
From Solas Tempus DB
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Ships and resources committed; USS Rising Sun (Lost), USS Reed (Recovered), of 400 personnel 224 survived making the operation as one of the most costly in the history of Solas Tempus.


The wave originated from London, England, Earth in the year 2048 during Earth's 3rd World War. Specific date of March 22nd, 2048.


Temporal wave was detected by the USS Rising Sun on April 2nd, 2368 at 0348 hours. This was a high level wave causing temporal shielding to intially buckle. Enough interference was generated along the time line to make pinpointing the epicenter difficult for the first 4 hours.

Because of difficulty in pinpointing required information to a targetted incursion the USS Rising Sun contacted the USS Reed for assitance at 0822 hours that same day. Collaboration between Admiral Lance Thomas on the USS Rising Sun and Captain Alice Ellery of the USS Reed lead to the conclusion that a joint effort was required to resolve a distrubance large eough to create a wave of the size detected.

At 1612 hours the USS Rising Sun and the USS Reed utalized the T.D.E. to jump approximately 1 lightyear away from Earth on March 3rd, 2048 perpendicular to the solar system elliptical plane to avoid detection.

Integrity warning, data inconsistencies detected, unable to retrieve data from file.

At 2341 hours the USS Reed declared an emergency and attempted further communication with the USS Rising Sun without sucess. The USS Rising Sun was heavily damaged and her two shuttle craft had already been deployed with as many crew as could be contained. The USS Reed was able to retreive the two craft. The USS Rising Sun was found drifting with massive hull damage and venting atmosphere at approximately 0015 on March 23rd, 2048. Of the detected 125 remaining crew, 47 were beamed away, including her Captain; Admiral Thomas on the orders of Captain Ellery against the previous orders of Admiral Thomas.

Sensors detected that the warp core of the USS Rising Sun was nearly in full breech and that the containment field would soon fail. A second attempt to beam her crew back was attempted resulting in anoter 15 crew being recovered before the ship was lost will all remaining hands. The survivors were heavily wounded and unable to be questioned immidiately, per Dr. Reigha's orders.

At 0034 the USS Reed was engaged by an unknown hostile force taking heavy damage to the ships power systems and weapons. By 0041 the USS Reed was unable to return fire and was in full retreat seeking a place to hide from attack long enough to jump back to its time of origin. At 0201 the USS Reed was able to elude persuit long enough to utilize T.D.E. to return to its point of departure. Although the USS Rising Sun and most of her crew were lost, the mission objectives were completed and the remaining temporal deviation was well within acceptable limits.


Admiral Lance Thomas gave a commendation to Captain Alice Ellery following the mission in addition to a full promotion to the crew of the USS Rising Sun, except himself, including the survivors.

The USS Reed suffered heavy damage to its power systems, outer and inner hull, as well as its internal space frame. The Engineers determined that her space frame was too badly damaged for effective repair.