Kingdom of Neskar

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The Kingdom of Neskar is situated in the south-east region of Elder Soteria, characterized by its lush and humid environment. Governed by an absolute monarchy, the kingdom has a Council of Trade that plays a significant role in its economy, which is primarily agricultural. The culture is deeply rooted in the importance of money, social status, and family connections.

Important Locations

  • Hawe Tower: The capital of the kingdom, located between the Bonourd and Sadir Deserts.
  • Duskmoor Fen: A region of rich grasslands bordered by the Hata Jungle.
  • Bonourd Desert: A significant desert through which the Pandy River runs.
  • Sadir Desert: Another major desert located to the east of the kingdom.

Culture and Society

The society in Neskar places a high value on money and social status. Family connections are crucial for success, and the family structure is strongly matriarchal within the home.


  • Importance of Money: Money is the ultimate show of wealth and social currency.
  • Social Status: Owning a successful business is considered a symbol of power.
  • Family Connections: Essential for individual success and social mobility.

Love and Courtship

Love is often secondary to the business aspects of marriage. Marriages are arranged to bind families together and are usually planned for years.


Families are generational, with 2-3 generations living together in the same home. The eldest woman in the family makes decisions related to the home, while the eldest male controls external aspects like business.


The economic system of the Kingdom of Neskar is administered by the Council of Trade, which maintains a stringent oversight over economic policies, trade relations, and currency regulation. The kingdom's currency is straightforward, consisting of Gold, Silver, and Copper coins, with Platinum also being accepted but relatively rare. Currency value is determined by weight, and Gold serves as the central trading metal against which the value of all other trade goods and currencies are measured. This weight-based system provides a stable and universally understood method for conducting transactions, both within the kingdom and in trade with other realms. The Council of Trade's tight control over these economic matters ensures that the currency remains stable and that trade policies align with the broader governance goals set forth by the King and Queen.

Trade Dynamics

Trade dynamics within the Kingdom of Neskar and with its neighboring nations are shaped by a complex interplay of economic, judicial, and cultural factors. Internally, the Council of Trade maintains stringent oversight, ensuring stability and reliability in economic matters. This has earned Neskar a reputation among neighboring nations as a dependable trading partner. However, the kingdom's judicial rigor and quick decision-making tendencies can make foreign merchants uneasy, as they may feel rushed or pressured during trade negotiations. Despite this, Neskar's weight-based currency system, centered around Gold, provides a universally understood method for conducting transactions, both domestically and internationally. Externally, Neskar approaches other nations with a blend of skepticism towards philosophical differences and defensive caution, born out of its complex religious beliefs and a history marred by conflict.


  • Tobacco
  • Sugar Cane
  • Cotton
  • Bamboo
  • Rice


  • Iron
  • Nickel
  • Copper
  • Hard Woods (Oak, Maple, Cherry, and Cedar)


The Kingdom of Neskar is governed by an absolute monarchy, with the King and Queen holding ultimate authority over all facets of the realm. To manage the complexities of governance, they appoint specialized councils, namely the Council of Trade and the Council of Law. The Council of Trade, beyond its primary responsibilities of overseeing merchants, trade policies, tariffs, and currency, also serves as civil jurists, adjudicating non-criminal legal matters such as contract disputes and property rights. The Council of Law, on the other hand, acts as both judges and jury for criminal cases, often delegating authority to representatives from the Constables Guild for the enforcement and interpretation of laws. These councils serve to administer the policies and orders set forth by the monarchs, ensuring that their will is effectively carried out across various sectors, from economics to civil and criminal justice.

Council of Trade

The Council of Trade in the Kingdom of Neskar has a multifaceted role that extends beyond the realm of economics. While they are primarily responsible for governing merchants, overseeing trade policies, setting tariffs, and regulating currency, they also serve as civil jurists in matters of civil disputes. In this capacity, they act as judges and enforcement authorities for non-criminal legal issues such as contract disputes, property rights, and other civil matters.

When a civil dispute arises, the involved parties are brought before a member of the Council of Trade or a designated representative. The council member or representative then interprets the relevant laws and regulations, adjudicates the matter, and administers any necessary penalties or resolutions. These decisions are final and subject to the approval of the King and Queen, ensuring that civil matters are resolved in a manner consistent with the kingdom's governance structure.

Council of Law

The Council of Law in the Kingdom of Neskar serves a dual role as both judges and jury in legal matters. When an individual is accused of breaking the law, they are brought before either a member of the Council of Law or a designated representative. More often than not, this representative is a member of the Constables Guild, who has been specifically trained and authorized to act on behalf of the Council in legal proceedings.

