Solar Crystal: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Solar-Crystal-2.png|thumb|A large raw Solar Crystal broken in half]]
[[File:Solar-Crystal-2.png|thumb|A large raw Solar Crystal broken in half]]
[[File:Solar-Crystal 01.png|thumb|A large cut Solar Crystal]]
[[File:Solar-Crystal 01.png|thumb|A polished rough cut Solar Crystal]]
[[File:Solar-Crystal-3.png|thumb|A large Solar Crystal signet ring]]
[[File:Solar-Crystal-3.png|thumb|A large Solar Crystal signet ring]]
[[File:Solar-Crystal-4.png|thumb|A large cut Solar Crystal pendant]]
[[File:Solar-Crystal-4.png|thumb|A large cut Solar Crystal pendant]]

Latest revision as of 03:04, 2 December 2023

A large raw Solar Crystal broken in half
A polished rough cut Solar Crystal
A large Solar Crystal signet ring
A large cut Solar Crystal pendant
Mu Epsilon Rho Sigma Omega

The Solar Crystal is an artifact of immense power and complexity, a source and conduit of Aether, the very essence of life, magic, and psychic energy. Each crystal, unique in its appearance and resonance, forms an irreversible bond with its bearer, enhancing psychic abilities and providing profound insights into the cosmic fabric of time. Its ability to convert matter into energy underscores its potential as a tool for both creation and destruction. While it can act as a beacon of enlightenment and a source of immense energy, there lies an inherent warning in its use: the Solar Crystal holds a magnitude of destructive power that, if wielded without restraint or wisdom, could lead to catastrophic consequences. This destructive aspect, a direct matter-energy conversion capability, is not just a physical phenomenon but a symbol of the responsibility and risks inherent in possessing such a crystal. The Solar Crystal, thus, is not merely an object of power but a test of character, challenging its bearer to balance the immense capabilities it offers with the ethical and moral implications of its use.

Physical Properties

The Solar Crystals are artifacts of profound power, distinguished by their radiant, multifaceted structure and mesmerizing, kaleidoscopic hues that shift with light and emotion. Smooth and cool to the touch, these crystals vary in size and shape, ranging from small, intricately cut gems to larger, naturally formed structures. They are luminous, their inner light intensifying with the ebb and flow of Aether, illuminating their surroundings during moments of heightened energy exertion. Remarkably, the temperature of a Solar Crystal can change in response to its Aetheric interactions, warming as it channels or generates more energy. When near sources of Aether or actively manipulating energy, the crystals emit a harmonic resonance, a vibration that echoes the power within. Notably, Solar Crystals possess an extraordinary durability, being indestructible by any known means, resistant to extreme conditions, and impervious to physical damage.

Upon forming a bond with an individual, a Solar Crystal undergoes a remarkable transformation, aligning its physical appearance with the unique life force of the person it is bonded to. This metamorphosis results in the crystal adopting the semblance of a rare gemstone, reflective of the bearer's intrinsic nature and essence. The transformation is not just superficial; the crystal alters its properties of light refraction and clarity to match that of the specific gem it represents, be it the deep blue of a sapphire, the fiery brilliance of a ruby, or the serene clarity of a diamond. This adaptive quality renders each bonded Solar Crystal uniquely personal and symbolic of its wearer. However, this gem-like state is not permanent; when the Solar Crystal is actively being used, it reverts to its original, radiant form, revealing its true nature as a conduit and generator of Aether.

Unique Properties

The Solar Crystals, a class of extraordinary and rare artifacts, stand as remarkable not only for their diverse abilities but also because they are innate sources of Aether, the magical and psionic energyies that emanates from life itself and serves as the binding force among all living entities. This inherent property makes each Solar Crystal exceptionally unique, as they do not merely manipulate or channel existing Aether; rather, they autonomously generate this potent energy. As creators and sustainers of Aether, the Solar Crystals act as wellsprings of life's fundamental energy. This quality not only adds to their allure and mystique but also elevates them to a status of revered and coveted power, sought after by those who comprehend the profound implications of wielding objects that are both conduits and creators of the very essence of life and consciousness.

Psychic Enhancement
The Solar Crystal enhances the psychic abilities of its wearer upon bonding, providing advanced telepathy, empathic skills, and the ability to sense the presence of others.
The bond between the Solar Crystal and its wearer is immediate and irreversible. Once formed, the bond is permanent and the crystal cannot connect with another being, even after the original wearer’s death.
Matter-Energy Conversion
The crystal converts matter into energy through a direct and destructive process, breaking down matter and transforming it into an equivalent amount of energy.
Energy Focal Point
The Solar Crystal acts as a conduit for energy, capable of absorbing, storing, and expelling energy. It can also redirect or alter energy within its environment, impacting surroundings or powering devices.
Memory Echoes
The Solar Crystal contains echoes of the wisdom, advanced technological knowledge, and spiritual insights of the Kaiburr civilization, imparting this knowledge to its wearer.
Emotional Resonance
The crystal resonates with the emotions of its wearer, amplifying and influencing their emotional state, which can be a source of great power or risk.
Cosmic Awareness and Timeline Insight
Wearers of the Solar Crystal gain insights into the pattern of the timeline, providing a clear understanding of past, present, and future events.
Unique Signature
Each Solar Crystal possesses a unique energy signature, which can be used for tracking the crystal, identifying its origin, or linking it to specific cosmic events or locations.
The Solar Crystal is indestructible by any known means, showcasing its extraordinary cosmic resilience and durability.


