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By the time the world came to a crashing stop, he’d already decided he didn’t want anything to do with it and that it was up to him, and him alone, if he was going to make it.  There was no one to help and there never would be in the end.  Perhaps that is why he’d survived so long.
By the time the world came to a crashing stop, he’d already decided he didn’t want anything to do with it and that it was up to him, and him alone, if he was going to make it.  There was no one to help and there never would be in the end.  Perhaps that is why he’d survived so long.

[[Category:Played by Cyclops]]
[[Category:Angelic Sins]]
[[Category:Angelic Sins Characters]]

Revision as of 16:53, 3 September 2017

Edmond Leo Harmon
Edmond Leo Harmon
Height: 5'10"
Weight: 115 lbs
Race: Human
Age: 46
Date of Birth: April 3rd, 1970
Place of Birth: New Mexico
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Brown
Figure: Skinny, weathered, but reasonably muscular.
Occupation: Supernatural Bounty Hunter
Rank / Skill Level: Veteran

Edmond had a family once. A child, a dog, a house, and some land in New Mexico. His own little corner of heaven, within driving distance of a cute little town where people still held values one could really believe in. It wasn't to last.

After his life was broken down, stepped on, and he was thrown back into a cold and dark world... Edmond could not ignore the things that went bump in the night any longer. He was only a kid then, just turned 23 years old. He put his time to good use though, using magic he finds and takes care of the very things that took his life. And anything else that he's paid to hunt down and destroy.

The sound of his souped up pickup truck is known in some rural place sin the deep south, where he works most often. It is a red dodge with a modified engine block, 4 wheel drive, and on a lift kit with increased suspension and armor plating. The truck is very heavy and consumes a lot of diesel. His weapon of choice is a sawed off 12 gauge double barreled Remington though he has a nice love of most Colt pistols, particularly the .45 revolver. He also has been known, recently, to carry a bullwhip for, particular cases where it might be handy.


Edmond was once down to earth and very much a straight shooter. Though he tends more toward a black version of cynicism and has his own theories which boarder on government conspiracy, he can be a friendly guy - sometimes. Most of the time he drinks to get over the pain of the world, many times, until it forces him to pass out. Someday it'll probably kill him, but he just can't muster up the energy to actually care about that. He died long ago anyway, just his body and brain never were good at getting the message.

He hates bureaucracy of any kind, even when he accepts a job from the government (which he does often) he makes no bones about what he thinks of them. Though there are some law enforcement that hold his respect.

In life his mind is rather stuck in the past, unless someone has forced him to change a point of view (which is not easy) he has very dated opinions on things and has trouble seeing the real world for what it is changing into (whatever that is). He tends to blame the usual suspects for the worlds problems, though he has recently been forced to question his dated and rather prejudiced opinions about Hispanics and African Americans by some experiences in Alabama from a year or so ago. Most of his rage is directed at Vampires, but he has internalized it into a kind of they can't be trusted and they aren't worth hating mentality - though he most assuredly hates them.


  • Agriculture (Farming)
  • Boxing (Amateur)
  • Camouflage and Concealment
  • Climbing (Amateur)
  • Demolitions
  • Hunting
  • Fishing
  • Marksman (Expert)
  • Musical Instrument (Harmonica)
  • Pilot
    • Small Aircraft
    • Small Boats
  • Street Fighting
  • Tracking

While it doesn't count as a skill, Edmond is rather plugged into a sort of good-ol-boy network among truck drivers and others who live on the road a good portion of the year, especially in the south. This network can provide him advanced warning of law enforcement or of a specific vehicle moving through an area on the main highways.

Angelic Sins / WoD Style Setting

Variant of Edmond that exists in a World of Darkness or Angelic Sins style setting. This setting goes along with most of his personality and description without alterations.


Edmond focuses on tracking, concealment, and trickery when using his magic. He is able to enhance his senses, particularly those of smell and hearing to help do his job. He also uses magic to better his other tracking abilities and finding a path that a target has taken through supernatural means.


Edmond's entire family was killed when a wandering band of vampires, running from something (he does not know what) decided his home looked like a good place to hold up. He remembers very little about the night it happened. Mostly, answered the door, a group of teenagers asked if they could use the phone. His wife said they looked alright and he let them in. He knows from the nightmares that it all went bad within the first hour or so. He'll get flashes of things that happened, fangs, torture, the murder of his child comes back to haunt him often.

The next thing he really remembers is waking up in the basement of a burned out house, still smoldering but completely gone.


He was only 23 years old when this all happened. Over the next year, he wandered mostly. Going from small town to small town doing odd jobs and scraping together enough money to support an increasingly expensive alcohol problem and just enough food to keep him moving. It wasn't until a little over a ear after his life was torn down that he came to a man who saw some kind of latent talent in him. This man kept him in town with odd jobs and even the extra cash now and that, letting Edmond sleep in his basement.

Over the next 10 years or so, this man named Arthur, slowly exposed Edmond to what he could do. Edmond was a natural at the use of magic and just needed help to bring it out. Arthur made a heavy case for Edmond to use his new found abilities to start a new life, put the past behind him. As hard as Edmond tried, he could not, the anger, the fear, and the drinking kept getting in the way. Eventually, Edmond left the company of Arthur though Arthur did not condone this, he simply told Edmond to come back any time, no matter when, and he would be welcome.

Zombie Apocalypse Style Setting

Variant of Edmond that exists in a largely modern-day style setting, taking place in a post zombie apocalypse style world. In this settings, since the governments have collapsed, it is understood that jobs taken for "the government" usually would be past-tense. Any current job for "the government" would thus be for a local bureaucracy, which he hates with a passion. Given the setting, this version of Edmond has no magical abilities and the loss of his family is attributed to the zombie apocalypse itself rather than other supernatural creatures.


He’d just started to roam pretty early when things started to fall. He had no taste for the local politics of who would run a city when the government wasn’t able to be reached. Besides, sometimes the government was the one that decided a town shouldn’t be saved and resources shouldn’t be wasted on them. He’d seen a few town burn to the ground and a few towns burn their city offices to the ground. Police stations, city hall, the mayors mansion, everything that represented the failure of the powers that were supposed to protect them. He couldn’t blame them for it, he’d felt betrayed too, just less so. He had been just a kid but he remembered clearly starting to pay attention to the world in 1979 and watching the news with his parents while politicians were taken down in a mass sting for accepting bribes. The more he learned about politics he more he realized that the government was not, and had never, been about protecting the people. Coming of age in the gluttony of the 1980’s and witnessing the .com bust in the mid 90’s had left its impact on him.

By the time the world came to a crashing stop, he’d already decided he didn’t want anything to do with it and that it was up to him, and him alone, if he was going to make it. There was no one to help and there never would be in the end. Perhaps that is why he’d survived so long.