This arrangement allows for a streamlined judicial process, as the Council of Law has the authority to interpret laws, pass judgments, and administer sentences. Their decisions are final and subject to the approval of the King and Queen, ensuring that the legal framework remains consistent with the overarching governance structure of the kingdom.

Constables Guild

Enforcement of the laws is carried out by the Constables Guild, which operates under the administration of the Council of Law. The Constables Guild is responsible for maintaining public order, investigating crimes, and executing the judgments passed down by the Council of Law. They serve as the local law enforcement throughout the kingdom, ensuring that the laws are upheld and justice is served.

Religious and Spiritual Beliefs

The religious and spiritual beliefs of the people of Neskar are deeply rooted in the teachings of the Old Gods, particularly the trinity of Myta, Udona, and Kyntris. These beliefs serve as the bedrock of the kingdom's cultural and moral fabric, guiding everything from laws and traditions to personal conduct and communal relationships. Following the devastating War of the False Prophets, these religious principles played a crucial role in the kingdom's recovery and rebuilding efforts. The teachings were reimagined to emphasize the importance of peace, balance, and harmony as the 'right' path, aligning with the kingdom's deeply held values of embracing life's cycles and acting decisively to shape one's destiny. This spiritual renaissance has been instrumental in guiding Neskar into a new era, one built on the principles of peace and mutual respect, and it continues to serve as the moral compass for the kingdom, a thousand years after the Peace of Ages.

Religious Values

In the Kingdom of Neskar, religious values are intricately woven into the fabric of society, deeply influenced by the teachings of the Old Gods, especially the trinity of Myta, Udona, and Kyntris. These values serve as more than mere religious doctrines; they are the guiding principles that shape the kingdom's laws, traditions, and even its diplomatic and military strategies. Revered as the pillars that uphold their society, these values encourage the people of Neskar to live in a manner that honors their deities. The teachings emphasize the importance of the cycle of life and death, the spectrum of human emotions, the pursuit of knowledge, and the principles of balance and harmony. Additionally, they advocate for swift and decisive action, allowing individuals to shape their own destinies before the Fates can intervene, thereby intertwining a sense of fatalism with free will and determination.

Cycle of Life and Death
Myta, the Goddess of Decay, teaches the importance of the cycle of life and death. She presides over growth and atrophy, ensuring that new life can spring from old. To honor her is to accept the inevitability of death and to act decisively in life, so as to shape one's own destiny within the natural cycle.
Emotional Freedom
Udona, the Goddess of Music, represents hope and despair. She brings color and feeling to the world, allowing mortals to experience love, hate, fear, and bravery. To honor her is to embrace one's feelings and to express them through song and dance, casting aside doubt and hesitation.
Pursuit of Knowledge
Kyntris, the Goddess of Knowledge, embodies the principles of light and dark. She believes that knowledge must be earned and is not freely given. To honor her is to seek wisdom and understanding through diligent study and contemplation, acting quickly to acquire knowledge before fate intervenes.
Balance and Harmony
The teachings of the Old Gods emphasize the importance of balance and harmony in all things. This is evident in the relationship between each God and their counterpart Goddess, who exist to balance each other out. To honor this principle is to act in a manner that maintains equilibrium, making choices that align with the natural order.
Free Will and Determination
The Fates, children of Onos and Myta, represent the forces that shape the lives of mortals. While they argue for self-determination and free will, the people of Neskar believe in acting swiftly, decisively, and with bravery so that the Fates have less time to intervene in their lives.

Important Holidays

In the Kingdom of Neskar, holidays are more than mere occasions for festivity; they are deeply meaningful events that serve as communal touchstones, reminding the populace of the guiding principles that shape their lives. Each holiday is accompanied by its own set of rituals, traditions, and activities, intricately designed to reinforce the kingdom's core values. The atmosphere during these holidays is a unique blend of solemnity and joy, as people come together to celebrate, reflect, and renew their commitment to the beliefs that bind them as a community. Whether it's the vibrant Dance of the Whispering Flames or the introspective Sealing of the Fated Scrolls, each holiday offers a different facet of the kingdom's rich spiritual tapestry. The people of Neskar hold these holidays in high regard, seeing them as essential components of their cultural and spiritual identity.