Before bonding, a Solar Crystal can be cut into much smaller sizes, with each fragment retaining the full energy and potential of the original crystal. These fragments, even when reduced in size, remain complete and powerful Solar Crystals in their own right, each holding the capacity to form a unique bond with an individual. This characteristic allows the crystals to be fashioned into various forms, such as jewelry or artifacts, making them accessible for individual ownership and use.

Transformation and Permanence

Once a person comes into contact with a Solar Crystal, the bonding process initiates instantaneously, marking the beginning of a profound and unbreakable connection. During this bonding, the Solar Crystal undergoes a remarkable metamorphosis. It alters its appearance to mirror the unique life force and essence of its new owner. The crystal transforms, taking on the characteristics of a rare gemstone. Its color, luminosity, and even internal structure adjust to resonate with the individual's personality and emotional state. This transformation is not merely cosmetic; it is an indication of the crystal's deep alignment with the owner's psychic and emotional energies. After bonding, the Solar Crystal becomes impervious to alteration. It cannot be further cut, reshaped, or destroyed by any known means. This permanence underscores the sacredness of the bond between the crystal and its owner.

For the owner, the bonding with the Solar Crystal brings a significant enhancement of psychic abilities. This may manifest as heightened telepathy, increased empathic sensitivity, or a deeper awareness of the surrounding energy fields. The crystal, now a part of the owner's being, acts as a conduit and amplifier of these abilities, forging a symbiotic relationship where the crystal and the owner benefit mutually. Moreover, the owner experiences a profound shift in their understanding of and interaction with Aether, the fundamental energy that binds all life. The Solar Crystal, being a source and manipulator of Aether, grants its owner an intimate connection with this universal force, opening pathways to previously inaccessible realms of knowledge and power.

Avoiding the Bond

While the Solar Crystal will not bond with someone who has already bonded with a crystal, it is impractical to give every artisan who may come in contact with the crystal a Solar Crystal of their own given the immense power at work. During the intricate process of shaping and cutting Solar Crystals, a highly specialized and cautious approach is employed to avoid unintentional bonding. Central to this method is the use of advanced robotic arms, which allow craftsmen to manipulate the crystals without direct physical contact. These robotic arms are meticulously designed to handle the delicate facets and surfaces of the crystals with precision, mimicking the dexterity and sensitivity of human hands. To further ensure safety, the control systems for these robotic arms are air-gapped from any other part of the computer network. This precaution is crucial as the requirement for bonding with a Solar Crystal is sentience, not humanity, meaning an artificial intelligence could inadvertently form a bond with the crystal if given the chance to interact directly.

In addition to these technological safeguards, a protective barrier is established around the working area. This barrier is infused with Aqua Opal Crystal dust, known for its potent protective properties. The inclusion of Aqua Opal Crystal dust creates a powerful shield, effectively insulating the environment from the crystal’s bonding energy. This combination of robotic precision, network isolation, and protective shielding forms a comprehensive system, allowing artisans to safely shape and refine Solar Crystals without the risk of bonding, whether to themselves or any sentient machinery involved in the process.


Long ago, in a forgotten corner of the galaxy, there existed a planet named Kaiburr. It was a place of unparalleled beauty and mystery, where the rivers shimmered with stardust and the mountains echoed with ancient songs. The heart of Kaiburr pulsed with a rare and powerful essence, concentrated in the form of luminous crystals deep within its core. These were the Solar Crystals, sources of unfathomable energy and wisdom.

Kaiburr was home to a civilization advanced beyond imagination, beings who had evolved not just in science, but in spirit. They lived in harmony with the crystals, understanding their power and respecting their sacred nature. The Solar Crystals were woven into the fabric of their society, used not for domination but for enlightenment, healing, and the betterment of their world. As the ages passed, a shadow fell upon Kaiburr. A great war erupted, born from a desire to wield the power of the Solar Crystals for conquest. This conflict was not confined to Kaiburr alone; it drew in beings from distant stars, all vying for the control of the crystals’ power. The war ravaged the planet, scarring its surface and tearing apart the unity that had once flourished.

In the war's apocalyptic climax, the energies unleashed were too great, too volatile. In a cataclysmic event, Kaiburr was torn asunder, its fragments cast into the void of space. With the planet's destruction, the Solar Crystals were scattered across the stars, lost to the corners of the galaxy. From the ashes of Kaiburr, legends were born. Whispered in the hushed tones of reverence and fear, these tales spoke of a lost world and its powerful crystals, now adrift in the cosmos. Some saw the crystals as omens of disaster, while others sought them as keys to untold powers.

Over millennia, the myth of Kaiburr inspired adventurers, scholars, and seekers of truth. Many embarked on quests to uncover the secrets of the Solar Crystals, to unearth relics of the vanished civilization, or to discover the lost location of Kaiburr itself.