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|Rank E
|Rank E
==Abilities & Skills==
{| class="wikitable sortable"
|Magic Resistance
|Class Skill
| ░ ░ ░ ░ ░
|A class skill that grants protection against magic effect. Unlike the common trait of magecraft resistance, this skill negates the effects of the spell altogether. Normally, a Saber Class Servant would have high Magic Resistance, but in the case of Siegfried, she loses the effects of Magic Resistance due to one of her Noble Phantasms - Armor of Fafnir.
As a result, however, should she lose the Armor of Fafnir, Siegfried will not regain this Magic Resistance skill and will be susceptible to any magecraft and spells, however small it may be.
|Not Applicable
|Class Skill
|<span style="color:#516363;">█ █ █ █</span> ░
|The ability to ride mounts and vehicles and a class skill for both Saber and Rider Class Servants. Like most other Sabers, Siegfried possesses a high proficiency in riding. At B ranked, Siegfried could ride most mounts and vehicles with skills above average, including the ones in the modern era. However, she can only ride them as “normal mount” as she is not a Rider Class Servant.
In the Nibelungenlied, Siegfried was known as the Wandering Knight that served as a hero for the people of Netherlands and Germany. Day and night, she rode across the lands of kingdoms and nations serving the commoners as their well-deserved hero. By the time the Evil Dragon Fafnir appeared, Siegfried was more than proficient enough in riding a random steed as compared to the average riders of her time.
Like how most Arthurian Knights are proficient in riding due to their status as “Chivalric Knights of Britannia”, Siegfried is at that level of riding due to her status as the famed Wandering Knight. In order words, even if she had not ridden a single steed in her life, the image of Siegfried riding a horse and travelling from town to town helping people out has already been engraved in the annals of human history, and thus Siegfried would have possessed a significant proficiency in Riding anyway.
|Rank B
|Dragon Slayer
|Personal Skill
|<span style="color:#516363;">█ █ █ █ █ </span>
| It is a unique skill granted to heroes who have slain a dragon in their legends. In Siegfried’s case, the highest achievement she had made in her life involved slaying the Evil Dragon Fafnir, who had terrorise the lands in Germany and Netherlands. Having slain the great dragon with her sword Balmung, she gained the traits of a dragon slayer.
Having this skill allows all attacks from Siegfried to contain anti-dragon properties. As such, any attacks from Siegfried against dragon kinds or foes with draconic elements will be significantly stronger. However, Dragon Slayer does not enable Siegfried to be protected against any dragonkinds, it is just a trait that enables her to kill dragon kinds much more easier.
|Rank A
|Golden Rule
|Personal Skill
|<span style="color:#516363;">█ █ █</span> ░ ░
|It is a skill that measures one’s fortune to acquire vast amounts of wealth, and is usually a skill granted to heroes who have gained a significant pool of wealth or treasures in their legends. In the Nibelungenlied, following the deaths of the Evil Dragon Fafnir and the Nibelung brothers, Siegfried gained the Rheingold and the Nibelung Hoard, both mythical treasures were said to grant the owner almost limitless wealth due to the abundance of gold and treasures within them. However, with these mountains of gold spawned the greatest tragedy in Siegfried’s life.
The Rheingold and the Nibelung Hoard were cursed treasures, said to sprout the disasters and tragedies that would unfold between Siegfried and King Gunther, and later on contributed to the revenge plot of her spouse. In the aftermath of Siegfried’s death, the Nibelung treasures would be thrown down into the Rhine, never to be found again. Yet, its curse remained, resulting in the deaths of Kriemhild, Gunther and Hagen, and marked the beginning of Burgundy’s demise.
|Rank C

Revision as of 04:54, 24 March 2018

Height: 4'7"
Weight: 32kg
Gender: Female
Place of Birth: Germany of 5th-6th Century
Eye Color: Emerald Green
Hair Color: Silver Platinum
Occupation: Saber (Class)
Lawful Good

A known legend and a hero of Germany, featured in the Germanic Epic Nibelungenlied. The swordsman that has slain the Evil Dragon Fafnir. One would expect Siegfried himself to be a warrior that was knightly and chivalrous, tall and muscular, a hero that would be clad in his brilliant armour, the white cape fluttering behind his back while the the great sword sheathed and strapped beneath the cape.

