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The system categories are numeric so that they pair well with the rankings.  Thus, a ''Category 3, Class A'' abilities could be noted as being simply ''3A''.  When a category is not noted, it is assumed to be a Category 1 rank.
The system categories are numeric so that they pair well with the rankings.  Thus, a ''Category 3, Class A'' abilities could be noted as being simply ''3A''.  When a category is not noted, it is assumed to be a Category 1 rank.

Rankings should be noted on any special abilities or skills of significant note.  This includes if a character operates mostly as a ''Category 3'' but one or two abilities are ''Category 1'' signifying that they are on par with normal people.  Abilities without any rank noted are assumed to be ''1D'' or ''1C'', which is about average normal-person abilities.  If a person is noted as being an ''Expert'' or ''Veteran'' in a specific ability but it is otherwise left without a rank, then once can assume it is a ''1B'' or ''1A'' respectively.  A ranking of ''1F'' is reserved for something a person has either no or minimal training in.
Rankings should be noted on any special abilities or skills of significant note.  This includes if a character operates mostly as a ''Category 3'' but one or two abilities are ''Category 1'' signifying that they are on par with normal people.  Abilities without any rank noted are assumed to be ''1D'' or ''1C'', which is about average normal-person abilities.  If a person is noted as being an ''Expert'' or ''Veteran'' in a specific ability but it is otherwise left without a rank, then once can assume it is a ''1B'' or ''1A'' respectively.  A ranking of ''1F'' is reserved for something a person has either no or minimal skill / power / training in a particular area.

== Limits ==
== Limits ==

Revision as of 20:09, 12 October 2017

This ranking system is designed to allow storytellers to have a good idea of what kind of power levels are being brought into the game. Likewise it should help to allow moderators and other staff to better approve new characters.

Rank Classifications

The basic ranking system goes from a scale of A to F, which A being the most powerful possible and F being the least powerful possible. Overall, these classes of ability can be used to denote training or a lack of training. Generally speaking, attaining Class A or Class B cannot be done without training in ability or skill except in the case of a long period of in-the-field training teaching ones self with a concerted effort.

Rank Categories

Since we want to leave it open for some characters to have extremely high or low levels of power, we also have categories of abilities.

  • Category 1
These are normal everyday people and abilities. As such, this is what a person can achieve with hard work and no other additive skills, powers, or abilities.
  • Category 2 (Augmented)
These are very close to normal people, but have some extra something added into the mix. It could be magical powers, supernatural abilities, or even cybernetic augmentations. Training to use these abilities still requires hard work just like a normal person, the added power just allow them to achieve (with hard work) superhuman or super-normal status.
As a side-note, this also allows a normal person to achieve far more than the average person with less work than it would take a regular person.
  • Category 3 (Super)
Abilities in this category are so far above normal that the best of all humanity would have trouble coming to match the lowest among these people. With hard work and training someone of this category is able to outstrip even the the best of the augmented people by a large degree. They are able to, at the top most levels, reverse even a large scale disaster or bend the laws of reality in subtle ways to alter events.
At this level of ability, characters are able to do things no one should be able to reasonably do but it is still an effort to do so. To warp physics or alter reality requires someone operating at Class A, someone at Class B or Class C would be unable to do so. Even at that level, one cannot completely warp reality, but only in subtle ways.
  • Category 4 (Cosmic)
Abilities in this category are so far above that of a normal person, they might well be considered divine by even the most ardent atheist on witnessing their power. At his level, characters possess the ability to routinely warp the physical / metaphysical world around them with little training. They are able to change the actual fabric of reality and can work outside the normal physical, magical, or supernatural laws.
At this level, a character can accidentally cause widespread destruction or disaster if left unchecked and training would be required to ensure this doesn't happen. Characters unable to be trained, should have a limiter of some sort placed on them. In some cases this could be a device (necklace, ring, or similar) that blocks the use of their powers, other cases would have this be some kind of mental or psychological block - the character doesn't believe they can use special powers and thus they cannot.
  • Category 5 (Author)
This is the most powerful category, at this level of ability rankings such as Class A or Class F are meaningless. These are literal deities.

Using the System

The system categories are numeric so that they pair well with the rankings. Thus, a Category 3, Class A abilities could be noted as being simply 3A. When a category is not noted, it is assumed to be a Category 1 rank.

Rankings should be noted on any special abilities or skills of significant note. This includes if a character operates mostly as a Category 3 but one or two abilities are Category 1 signifying that they are on par with normal people. Abilities without any rank noted are assumed to be 1D or 1C, which is about average normal-person abilities. If a person is noted as being an Expert or Veteran in a specific ability but it is otherwise left without a rank, then once can assume it is a 1B or 1A respectively. A ranking of 1F is reserved for something a person has either no or minimal skill / power / training in a particular area.


Any character being brought into the game with a power category above 3 will require special approval, to be noted in the character sheet along with who approved it to be there. In addition, anyone with a Class A or Class B ability should have it noted (any category) how they got so much skill in that ability.