Template:Ship Stats

Template page
Revision as of 17:43, 27 November 2017 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Ship Stats
Ship Stats

{{character box
|mainbg= Templates background color.
|mainborder= Templates border color.
|titletext= Template title color.
|titlebg= Title/header bg color.
|titleborder= Title/header border color.
|imagebg= Image section background color.
|headertext= Set color of inner headers text.
|headerbg= Set color of inner headers background.
|line= Horizontal line(s) color.
|nicknumbg= Character Fullname and Player Name Background Color.
|esbg= Set color of even rows.
|osbg= Set color of odd rows.
  • Note: The color customization should be set using hexadecimal format ONLY! If you need help, talk with one of the Wiki editors.