Illya Ulyssa

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 01:18, 25 June 2018 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Illya Ulyssa
Illya Ulyssa
Played by: Caustic Wrath#3615
Height: 5' 3"
Weight: 119lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Human-Hybrid
Age: 20
Date of Birth: Feb 9th
Place of Birth: Weyland Colony Station
Eye Color: Pale Blue
Hair Color: Multi-toned, will shift between light blue to purple depending on emotions
Figure: Petite
Universe of Origin: Blazing Umbra
Occupation: Pilot
Rank / Skill Level: Lieutenant/Experienced
Status: Abandoned
Purple hair

Generally calm and approachable. Unsure of herself in nearly every aspect except her ability to fly. Proud of her acceptance into Starfleet, has and will do anything to remain because it is the only place that would let her fly the way she wants.

Special Skills

Ability to fly most models of starships regardless of design or origin of production. Can learn and adapt flying an unfamiliar ship within minutes. Can master flight system controls in hours.

Special Abilities

Moderate precognition, widely assumed to be where most of her ability as a pilot stems from. Limited Technokenisis, she Can Not control machines or technology with her mind or will but she can understand how it functions on a level that is normally reserved for those that created it by only spending time using said technology.


Born of loving parents that were not widely loved for being together by all. Her father was a human. A simple man that came from a simple enough life. Himself born on what was then a colony ship of a coalition of races bound for some new world. The ship never reached a destination, able to sustain itself on it's own systems when it went adrift in space it was later placed near enough an asteroid belt that could be mined for what couldn't be produced. Eventually the ship became a station. Illya's mother was of a race of aliens that came later to the station after finding it, having used the same asteroids they struck a coalition with the station's residents to share in technology and culture. There were some, not all but enough that looked down on station residents that became romantically involved with these aliens. When Illya's parents died she left the station without a thought. Her ability behind a ships controls paved her way across the stars until she gained the notice of Starfleet who recruited and further trained her.