That was the common interpretation of Siegfried. However, history is nothing but a fragmented truth of the past, and as time marches on, the truth itself would get more and more distorted. What was supposed to be a toned, muscular knight was instead a small, young girl that resembled a prepubescent child, clad in a stunning armor that did not seemingly fit her young appearance.


She was adorned in a knightly garb. The oversized silver pauldrons protruded and wrapped around her delicate shoulders. Her raven black uniform with red linings stretched all the way from her lissom body to her slender legs, the platinum straps wrapped around her chest, with her pert breasts constrained in its sheening, protective cage. A black belt buckled around her small hips, the silver buckle gleaming radiantly in front. Her knee-guards and her steeled greaves were all in matching, brilliant argent and silvers. Yet her garment, while looking like a knightly getup, was more exposing and revealing than what she should have worn at her age.

Her black uniform was unbuttoned, exposing the middle of her midriff and her sternal region, her creamy white and unblemished, tenderly soft skin revealed for the world to see, together with a glimpse of her underdeveloped childlike bosoms. Her blackened uniform was also sleeveless, her arms totally naked and her hands adorned with a pair of gleaming, steely gauntlets that seemed unfit for the tiny proportions of her seemingly frail hands. Her exposed collars however, embedded a shining beacon of bright emerald, a brilliant symbol that was imprinted within her body, given to her after she had bathed in the blood of the Evil Dragon, Fafnir.

Despite, or rather because of the knightly adornments she had, Siegfried did not look intimidating or fearsome even in the slightest bit - with an appearance of a child that did not even reach the beginning of teenagehood, she felt more like a fragile, delicate doll that had been forced to wear something unwieldy and overwhelming for her little size. If you take off her armor, she would look like a innocent, prepubescent girl, her body appearing frail and fragile, like a doll that was supposed to be protected. Her stature was short, her form was small and petite, and her figure gave no impressions of a fighter. The oversized, black-and-white sheath that seemed to be even taller than her miniscule frame was chained to her back along with her prized sword, Balmung. The ragged, dark lavender fabric that was pinned to the sheath would simply flutter in the passing winds.

Of course, with such a fragile-looking body, her face was even more innocent and childlike, nothing of resemblance of a legendary warrior’s appearance that spoke of battles and hardships. She have beautiful, argent hair that cascaded down like a silkened, flowy river, her platinum locks draped over her small shoulders. Her silver fringes were long as they cascaded down on her delicate, soft cheeks. Her radiant, emerald eyes peeked out from the shadows of her fringes, always with a passive, or meek expression. With a face that seemed so gentle and delicate, it did not feel that she possessed the abilities of a fighter, let alone a legendary hero.

Her back was covered with the silken flow of her silver hair, but in truth, her back was exposed like her front as well. This was because in the legends, Siegfried was placed with the curse to always have her back exposed no matter what. Even if there was an armor or shield to cover her back, there would always a distortion of reality to make sure that her back would be exposed, be it a creation of a hole or a reality-bending alteration of the protective cover, with her inherent weakness of her armor shown in full daylight. With that said, any fabric that covered her back would always be altered to make sure that her back would be exposed, thus she would always be bare-back.

A strange, white marking that resembled a chalk scribble was imprinted upon her slender, creamy white back, drawn in the shape of a linden leaf. This was the symbol of Siegfried’s one and only weakness, the portion of her flesh and bone untouched by the blood of Fafnir.


Stats Perimeter Description Category/Rank
Strength █ █ █ █ Siegfried was known in the Nibelungenlied for being the famed, undisputed hero in Germany, known to be unmatched in his strength and prowess in combat, and not once has he ever been defeated before. He carried the legendary sword, Balmung, which was powerful enough to slay the Evil Dragon, Fafnir.

The girl, just as what the legends have described, is as strong as the common interpretation of the hero in the Nibelungenlied.

