Nicole Pinteous

From Solas Tempus DB

Nicole Pinteous
Nicole Pinteous
Played by: User:Thatotakugalaxy
Height: 5'6"
Weight: 124Lb
Gender: Female
Race: Shadow Knight/Human
Age: 27
Date of Birth: 1238
Place of Birth: Berserial Village
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Bleached White
Figure: Toned, Long Legs
Universe of Origin: Paid in Retaliation
Occupation: Shadow Knight Commander/Higherup
Rank / Skill Level: Professional/Commander

"You can run from your past all you want, but it will always follow you. Forever and ever and ever and ever." - Nicole.

Although Respectful, and kind, Nicole hides what she did in her previous time, which to many, sets off a suspicious alarm in their head. When trying to convince people, or get them to do something, she uses much more attitude and cold word’s. She believes that shadow knight’s who go to the overworld often are too connected to the overworld, and need to be cleansed by staying back in the underrealm.

Special Skills

Grade K-12 Knowledge Of



English/Language Art's



13 Years Worth Of Shadow Knight Training, This Includes

Hand To Hand Combat

Sword, And Hand Blade Training

Leadership Skills

Scythe Training, Main Subject of Training, other than Defense

Defensive maneuvering

Special Abilities


Shadow Knight's are able to transform into a slightly taller, Armored version of themselves. They carry two hand blades, Two smoke Bomb's, And weapon Of choice. Nicole Carries a Scythe with her, it attaches to her armor on the back, so She doesn't constantly have to carry it. This is her main weapon of choice.


Shadow Knight's Are not actually Immortal, But they Live slightly longer than normal humans. They have luck on their side, And by this, They are able to predict if something bad is going to happen. This does not mean that they cannot get injured, And they take injuries like normal human's. They get Sick, and operate like normal people.
