April Braddock

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April Braddock
April Braddock
Height: 5'5"
Weight: 163 lbs
Gender: Female
Race: Tiefling
Alignment: Lawful Evil
Age: 24
Place of Birth: Houston, Texas
Eye Color: Bright, Almost Glowing Blue
Hair Color: White
Figure: She's real slim, definitely on the small side.
Organization: US MARSOC
Occupation: 4th platoon, 2nd Supernatural Combat Team
Rank / Skill Level: Corporal
Status: Approved
Setting: Angelic Sins

April hates most people. Don't expect to get along with her right away, it's basically a game of convincing her to like you before she'll even speak with you. Anyone in the military is an exception, she doesn't have much choice but to work with them.


Mobility Spells

Shadow Walk
If in the dark or in deep shadows, the user may teleport to a random location up to 50 meters away in any given direction. Only really useful in emergencies. Takes a while to recharge
Shadow Slip
Slip partially into the shadow realm, and move 50 meters with double movement speed and reduced damage thanks to only being half corporeal. Recharges overtime, can be used an average of once per hour.

Combat Spells

Eldritch Blast
Fires a ball of Eldritch fire that deals necrotic burn damage and basically erases flesh. The balls track their targets and are very difficult to dodge- every third fireball is explosive and does AoE damage within 5 meters. Range of 200 meters. Half a second cooldown between uses.
Dark Spiral Charge
Create up to three dark glowing orbs that each add 25% damage to Eldritch Blast. These spirals can be fired at a target, cursing them, (see Curse) and dealing dark energy damage. Thirty second cooldown between fires, ten second cooldown between spiral summons.
Arms of Hadar
Two massive arms reach out from the shadow realm and smash anything standing directly in front of the user. Range of 10 meters, recharge time of forty-five seconds.
Vampiric Embrace
Suck the life force out of a target, (up to half) and use it to regenerate the user's health. Range of 100 meters, cooldown of 1.5 minutes.
Hadar's Grasp
Hadar reaches from the shadow realm to grasp a target and hold it in place, 5 meters above the ground for fifteen seconds. It has a range of 200 meters, and deals small amounts of dark energy damage throughout. Cooldown of 1.5 minutes. Also casts a curse. (See Curse.)
Accursed Souls
Rips the soul out of targets- up to 20- and then corrupts the souls. Forces them back onto the target and burns them alive. Range of 200 meters, available once every 24 hours. Massively drains the user's energy.
Brood of Hadar
Summon a host of demons to plague an infinite number of targets with nightmares and insanity for 10 seconds, either driving them to themselves or simply freezing them in place. Only useable once a day, and is difficult to cast. Massively draining as well.

Support Spells

When using compatible spells, the target is cursed. This doesn't affect them until death, upon which one of the two things listed below occur depending on what the user wants.
Soul Puppet
A cursed enemy dies and creates a twisted, corrupted shadow version of themselves. They deal massive amounts of necrotic damage but they don't have a lot of health.
Creates a glowing green soulspark, that orbit the user and slowly heal them. The user can have up to five and use them to burn enemies. (They behave like normal fire at that point, not super dangerous.)

Miscellaneous Spells

Mage Hand
Basically minor telekinesis. Slap your friend or knock over that glass. If you really concentrate you can make that car over there wobble. Thirty second cool down, line of sight range, no damage.
Unseens Servant
This is Mage Hand without the concentration. Still no damage, still infinite range. Fragile as fuck. This mysterious guy is the one that can pick up that car from earlier and throw it down the street. Cooldown of thirty minutes.

Special Skills

  • Survival Skills
  • Sharpshooting
  • Hand to Hand Combat

Special Equipment

  • Patrol Cap
  • Ballistic MOLLE Vest, M27
    • ACOG
    • PEQ
    • Tac-light
    • M320 Underbarrel GL
    • M9
    • M67 Frags (2)


April was born in the suburbs of Houston, to two Tiefling parents. Her father was a second generation Tiefling, however her mother had been turned from a human to an infernal before meeting April's father. She had about as normal a life as one could have, being a lesser demon. Lord knows the Southern United States isn't exactly the most welcoming place. She experienced a lot of discrimination growing up among other supernaturals.

She was constantly striving to get some sort of respect, and after a while of being pushed to the side she just got fed up with it. She made a deal with a demon named Hadar, vowing to help him come to the material realm in exchange for nearly limitless power. She did this at 15, people learned not to mess with her very quickly after that.

Nearly the moment she turned 18- very much to the chagrin of her parents- she joined the United States Marine Corps. The Supernatural section, to be specific. She worked well with them, following orders and keeping her head down for the majority of her career. She hasn't been experimented on yet, but she isn't sure she's in the clear from that yet. Currently she is a Corporal, stationed at a MARSOC base outside Chicago.