Lance Thomas (Angelic Sins Variant)

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Template:Person Stats

Lance has lived an exciting life. Joining the military during the early years of Vietnam, being transferred to the Special Projects division early on. He has lived in a varied list of places including France, Germany, Vietnam, England, Australia, Russia, and the USA. He was twice married, the first time to a Candy Ellery who was a fellow military officer and then to an Angel Montgomery who was also a military operative. Both were killed in the line of duty.

Later Lance became involved with several creatures of the night, the vampire Uriah and another called Spook. Though after some amount of time with each, they both left him. The conflicts between his work for the US Navy and relationships with the supernatural girls became too stressful to continue the relationship each time. Eventually he met another woman, Kylaria McNalley, whom stole his heart during one of the darkest periods in his life. He married her in 2015 and they had 4 children together.


  • Demolitions
  • Demolitions Disposal
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Supernatural Lore
  • Computer Programming
  • Computer Hacking
  • Pilot
    • Helicopters
    • Small / Medium Propeller Driven Aircraft
    • Small Jet Powered Aircraft
    • Small Sailing Vessels
    • Small / Medium Sea Vessels
    • Tanks and APC
  • Remote Piloting

Psionic Abilities

  • Ability to control all forms of electromagnetic energy
  • Energy conversion, one type to another
  • Sense of surrounding energy, amount and composition
  • Sense of how time "should" go, if something in the timeline is going to change due to outside influence (such as a third party going back in time to change something or other special circumstances) he is drawn to the location of the problem and as the time of the change gets closer he knows more and more about what is supposed to happen
  • Healing (self and other)
  • Tissue Regeneration (self and other)
  • Scan (general physical condition, surface thoughts, and general mental health)
  • Deep Scan (detailed physical condition, details mental health, general idea of immediate purpose, surface thoughts, sense of deception, objects/items being carried on person)
  • Object Scan (objects general composition, physical characteristics both seen and unseen)
  • Spectral Shift (shifts eyesight from one spectrum to another)
  • Minds Eye (allows a mental image of the surrounding sources of mental energy and consciousness amounting to seeing everything as if it were being scanned)
  • Mind over Matter (allows physical limitations to be extended up to 10 times normal without physical damage, this primarily works on self, projected to others it is reduced to 5 times of normal)
  • Telekinesis (can move objects up to 300 pounds)
  • Psionic Focus (allows the blocking of any unwanted emotions or stimulus as if it did not exist)
  • Psionic Shield (a wall of mental force blocking all incoming and/or outgoing mental energy)
  • Telepathy (reading others minds, sending and receiving of telepathic messages)
  • Psionic Mask (dampening of another minds ability to communicate with its body, no other powers can be used while this power is being used except Psionic Focus which is required)

AH-64A Apache Gunship

  • 30mm Cannon (Mounted to track with a 180 degree horizontal arch and a 20 degree vertical arch downward, modified to shoot transponder beacons from the center of the gun itself)
  • Full Thermal/Visual/Audio surveillance which includes image processing and pattern matching
  • Whisper Mode (noise reduced to 2% of normal)
  • Thermal Stealth Mode (heat cloud prevents tracking systems from spotting heat signature, although sensitive satellite systems could still detect the heat cloud, but would be unable to identify)
  • Voice command responsive computer
  • Computer system linked via satellite to all major and some minor computer networks

Special Inventory

  • Phoenix Talon
  • Crystal Dagger infused with white magic, does double damage to anything evil
  • Small hologram of Lorilei in white latex bodysuit (the hologram when running is around 6" tall, the base which generates the hologram is around 4" wide and is interactive with a digital copy of the real Lorilei's personality, this hologram can exist in a 5" by 5" by 5" cube - 125 cubic inches around the base)
  • Life sized hologram of Lorilei, human sized, in deep forest green latex biker dress (hologram is 5'5" tall and the base which generates the hologram around 3' wide. The hologram itself when active can be felt and touched as if it were real, but cannot exist outside a 6' by 6' by 6' cube - 216 cubic feet around the base itself. Other than it's normal interactive program - which is a copy of the real Lorilei's personality - it has a second program built in that when running the Lorilei hologram will kiss Lance and say "I promise..." right before doing a strip tease for him)
  • Ring of "Snort Summoning", used to summon the pug-lord. The pug-lord can't really hurt anyone more than any other dog could, but can destroy things heavily and move at near incredible speeds it is also impossible to control and thus is never actually used

Description for Lorilei

She is slender and appears to be very delicate with delicate and translucent butterfly wings shimmering. Her red hair ruffled and done in short, pixie fashion, her bright forest green eyes dancing with the light of the forest sunlight.