Jason Rider

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 18:35, 17 October 2018 by Red (talk | contribs)
Jason Rider
Jason “E-88-43-G/ Gilgamesh/Gil” Rider/Uchiha
Played by: @Red the 15th #2304
Height: 5'9
Weight: 150 lbs
Gender: male
Race: Human
Age: 16
Eye Color: black
Hair Color: Black
Universe of Origin: Angelic sins/ Partly Fate series
Organization: Wanderer
Rank / Skill Level: 2C

Angry, depressed, fearful, scared, cold, aloof, shy, reclusive, dead inside, broken

Special Skills

  • moderate firearm training
  • Moderate CQC training

Special Abilities

  • Gate of Babylon: an ability copied from a so called heroic spirit known as Gilgamesh. jason is able to open portals that fire out a variety of bladed weapons at his enemies
  • Weapon summoning: Jason has an ability to summon 20 swords for him to use


Jason was orphaned at birth and taken in by a scientific organization known only as “TBP”, they attempted to raise Jason like a normal child to the best of their abilities, sending him to school, letting him play sports and all the things kids loved to do and always pushed him to do his best and take part in everything. However Jason developed a weird disease/fear. the loss of body, throughout his life Jason had always managed to hurt himself playing sports or always push past what he knew his body was capable of just to please his adopted family. He feared what would happen if anything bad were to come to his body, a loss of a limb or being crippled in anyway. Jason eventually took this problem to his family which he thought would help but it only made it worse, his family decided to experiment on Jason exploring that fear and taking one of Jason’s arms and attempting to replace it with a robotic one, they failed however ending up screwing Jason’s body over, cutting his nervous system and stopping his movement, they also implanted a power they had been working on, a power they had studied for ages, that of a heroic spirit know as Gilgamesh which would later become his experiment name. After waking up from the countless experiments and learning of the loss of his arm and the use of his body, he snapped Jason’s mind shattered and broke, his worst fear had become reality and he couldn’t do anything about it. He went practically insane, he screamed endlessly and cried everyday until his family eventually figured out a way to repair his nervous system and grant him movement again, once he could move again Jason murdered everyone in the facility including his adopted family with the power they gave him. Jason then broke free and ran off never wanting to look back never wanting to feel anything anymore.