Siegfried is an excellent swords-girl whose swordsmanship has since then surpassed the “capabilities of mankind”. While her abilities were nothing comparable to a minuscule fraction of a god’s power, Siegfried was amongst one of the most prominent legendary swordsmen in humanity’s records. She wields Balmung with swiftness, precision, and strength, and a simple cut from a swing of her Balmung could simply blow away a car that overwhelms her petite size, and she had no difficulty twirling Balmung with one hand.

The fact that she had defeated and slain the Evil Dragon Fafnir was already a testament to the strength she possessed. She had also helped her comrade, Gunther, during the challenge that Brynhildr had proposed and later during Gunther’s wedding night, with her unaided prowess simply outstripping the abilities of the powerful Queen of Iceland, thus proving how strong she was despite her youthful looks.

At B-ranked, Siegfried’s strength is 40 times the peak of a normal human’s.

Rank B


Agility █ █ █ █ A swords-girl with the unparalleled mastery of her sword, and her skills in combat unmatched by anyone, Siegfried has never been beaten in combat before. She was simply hailed as the invincible warrior who could never fall to anyone. The times in the Nibelungen Land, Siegfried has met multiple enemies before, and each time she bested her foes with her superior strength and skills.

Against the dragon Fafnir, who possessed powers and agility far greater than any humankind in Germany, Siegfried was able to outperform the beast during the engagement, and ultimately slain it with her own prowess. Truly, her sharp and agile movements were not something that had appeared in her ability inventory overnight.

At B-ranked, Siegfried’s agility is 40 times the peak of a normal human’s.

Rank B


Endurance █ █ █ █ █ Siegfried has gone through numerous trials, challenges, and life and death situations during her time as the Wandering Knight, and not once did she wavered in her steps. With her skills and training, Siegfried could withstand many blows that most normal human could not. At the height of her legend, Siegfried battled against the Evil Dragon Fafnir for days, enduring the exhaustion and the injuries she had suffered during the conflict. Truly, she deserved to be called a hero that everyone wished to depend on.

However, what caused her endurance to be in such excellent condition was not because of her body, nor was it her superior training or prowess. Rather, it was her firm belief in her heroic ideals and principles that she refused to take a step back against the evils that she had faced. Her persistent stubbornness would force herself to push harder and even harder, even when exhaustion was started to get a toll on her frail looking form. Due to her steadfast resolution, Siegfried slowly gained a sturdy body capable of withstanding powerful blows.

After the fall of the Evil Dragon Fafnir, Siegfried had grown even stronger and persistent as a result of the Armor of Fafnir. Having been granted the trait of invulnerability, the swords-girl could withstand any attacks in her firm stance, thus earning herself the fame of being the invincible hero that could never be beaten.

At A-ranked, Siegfried’s endurance is 50 times the peak of a normal human’s.

Rank A


Mana █ █ ░ ░ ░ Siegfried is known to be capable of anything in the Nibelungenlied, but if there was one thing the swords-girl is inferior at, it is magecraft. Being hailed as the hero of Germany and the master of swordsmanship, Siegfried often relied on her physical strength and skills to best her foes. However, Siegfried’s use of magecraft was never once mentioned in the Germanic poem.

Possessing a low perimeter in Mana, Siegfried possess no knowledge or proficiency in performing magic or magecraft. However, having bathed in the blood of the Evil Dragon Fafnir, Siegfried’s body was able to absorb and assimilate traits of a great dragon and hence gained some affinity to magic and magecraft. While being hopelessly cluelessly in the fields of magic, Siegfried has some proficiency to expend or channel her prana into Balmung and can pull off a significantly stronger strike than her usual attacks. However, she is aware that her prana tank is not as big as many other Servants of her calibre and thus will not even consider expanding her prana careless unless the situation calls for it.

Rank D


Luck ░ ░ ░ ░ From her tragic birth to the catastrophic conclusion of the Nibelungenlied, it was very clear that Siegfried has very bad luck. The curse of the Rheingold stuck onto Siegfried’s life and even affected the lives of the people she knew and loved even after her death. Even when Siegfried had attempted to become the hero for everyone, to absolve and dispel the sufferings of the people of her land, the fruits of her efforts ended up in an inevitable catastrophe. At the end of her journey, she found her own ideals fundamentally shattered by the reality around her.

