Aberrant Entity

From Solas Tempus DB
Revision as of 05:18, 30 October 2019 by Cyclops (talk | contribs)

An aberrant entity is a general term to describe any varieties of entities which are somehow altered from their natural state. Entities of this type exhibit a kind of wrongness about them, often times this can be felt on a subconscious or even conscious level by those nearby. Animals and other simple / intelligent beings that operate on instinct will go through lengths to avoid coming in contact with an aberrant entity.

Classifications of Aberration

A naturally occuring entity is corrupted by something that does not naturally occur on its native plane or that would never come in contact with through natural means. This is primarily reserved for times when an entity is altered through contact with something so alien to it that it becomes some version of itself. Corruption is often, but not always, permanent. The most common cause of corruption to an entity is coming in contact with another entity from a different plane whose power / energy is wholly incompatible with that entity. Corruption also tends to happen over a long period of time with repeated or continued exposure. It should also be noted that in the majority of cases the alien entity is significantly more powerful than the one which becomes corrupted.
Through the acquisition of power or abilities beyond their control an entity changes itself in order to adapt to some kind of new found power or ability. Unlike corruption this is something one does to themselves, often through great effort to grant themselves power / abilities beyond what they can naturally acquire. The obsessive quest for power leaves a mark, something the entity must accept in order to be granted the power they seek. As much as the power is the cause the quest takes equal part and brings acceptance of the new twisted form.