Ad Undas

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Revision as of 18:16, 24 May 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Commanding Officer
Admiral Lance Thomas
Executive Officer
Captain Robert Langley

Ad Undas is the cryptic codename assigned to an enigmatic United States Navy installation concealed beneath the bustling metropolis of Los Angeles, California, spanning from the mid-20th to the early 21st century. This clandestine base exists as an intensely classified facility, veiled in an impenetrable shroud of secrecy that surpasses conventional measures. It remains an enigma, safeguarded by multiple layers of obscurity, effectively isolating it from public knowledge and rendering it highly improbable for even the highest echelons of power, including the President and the Armed Services Committees of Congress, to possess any awareness of its very existence.


Research into the Supernatural, Paranormal, and Magical
Ad Undas Base is primarily dedicated to delving into the uncharted realms of the supernatural, paranormal, and magical aspects of the universe. It serves as a clandestine hub for cutting-edge research and exploration, where scientists and experts work tirelessly to unravel the mysteries and harness the extraordinary forces that lie beyond the realms of conventional understanding.
Secrecy and Concealment
One of the primary objectives of Ad Undas Base is to maintain an unparalleled level of secrecy. The base operates under strict protocols to ensure that its research, experiments, and the existence of its personnel remain hidden from public knowledge. The utmost efforts are made to safeguard the base's true nature, employing elaborate security measures and layers of confidentiality to preserve its covert operations.
Containment of Experimental Soldiers
Ad Undas Base serves as a last-chance facility for dangerous experimental soldiers who have been subjected to radical alterations, transforming them into formidable weapons. The base functions as a highly secure containment facility, housing and managing these individuals whose enhanced abilities make them unpredictable and potentially hazardous. Its primary objective is to prevent any threats posed by these soldiers from being unleashed upon the world while providing them with a controlled environment.
Housing and Utilizing Special Personnel
The underground facilities of Ad Undas Base accommodate a unique and diverse array of individuals possessing extraordinary abilities that defy conventional explanation or categorization. These special personnel, burdened by troubled records, rehabilitation attempts, or other unsuitability for traditional duty, find their place within the base. The primary objective is to harness and utilize their exceptional talents for the benefit of national security, while simultaneously providing them with an opportunity to find stability and purpose within the confines of the facility.
Ensuring Stability and Utilization
Ad Undas Base places a significant emphasis on ensuring the stability and usefulness of its personnel. The base operates as a testing ground for the special individuals, with the understanding that they must prove their worth and demonstrate their ability to function effectively within the confines of the facility. The objective is to provide them with a chance to contribute positively while warning of a mysterious and potentially ominous fate that awaits them should they fail to find their place within Ad Undas Base.

Layout & Units

Floor Range Unit Description
B1-B4 Administration These floors house the administrative offices, command center, and support facilities for the operation of the entire facility.
B5-B15 Alpha Unit These floors are dedicated to the Alpha unit, which focuses on individuals possessing extraordinary mental abilities. They conduct research and training related to psionic powers and their applications.
B16-B25 Beta Unit These floors accommodate the Beta unit, specializing in hybrids and shapeshifters. This group comprises individuals who possess the remarkable ability to assume the form or qualities of natural animals, including were-creatures and genetically modified individuals with animalistic traits.
B26-B45 Gamma Unit The Gamma unit occupies these floors and deals with abilities that defy the laws of physics, including the enigmatic energy referred to as "magic." They explore and study these unconventional phenomena, combining fringe science with occult research.
B46-B65 Delta Unit The Delta Unit specializes in harnessing energies from other planes of existence and manipulating the fabric of reality itself. Through their exploration of parallel dimensions and cosmic forces, they strive to unlock the immense potential of supernatural energies and understand how to channel them for various applications. Delving into the mysteries beyond conventional understanding, the Delta Unit pushes the boundaries of possibility, manipulating space, time, and the fundamental laws of existence to unravel the secrets of other realms and reshape our understanding of reality.
B66-B104 Epsilon Unit The Epsilon Unit is a specialized division within the facility that is dedicated to the rehabilitation, retraining, and comprehensive care of personnel with unique abilities who require physical and psychiatric support. These floors serve as a haven for individuals who have faced challenges, whether due to their supernatural gifts, past experiences, or personal circumstances.
B105-B115 Isolation Cells The lowermost floors are dedicated to isolation cells, housing the most dangerous and volatile subjects from various units, including Alpha, Beta, Delta, and Gamma. These individuals, deemed threats or exhibiting unpredictable behavior, are securely contained in isolated cells to prevent any potential harm or breach.

Construction and Protective Measures

The construction of the underground facility was a monumental undertaking that involved a unique blend of advanced engineering techniques and mystical practices. The structural integrity of the facility is reinforced by a complex network of reinforced concrete walls and steel supports, ensuring its stability and durability. However, what truly sets the construction apart are the intricate magical runes and spells woven into the very fabric of the facility.

Master spellcasters and enchanters were involved in the creation of the base, infusing the construction materials and key structural components with powerful protective enchantments. These magical safeguards serve multiple purposes, including shielding the facility from external threats, warding off unauthorized intrusions, and concealing its true nature from prying eyes. The magical runes and spells act as a barrier, cloaking the base's presence and repelling any attempts at magical detection or surveillance.

The enchantments placed upon the facility are carefully maintained and periodically reinforced by a team of skilled practitioners. These mystical safeguards are essential for ensuring the secrecy, security, and continued functioning of the base, as they provide an additional layer of defense against both physical and metaphysical threats.

Hidden Entrances throughout Los Angeles

To maintain the utmost secrecy and ensure covert access to the underground facility, a network of hidden entrances has been strategically established throughout the city of Los Angeles and its surrounding areas. These entrances are concealed within seemingly abandoned buildings, their ownership masked by shell companies meticulously created by the US Government.

Each hidden entrance is designed to be inconspicuous and blend seamlessly into the urban environment. These covert access points are accessed through cleverly disguised doorways, concealed passageways, or hidden panels that seamlessly integrate with the surrounding architecture. Some entrances require specific activation mechanisms, such as a sequence of gestures or the recitation of a specific incantation, known only to authorized personnel.

The locations of these hidden entrances are carefully selected to provide discreet access for personnel, ensuring minimal suspicion or attention from the general public. They are strategically dispersed across different neighborhoods, spanning various districts of the city, making it challenging for outsiders to identify any pattern or commonality.

In addition to the entrances within the city, the underground complex also connects with a small above-ground airfield and military base located several miles away from the outskirts of Los Angeles. This above-ground installation serves as a secondary point of entry and exit, acting as a cover for the covert activities happening beneath the surface. Two distinct tunnels capable of moving large equipment and supplies provide direct access between the above-ground base and the underground complex, while an auxiliary tunnel, spacious enough for personnel and similarly sized equipment, offers an alternative route for movement and deployment.

These hidden entrances and covert access points play a vital role in maintaining the secrecy and operational efficiency of the base, allowing personnel to enter and exit discreetly while preserving the illusion of the abandoned buildings above ground.