Sunn | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
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Sunn “Duskwalker” | ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
As of his current age, Sunn is a man of little to no joy. Not to say he is often looking in a negative light, he is actually often optimistic of a given situation, at least towards himself and his benefit. No, with little joy in his life he possesses this negative trait by simply not smiling at most things. He simply has no motivation to smile at anything, he’ll just talk positively about it and smile within his mind. However, while this is the case with most things, there are two specific things that make him smile and bring him physical glee and happiness to watch. Both animals being well taken care of and happy families are the only two sights which make him happy to see, thanks to his past. However, while Sunn is optimistic about most things, even a terrible situation for him, he is also very prone to become extremely angry at highly varying degrees depending on what happens. From a sight he wish he would never see becoming a reality to simply reminding him of a dark point in his life are enough for Sunn to go into a near blood-filed rage, with few and far between times where he can hold back his anger This is especially the case when it comes to the Klu Klux Klan, for those were the people who caused Sunn to be like this in the first place. He hates the Klu Klux Klan more than anything in the world, and whenever he sees members of the group of misfits, he he always has to hold himself back from killing them in a drowning rage.
Special Skills
Home Economics
From cleaning a house to gardening to animal caretaking, Sunn has been self-trained to keep his house as well-organized and clean as possible for many years of living alone, constantly keeping everything he can in check in his house
- Culinary Expertise: From learning to cook since a teenager, Sunn has become an expert at cooking. Even if he has little resources he is still able to make at the very least somewhat of a good meal. Despite this impressive skill he possesses, he only keeps it to himself and anyone that is close to him in life, and often asks any friends of his to keep his cooking from spreading to make him popular. Because to Sunn, cooking is just a hobby of his he loves to do, and would rather not have it come to where it becomes a stressful job, robbed of the pure joy it brings him when he does it on his own time.
- Botany: Another trait Sunn does as a hobby that he has become an expert at, and as a form of escapism as an added bonus. Like his cooking, Sunn has studied a wide variety of plants to grow, gardening techniques, and flora caretaking. He even has his whole backyard as his own garden, with the only exception of the area being a shed and pavement. However, unlike hgis cooking, Sunn doesn’t mind showing this off to others if he gets the chance to, and would prefer if he could grow and take care of plants for a living over nearly any other job he can think of.
- Animal Caretaking: Despite him not owning any pets beyond a Leopard Gecko and 2 snakes (Carpet Python and California Kingsnake), Sunn knows how to take care of nearly every animal that isn’t exotic to the U.S. Sunn had pledged many, many hours of his life to helping animal shelters in his area, as well as donating any spare money he has that isn’t towards his bills and food to any and all people(s) that are in need of money for their shelters. This is the one thing Sunn will openly say he does with pride in his voice.
Trained Reflexes
From dealing with the wrong type of people for a while in his life, Sunn has been forced to make sure he can put up his own in a fight. Though, doing so isn’t through being strong in a fight, but rather quick. His last recorded reaction times are 0.17 seconds on a sight stimulus, 0.15 seconds on an audio stimulus, and 0.12 seconds on a touch stimulus. Sunn’s technique in fights is to tire an opponent out from being able to fight as well as they were able to in the beginning. Sunn is light, and as such can only damage someone as effective as a brutish fighting style would, normally, by attacking sensitive/weak points. Specifically, Sunn prefers to do this when his opponent is tired out, as that is his best bet to ending a fight quickly when it arises as a situation.
Special Abilities
- Cubic Makeup: Ever since a lab experiment that changed his life forever, Sunn’s body is made entirely up of cubes. Normally, Sunn appears like an average, fleshy human, as the cubes that make up his body don’t take on a special appearance under normal circumstances. In fact, his body’s cubic makeup doesn’t do anything special to him under normal circumstances, his organs are still like anyone else’s organs and his body still functions the same as any normal persons’ would. However, when Sunn’s body is exposed to pressure than can negatively harm his body, the cubes that make up his body will take on their own appearance and physical makeup of thick plastic and disperse from Sunn’s body accordingly to the pressure applied to him, and no more of his body. This doesn’t apply pain to Sunn, as this is Sunn’s body’s animalistic side breaking himself up as a defense mechanism, making it so he has no sense of touch to his body in the cubes which disperse from him. These cubed can be as big as handheld cubes or as small as being microscopic, and as such, cannot be crushed or compressed to destruction. Any and all cubes dispersed from Sunn’s body cannot be destroyed by physical means
Any and all physical attacks applied to Sunn will cause him to disperse into these plastic cubes. But, while he is dispersed, this doesn’t exactly mean his body can’t function properly if vital organs are hit. If, say, his heart were to be shot or stabbed, his heart will still function properly if it is only partially hit, it will just cause his body to disperse into plastic cubes and his heart will work as if nothing happened. Even if Sunn were to have a leg cut off, he wouldn’t lose his balance, despite only having one leg. In fact, if Sunn were to have both of his legs amputated, he would simply float in the air as high as his legs’ height is. The reason this happens is because Sunn’s body doesn’t truly follow the laws of physics when his body is dispersed as cubes. His body can be thought up as a part of a non-existent exoskeleton that can phase through anything in the world except for the floor Sunn is standing on, allowing him to, as per mentioned, float in the air if both of his legs are amputated. The way Sunn has his body come back together is where his consciousness comes into play. At his will, Sunn can have any disperse cubes from his body fly back to him and attach back to his body accordingly like a magnet. His cubes can even go multiple directions, negating simple wall or blocking obstructions, but only if Sunn knows if his dispersed cubes are behind an obstruction. Sunn’s one weakness to this ability are chemical changes to his body. While physical harm to his body can never kill Sunn, or even hurt him, chemical harm to his body from something like fire can surely kill Sunn as easily as anyone else. Anything that can melt or change the atomic makeup of matter can cause Sunn to be damaged or killed. When his body’s normal, exposed to chemical changes won’t cause his body to disperse into cubes, as nothing will change. If a dispersed cube is exposed to chemical changes, it will be gone forever if fully destroyed and Sunn will feel the pain of it being destroyed, as well as his body having a missing ‘piece’ wherever the dispersed was before it was destroyed. Also, if a supernatural with above average telekinesis wishes to, they can prevent any of Sunn’s dispersed cubes from reattaching to his body through Sunn’s magnetic means, they just can’t break Sunn apart into his cubes in the first place, as they only form when Sunn has close-range pressure applied to him