Gamma Hydrus Star System

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 19:04, 30 January 2023 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)
Type: M1 V Red Dwarf
Radius: 2.82 x 105 km (0.40 of Sol)
Mass: 6.17 x 1029 kg (0.31 of Sol)
Temperature: 2300 K
Luminosity: 5.92 x 1024 W (0.02 of Sol)
Ecosphere:From 0.134 to 0.196 AU
Location: Delta Nadacan Sector
2.4 ly from the Mazvis Star System
3.4 ly from the Alpha Talminiar Star System

This small red dwarf star has just 3 planets and a single asteroid belt. It is uninhabited though there is evidence of either ancient explorers who may have visited this system in the distant past.


Class: K
Distance: 2.24 x 107 (0.15 AU)
Period: 34.6 Days
Radius: 3,743.64 km (0.59 of Earth)
Gravity: 0.55 G

This adaptable world has a thing atmosphere that supports small microbes and fungi, though is too thin for most more complex life. The world has 24% surface water with 20% being ice. While the planet surface is barely capable of supporting life and has low gravity, a covert facility has been set up on the planet by the renegade Victoria Romana and her band of pirates. The facility has automated weapons systems, shields, and is obscured from sensors by the natural geology of the planet.

Asteroid Belt

A thin asteroid belt orbits at a mean distance of 3.28 x 107 km (0.22 AU) from the star. It is relatively thin with most asteroids composed of lead, silicon, copper, tungsten, and iron.


Class: J
Distance: 4.88 x 107 (0.33 AU)
Period: 121.7 Days
Radius: 74,311.16 km
Gravity: 3.79 G

This planet has a dense system of rings and 18 small asteroidal moons. It is rich in hydrogen, helium, and neon.


Class: I5
Distance: 1.39 x 108 km (0.93 AU)
Period: Unknown
Radius: 8,590.72 km
Gravity: 0.52 G

This small gas giant is composed mostly of small chain hydrocarbons, ice, and trace amounts of lithium and zinc at the surface.