Mark 1 Robotic Storage and Repair Chamber

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The RobOtIc STorage and rEpair chambeR (ROISTER) is designed to store and conduct repairs on standard robotic bodies. Developed originally for the XIA body (sized approximately 20cm) the chamber was later scaled up to be used for the Mark 1 Humanoid Android Body, generally speaking about 2 meters tall, though sizing will vary given the variation possible in the humanoid body types. Nicknamed the ROISTER Chamber (tough this is understood to be redundant, some call it a ROISTER System due to ROISTER Chamber being redundant), the chamber is standard equipment for XIA's as well as users of the Mark 1 Android Body.


The chamber is designed to primarily protect and store a robotic form while it is not in primary use. Given that an AI matrix can effectively leave a body without issue a secure storage facility for such a body was needed. The chamber provides both security as well as safety to a stored body.


Using grav-plating technology brought through one of the trans-dimensional gates to a parallel Earth. The plating provides a stable anti-gravity field within the chamber combined with micro-inertial dampeners allows the body within to maintain a stable position relative to the edge of the camber, suspended in air. The primary purpose of this system is to protect the body from harm, the chamber has its own dedicated internal power supply as a reserve in case external power fails.

The surface of the chamber cylinder is variable in translucency though is usually transparent. It is constructed from tritanium-carbon infused nano-polymer, it is rigid and offers a very high tensile strength against direct impacts while offering moderate energy absorption capacity. Though it is very strong it is not invulnerable.

Finally two force field systems exist with the chamber, an internal force field primarily used to absorb or redirect incoming energy. This is used either in the event the body is damaged and its power system is ruptured or to mitigate damage from external energy sources (particle weapons, plasma leaks, and high temperature fire). The second force field is a containment field protecting the unit similar to a static force field used in sealing hull breeches or confinement of prisoners. The purpose of this force field is to provide protection to the body from extreme external conditions; such as exposure to high pressure explosions, explosive decompression, or structural collapse.


To provided anti-tamper and anti-theft protection only the AI keyed to the specific body within or (if no AI is paired yet) the personnel with properly authenticated access can open the chamber and access the body inside. The chamber itself has a lock-down mode which can physically seal the chamber from external access should tampering occur.

Internal Release

To prevent the security features from being used against an AI using the body, the chamber can be opened from the inside even if externally locked down. The keyed AI can always override the chamber security to exit (or enter) the chamber.


The internal system is capable of offering minor to moderate repairs to the structural integrity of the body. A technician can also program the chamber to execute more complex repairs within reason but the primary purpose is to take care of cosmetic and simple structural damage. Using a mix of replication and nanites the chamber can effect repairs to a robotic body's simulated skin or make changes to the skin's texture, color, or density within the specifications of the skin materials. Exotic materials will be more difficult to repair than standard materials.

Structurally should there be injuries to the endoskeleton or protective sub-dermal layers the chamber and effect most of these repairs as well, though such repairs will take significantly more time. Component repairs or replacement are beyond the scope of the chamber itself but the chamber has sophisticated diagnostic sensors to assist in repairs if this type.

External Power

In the event that a robotic body suffers power loss due to damage, the chamber can provide power to the body externally to better facilitate diagnostics and repairs.


Within the chamber are specialized sensor pallets designed to scan and diagnose internal and external problems for a robotic body. The chamber is keyed to a specific body and that bodies AI and thus it has detailed operating specifications for the AI matrix as well as the body it holds. These diagnostic tools can be invaluable to diagnosing and repairing more complex issues with a robotic body. The chamber can provide specifications for needed parts as well as repair instructions, though some technical or engineering knowledge will still be needed to properly execute repairs.