanced vision with the cost of straining the body (Blue in color)
    • Right side Upper back: Kanshou (Curse)- Grants a temporary resist to pain but lowers his healing factor (Black in color)
    • Left side upper back: Bakuya (Miracle)- Grants Clairvoyance (White in color)


  • Daemonic energy form (Black and orange aura) Offensive
  • Daemonic form Tier one (slightly longer white hair, fangs, red eyes, one red mark on his face) offensive
  • Daemonic form Tier two (longer white hair, claws, fangs, glowing black and red eyes, two red marks on his face) offensive
  • True Daemon form (Red hair, claws, fangs, pitch black eyes with orange pupils, three red marks on his face, increased speed) offensive
  • Berserker True Daemon form Uncontrolled (tail, claws, dragon like aspect, red marks under eyes, black marks on stomach, dark blue hair, white and black aura, emits a constant strong heat) pure offensive
  • Angelic energy form (Sky blue aura) defensive
  • Angelic base form/ Angelic Commandment (blue hair, angel wings, blue glowing eyes) defensive
  • Daemonic/Angelic base Fused energy form (rose Pink, dark pink and red aura) offensive/defensive
  • Cursed Seal base form (black marks covering left side of the body, one black eye with yellow pupil) offensive/ defensive
  • Cursed Seal Level two form (long grey hair, black X mark across his nose, claw hand wings, light brownish skin color) offensive/ defensive
  • True Daemon Cursed sage mode (red and grey hair, green and red marks across his face, claw hand wings, black and orange sage eyes) offensive
  • Daemon sage (black and red Sage eyes, long Red marks on his face, red hair) offensive
  • Angel Sage (white and blue sage eyes, Short blue marks under eyes, light blue hair) defensive
  • Sage mode (Sage eyes, long green marks under eyes) offensive/ defensive
  • Sins of the Creator Sign (Black hair, silver aura, silver eyes, emits a weak heat) defensive/offensive
  • Sins of the Creator Mastered (Silver hair, silver blue aura, silver eyes,black mark over right eye, emits heat) offensive
  • Angelic fusion: Kamakoto (Requires: Makoto. Grey hair, mixed armor and features of kaito and Makoto, blue orange aura) Defensive
  • Daemonic fusion: Maito ( Requires: Makoto. Black and white hair, mixed armor and features of kaito and Makoto, Blue and red eyes, black and blue aura) offensive
  • Temporary Chimera technique fusion: Kei (Requires Eito. pale skin, grayish whitish hair, pitch black eyes, black horns with blue energy, black mask,light black armor with blue accents, chains on arms, claws) offensive
  • Temporary Chimera technique fusion: Kei unlimited power (Requires Eito. pale skin, greenish-yellow hair color, pure white eyes, black horns, greenish-yellow energy, black mask,light black armor with greenish-yellow accents, chains on arms, claws) offensive
  • Temporary Specter technique fusion: Eru (Requires kaito. Grayish whitish hair, sky blue eyes, blue energy, black mask the covers the eyes and right side of the face, bluish grey long coat)
  • temporary specter technique fusion: Eru power of the Gods (Requires kaito. purple hair, dark purple eyes, blue and purple energy, black mask the covers the eyes and right side of the face, bluish grey long coat)
  • Shinigami Form (Full black eyes with yellow cornea, shinigami face mask,longer white hair,black kimono with white cloak, light blue almost see through flames follow him, see though blue aura, black marks covering his left arm, red bead necklace wrapped around left arm) all-a-around
  • Full controlled Berserker form (full black eyes, Snow white hair, black mark over nose,smaller tail, black armor dragon like armor with red marks on it) Offensive
  • Daemon Sin Lord ( Sky blue eyes, black horns, snow white hair, grey cape, sliver dragon like armor with blue highlights) Offensive and defensive
  • Trusted Disciple of The Creator defensive/strategic

Weapons and equipment

The arsenal of weapons and equipment carried by Kaito

  • Grass cutter blade
  • Two handed katana
  • Tanto blade
  • 15 flying Raijin kunai
  • Gunbai
  • Kama
  • 20 standard issue kunai
  • 10 explosive tag kunai
  • 10 explosive tags
  • demon wind shuriken
  • 2 Chakra blades
  • 10 smoke bombs
  • 15 shurikens
  • Two small weapon scrolls
  • One large weapon scroll
  • One large Chakra clone scroll
  • Four mini element scrolls
  • Sacred treasures katanas
  • Daemon sacred treasure lostvayne
  • 5 foot long angelic sword (only obtainable in Angelic form)
  • Berserker scythe (only obtainable in Berserker form)
  • Berserker 6 foot buster sword (only obtainable in Berserker form)
  • Berserker spear (only obtainable in Berserker form)
  • Angel Spear (Only obtainable in Angelic Form)
  • Shinigami sealing Sword (only obtainable in Shinigami form)
  • Rai Sword (Kaitos snake summon: rai’s sword form)
  • Fusion great sword: Invictus Densetsu (only usable with Kei/Eru)


Born in konohagakure as the grandson of the Second Hokage, Tobirama Senju. A lot was expected of Kaito, which he was aware of and did his best to live up to those exceptions. Like the other children of konoha Kaito of course took part in The chunin exams of the village. While training for the chunin exams, Kaito met a young Uchiha boy named Eito Uchiha.The two at first were rivals who constantly fought and bickered due to their Clans long bloody past but soon the two become good friends. Years passed as both boys were promoted to Chunin and place on team 23 with a young medical-nin named Airi and a jounin master named Orga, who they got along with immediately.The boys even developed feelings for the young medical-nin which like always caused issues between them but Since the team got along so well that they were sent on many high ranking S and A class missions together, until one fateful day when Eito began to grow a strong hate for Konohagakure and everything it stood for, after witnessing the brutal tactics displayed by Konohas ANBU and Elite jounin forces. With that hate Eito decided to leave the village without warning. Years since Eito disappeared until he finally showed up only to initiate his attack on the village. After hearing of Eito’s attack both Kaito and Airi arrived and tried to talk down Eito without having to kill him, sadly Eito would not listen and attempt to attack and kill Kaito but his attack was blocked by Airi who decided to take the blow for Kaito, causing Eito to loose focus. Now fueled with rage Kaito took his chance to strike, with one quick strike from his lightning cutter,Kaito fatally wounded Eito but that did not immediately kill Eito, the two fought for another ten hours before Eito finally succumbed to his wounds. Before Eito died he Apologized for all the wrong he caused Kaito and the village and as a way to atone for his sins,Eito gave Kaito his eyes granting him the power of the Uchiha clan the Sharingan and told him ”Consider this an apology gift for all I've done wrong” and with that Kaito ended Eito’s life. After that fateful day on Kaito became cold and shunned most other shinobi. He soon decided to become a lone wolf with the ANBU. kaito served in the ANBU for three years before he returning to his normal duties as a Jounin. Few months after kaitos retirement from the ANBU he was exiled by the village elders for his part in the slaying of missing nin Eito and the theft of his eyes, Kaito did not care and left the village without a word. During his exile he opted to use most of his time to train and work on new Jutsus along with trying to evolve his new sharingan. Which he did accomplish though not a lot is know about how he did it, but stories do say he slaughtered the brother of Eito and stole his eyes for his own. Kaito now poses the most powerful form of the sharingan the Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan which gained him the nickname of “The Senju with the Sharingan”. Years after his exile kaito awoke his rinne sharingan after slaughtering a hunting force of 200 which was sent after him, during the battle he was gravely wounded and near death but within his body his sharingan infused some of Eitos chakra into him forcing the awakening of the Rinne sharingan.