Festival of the Harvest's End
Celebrated at the close of the harvest season, this festival marks the acceptance of the natural cycle of growth and decay. It serves as a communal gathering to prepare for the winter months, emphasizing the importance of embracing both life's joys and its inevitable endings.
Day of Emotional Resonance
Occurring in the heart of spring, this holiday is a vibrant celebration filled with music, dance, and emotional expression. It serves as a reminder to cast aside doubts and hesitations, embracing the full spectrum of human emotions from joy to sorrow.
Day of Scholarly Pursuits
Celebrated at the onset of the academic year, this day is dedicated to the quest for wisdom and understanding. It encourages scholarly debates, lectures, and the sharing of knowledge, emphasizing the importance of acting swiftly in one's intellectual endeavors.
Equinox of Equilibrium
Coinciding with the spring and autumn equinoxes, these holidays honor the principle of balance and harmony. They encourage activities that promote equilibrium in personal and communal life, emphasizing the importance of making choices that align with the natural order.
Day of Destiny
Celebrated annually, this holiday focuses on the teachings regarding free will and determination. It is a day for making significant decisions and commitments, acting decisively to shape one's destiny before external forces can intervene.

Important Rituals

In the Kingdom of Neskar, rituals serve as both spiritual practices and communal gatherings, deeply ingrained in the fabric of society. Each ritual is a carefully orchestrated event, imbued with a sense of solemnity and reverence, yet also tinged with an undercurrent of joy and communal spirit. The Feast of the Waning Moon, for example, is a time of communal feasting, where the atmosphere is one of both celebration and quiet reflection, honoring the natural cycle of life and death. The Dance of the Whispering Flames is a vibrant affair, filled with music and dance, yet also serves as a poignant moment for individuals to confront and release their emotional burdens. Similarly, the Conclave of the Unveiled Mysteries is an intellectual feast, where scholarly debates are conducted with a sense of urgency, emphasizing the importance of swift action in the pursuit of knowledge. The Rite of the Balanced Scales and the Sealing of the Fated Scrolls are more introspective affairs, focusing on personal and communal balance, as well as the shaping of one's destiny. Overall, these rituals serve to reinforce the kingdom's deeply held religious values, creating a sense of unity and shared purpose among the people of Neskar.

Feast of the Waning Moon
A communal feast where each family brings a dish made from the last harvest. A portion of the food is left out overnight as an offering to the natural cycle, emphasizing the importance of embracing both life's joys and its inevitable endings.
Dance of the Whispering Flames
A public gathering featuring music and dance, where participants write down their fears and hopes on pieces of parchment and burn them in a communal pyre. This ritual serves as a reminder to cast aside doubts and hesitations, embracing the full spectrum of human emotions from joy to sorrow.
Conclave of the Unveiled Mysteries
A public debate or lecture is held, and participants are encouraged to bring a written question or topic they wish to learn about. These are placed in an ornate bowl, and individuals draw questions to research and discuss, emphasizing the importance of acting swiftly in one's intellectual endeavors.
Rite of the Balanced Scales
Families attempt to balance an egg on its end, symbolizing equilibrium between light and dark. Success is believed to bring balance and harmony to the household for the coming season, emphasizing the importance of making choices that align with the natural order.
Sealing of the Fated Scrolls
Individuals write down a significant decision or commitment they plan to make in the coming year and seal it in an ornate envelope. These are opened the following year to see how many were able to shape their own destinies before external forces could intervene, in line with the teachings regarding free will and determination.


In the beginning, the expanse that would become the Kingdom of Neskar was but a barren void, a lifeless canvas in a world devoid of essence. Then came Myta, the goddess of growth and atrophy, her touch a divine spark that ignited the first hints of life. Close on her heels were Udona, the goddess of hope and despair, and Kyntris, the goddess of knowledge. As their celestial fingers graced the land, a miraculous transformation occurred. Myta's touch sprouted the first blades of grass and coaxed rivers into flowing courses. Udona's influence filled the air with the colors of emotion, while Kyntris's wisdom wove the intricate patterns of natural laws. Together, they breathed life into the land, making it truly alive, a vibrant tapestry of ever-changing forms and feelings.

From this newly awakened ground, imbued with divine wisdom, emerged the first humans. They were formed from sentient clay, a unique blend of the earth's fertility and the wisdom that permeated it. These first beings rose to walk upright, taking their place among the beasts as masters of the land and life that thrived there. Gifted with the ability to feel deeply and think profoundly, they were destined to be the stewards of this divine creation.