In the end, even when Siegfried was truly a heroic hero of her time, the story of a hero would always end in a tragedy. Such is the fate of Siegfried when she first vowed to become a hero for everyone when she was a child in Xanten.

Rank E


Abilities & Skills

Skill Type Perimeter Description Category/Rank
Magic Resistance Class Skill ░ ░ ░ ░ ░ A class skill that grants protection against magic effect. Unlike the common trait of magecraft resistance, this skill negates the effects of the spell altogether. Normally, a Saber Class Servant would have high Magic Resistance, but in the case of Siegfried, she loses the effects of Magic Resistance due to one of her Noble Phantasms - Armor of Fafnir.

As a result, however, should she lose the Armor of Fafnir, Siegfried will not regain this Magic Resistance skill and will be susceptible to any magecraft and spells, however small it may be.

Not Applicable
Riding Class Skill █ █ █ █ The ability to ride mounts and vehicles and a class skill for both Saber and Rider Class Servants. Like most other Sabers, Siegfried possesses a high proficiency in riding. At B ranked, Siegfried could ride most mounts and vehicles with skills above average, including the ones in the modern era. However, she can only ride them as “normal mount” as she is not a Rider Class Servant.

In the Nibelungenlied, Siegfried was known as the Wandering Knight that served as a hero for the people of Netherlands and Germany. Day and night, she rode across the lands of kingdoms and nations serving the commoners as their well-deserved hero. By the time the Evil Dragon Fafnir appeared, Siegfried was more than proficient enough in riding a random steed as compared to the average riders of her time.

Like how most Arthurian Knights are proficient in riding due to their status as “Chivalric Knights of Britannia”, Siegfried is at that level of riding due to her status as the famed Wandering Knight. In order words, even if she had not ridden a single steed in her life, the image of Siegfried riding a horse and travelling from town to town helping people out has already been engraved in the annals of human history, and thus Siegfried would have possessed a significant proficiency in Riding anyway.

Rank B


Dragon Slayer Personal Skill █ █ █ █ █ It is a unique skill granted to heroes who have slain a dragon in their legends. In Siegfried’s case, the highest achievement she had made in her life involved slaying the Evil Dragon Fafnir, who had terrorise the lands in Germany and Netherlands. Having slain the great dragon with her sword Balmung, she gained the traits of a dragon slayer.

Having this skill allows all attacks from Siegfried to contain anti-dragon properties. As such, any attacks from Siegfried against dragon kinds or foes with draconic elements will be significantly stronger. However, Dragon Slayer does not enable Siegfried to be protected against any dragonkinds, it is just a trait that enables her to kill dragon kinds much more easier.

Rank A


Golden Rule Personal Skill █ █ █ ░ ░ It is a skill that measures one’s fortune to acquire vast amounts of wealth, and is usually a skill granted to heroes who have gained a significant pool of wealth or treasures in their legends. In the Nibelungenlied, following the deaths of the Evil Dragon Fafnir and the Nibelung brothers, Siegfried gained the Rheingold and the Nibelung Hoard, both mythical treasures were said to grant the owner almost limitless wealth due to the abundance of gold and treasures within them. However, with these mountains of gold spawned the greatest tragedy in Siegfried’s life.

The Rheingold and the Nibelung Hoard were cursed treasures, said to sprout the disasters and tragedies that would unfold between Siegfried and King Gunther, and later on contributed to the revenge plot of her spouse. In the aftermath of Siegfried’s death, the Nibelung treasures would be thrown down into the Rhine, never to be found again. Yet, its curse remained, resulting in the deaths of Kriemhild, Gunther and Hagen, and marked the beginning of Burgundy’s demise.

Rank C


Noble Phantasms

  • Armor of Fafnir
  • Sacred Protection of the Dragon’s Blood
  • Balmung
  • Phantasmal Greatsword, Felling of the Sky Demon