The people of Neskar recognized the celestial touch in their very being and the world around them. They took Myta, Udona, and Kyntris as the holy trinity that represented the ultimate truths of their existence. Myta embodied the cycles of life and death, Udona encapsulated the spectrum of hope and despair and all emotions in between, and Kyntris symbolized the eternal quest for knowledge. This trinity became the cornerstone of their culture, philosophy, and spirituality, shaping them into a people of deep emotional richness and intellectual curiosity.

The War of the False Prophets

In the years that heralded the onset of the War of the False Prophets, the Kingdom of Neskar stood on the precipice of calamity. Beset by border tensions, skirmishes flared along its western frontier with the Kingdom of Adren, particularly near the Citadel of Zeiram the Lich. To the west, the looming shadow of the Oflar Empire cast its pall, escalating military tensions. These conflicts choked the lifeblood of trade, leading to scarcity and economic hardship. The kingdom, already a tinderbox of social and political unrest, found itself further strained, setting the stage for a period of profound internal discord.

As the kingdom grappled with its manifold challenges, the New Prophets emerged, weaving their tapestry of renewal and transformation. Their teachings found fertile ground in a society burdened by hardship, and the nobility were especially captivated. Each noble house, interpreting the Prophets' teachings through their own lens, engaged in a power struggle, seeking to manifest their unique visions into reality. This ideological fervor was not confined to the corridors of power; it spilled into the public square, leading to intellectual schisms that fractured the kingdom's social fabric.

Then came the war itself, a cataclysm that would forever scar the annals of history. Neskar, already frayed by internal and external strife, found itself engulfed in the maelstrom. Governments crumbled, alliances shattered, and the realm descended into lawlessness. Among the most grievous of losses was the withdrawal of Adrianna Hyde, a sorceress of unparalleled skill. Branded a traitor for her refusal to partake in the conflict, her absence dealt a crippling blow to the kingdom's morale and magical defenses. By the war's end, Neskar lay in ruins. Its government had all but disintegrated, leaving the kingdom to grapple with the monumental task of rebuilding from the ashes of a shattered society.

Aftermath of the War

In the aftermath of the War of the False Prophets, the Kingdom of Neskar lay in ruins, its populace devastated. Hunger, poverty, and anger pervaded the land. The government had virtually disintegrated, and most of the nobility were either dead or utterly defeated. Amidst this chaos, banditry surged, further exacerbating the suffering of the people. In response, the remaining soldiers took it upon themselves to protect the populace, transitioning from warriors to guardians of a shattered society.

It was in this dire context that Neskar found itself reluctantly coming to the table to negotiate the Peace of Ages. The kingdom was swayed by the desperate need for trade, which promised the much-needed revenue and supplies to alleviate the suffering of its people. Once committed, Neskar took a leading role in forming a coalition under the Rose Guard to combat the rise in banditry, thereby securing trade routes and restoring a semblance of law and order.

While the New Prophets had poisoned the well of philosophy, their initial teachings of peace and tolerance were not entirely lost. These ideas were reimagined and revitalized through a return to the three pillars of the old ways: Myta, Udona, and Kyntris. These goddesses represented the cycle of life, and their teachings provided a philosophical framework for the transition programs aimed at reintegrating soldiers into civilian life. The people of Neskar began to see their land as an embodiment of the cycle of life that these three goddesses stood for. This spiritual and philosophical renewal not only helped stabilize Neskar internally but also aligned it with the broader objectives of the Peace of Ages, contributing to the collective peace and prosperity envisioned by the treaty.

Modern Society

A millennium after the Peace of Ages, the Kingdom of Neskar has undergone a profound transformation. The once-devastated land has healed, its society rebuilt on the philosophical and spiritual foundations laid down by the teachings of Myta, Udona, and Kyntris. The kingdom has become a beacon of stability and prosperity, its economy buoyed by thriving trade routes that were secured in the wake of the treaty. The Souls Templar (formerly the Rose Guard) serves as an effective coalition against banditry. The kingdom itself is a key player in the Rose Council, contributing to peacekeeping and diplomatic efforts throughout the world. The transition programs for soldiers, rooted in the ancient teachings, have become a model for other nations, symbolizing a society that values both its warriors and its peace. While the government has been entirely restructured, the influence of the nobility remains, albeit in a more advisory role, their power struggles a distant memory. The people of Neskar, once poor, hungry, and angry, now enjoy a quality of life that stands as a testament to the resilience and ingenuity of a society that rose from the ashes to embody the cycle of life that their revered goddesses represent.