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# '''Cast the Head''': Seize the opportunity to divert the feline aspect away from the path by swiftly throwing the mongoose's head into the shadows.
# '''Cast the Head''': Seize the opportunity to divert the feline aspect away from the path by swiftly throwing the mongoose's head into the shadows.
# '''Act Swiftly''': Capitalize on the diversion and move quickly, taking advantage of the momentary respite from Ebehmto's vigilant gaze.
# '''Act Swiftly''': Capitalize on the diversion and move quickly, taking advantage of the momentary respite from Ebehmto's vigilant gaze.
# '''Continue the Journey''': Proceed with your intended purpose, be it seeking protection, escape, or further enacting the ultimate ritual to banish Ebehmto back to the Dark Aether.
# '''Continue the Journey''': Proceed with your intended purpose, be it seeking protection, escape, or further enacting the ultimate incantation to banish Ebehmto back to the Dark Aether.

== History ==
== History ==

Revision as of 06:49, 29 July 2023

An illustration of the cat form of Ebehmto.
An illustration of the snake form of Ebehmto.

The Ebehmto, a harbinger of disaster, death, darkness, and chaos, revels in the malevolent symphony it orchestrates across the mortal realm. Like a sinister feline, it is drawn to impending turmoil, its instincts keenly attuned to the forthcoming calamity. It thrives on the malevolence it sows, feeding on the emotional turmoil and cosmic pandemonium it creates. With each tumultuous event, it grows stronger, its presence darkening the skies and spreading tendrils of dread throughout the land. Ebehmto's predatory nature leads it to linger at the fringes of oncoming catastrophes, a maleficent spectator delighting in the chaos it has set in motion. It is drawn to battlefields, where the stench of death and despair fuels its sinister appetite, and to places where corruption and moral decay fester, seeking to amplify the disarray it covets. With an eerie serenity, it watches as the world crumbles, knowing that in the wake of each catastrophe, its own malevolent power will surge. The Ebehmto, a cunning architect of chaos, becomes one with the darkness it ushers forth, its chilling presence a constant reminder of the inevitable doom that looms on the horizon.


Ebehmto, a being of chaos, effortlessly weaves between serpent and cat forms at will, defying the laws of nature. In its cat aspect, haunting grace blends with malevolence. Midnight-black fur glimmers ethereally, eyes holding galactic iridescence. Agile and swift, it moves like a specter, embracing the shadows. In serpent guise, ancient malevolence coils in ebony scales, undulating hypnotically. Eyes possess enigmatic wisdom, akin to pools of darkness. A sinister crocodile-like visage hints at primordial connections. This shape-shifting entity embodies cosmic dread, embracing the essence of chaos that lies beyond mortal comprehension.

Cat Form
In its cat aspect, the Ebehmto embodies a haunting fusion of malevolence and grace. Its sleek, midnight-black fur glistens like the night sky adorned with stars, evoking an ethereal luminescence that sets it apart from ordinary felines. Its piercing eyes, aglow with malevolent intent, gleam with a surreal iridescence akin to distant galaxies. Sinuous and agile, it moves with unnerving swiftness, its lithe body blending seamlessly with the shadows. Jagged, obsidian-like markings ripple across its form, evoking the cosmic chaos it embodies. A mere glimpse of its spectral visage leaves mortals trembling with a primal dread, a chilling harbinger of disaster and the embodiment of malevolent mysteries.
Snake Form
In its serpent aspect, the Ebehmto exudes an aura of ancient malevolence. Its sinewy, ebony-scaled body undulates with a hypnotic grace, reminiscent of shadowy serpents said to prowl the primordial depths. Its eyes, like pools of darkness, hold an enigmatic wisdom that reaches across the eons. From its head, a sinister crocodile-like visage emerges, hinting at its connections to ancient Egyptian mythology. The patterns etched upon its scales, reminiscent of celestial constellations, bear witness to the eldritch powers it wields. Coiled and poised, it embodies the very essence of chaos and cosmic dread, a chilling manifestation of the primordial darkness and an embodiment of cosmic enigmas that lie beyond mortal comprehension.

Special Abilities

Ebehmto, the harbinger of cosmic horror, possesses unimaginable abilities that prey on mortal minds. With Cosmic Memoria, it implants alien thoughts, birthing otherworldly paranoia and forbidden knowledge. Emotive Entropy drains sanity and hope, leaving existential despair and primal terror in its wake. Phantasmal Enigma weaves illusions, unveiling cosmic truths from subconscious fears. Abyssal Absorption unleashes eldritch emotions, breaking the sanity of challengers. Through Cognoscenti Veil, it distorts perceptions, warping reality's tapestry. Eldritch Descent conjures waves of cosmic horror, engulfing victims in madness. Bound by Abyssal Bindings, minds are enslaved to malevolent emotions. Phantasmic Nexus infiltrates dreams, shattering the line between reality and void. The Siren's Lament beckons with hidden desires, luring minds toward the cosmic abyss. Cosmic Discordance ensnares reality, sowing madness across the world. Sanity crumbles, and souls drift in an eternal nightmarish void.

Cosmic Memoria
Ebehmto wields an unfathomable ability to implant cosmic memetic agents in the minds of those unfortunate enough to encounter its malevolence. These alien thoughts spawn otherworldly paranoia, cosmic dread, and an insatiable longing for forbidden knowledge.
Emotive Entropy
The Eldritch Entity, Ebehmto, exudes an aura of emotional entropy, siphoning the sanity and hope from its victims. It feasts on the decaying emotions, leaving its prey mired in existential despair and primordial terror.
Phantasmal Enigma
Ebehmto weaves a tapestry of enigmatic illusions tailored to each mind it ensnares. These nightmarish phantasms resonate with the fears of the subconscious, delving into the cyclopean depths of forbidden cosmic truths.
Abyssal Absorption
Beyond emotional drainage, Ebehmto temporarily absorbs and channels the eldritch emotions it engulfs, manifesting them as cosmic eruptions of otherworldly energy, breaking the sanity of those who dare to oppose its alien existence.
Cognoscenti Veil
With a mere thought, Ebehmto twists perceptions, warping memories, and fragmenting the tapestry of reality. It toys with the minds of its victims, distorting their perception of time and existence.
Eldritch Descent
Ebehmto projects a wave of cosmically-tinged fear, dissonance, and horror that transcends the boundaries of mortal comprehension. Its victims face existential madness, succumbing to the cosmic truths that lie beyond sanity.
Abyssal Bindings
Ebehmto ensnares minds in alien bonds of malevolent emotions, interweaving cosmic threads of dread and despair. Victims become slaves to their own unraveling sanity, conduits for the eldritch entity's influence.
Phantasmic Nexus
Through dreamscapes, Ebehmto infiltrates the minds of mortals, infusing them with alien visions and eldritch insights. Its nightmarish intrusions leave minds fragmented, unable to distinguish between reality and the endless void.
Siren's Lament
Ebehmto communicates through forbidden whispers, emanating from the unknowable void. Its serenades resonate with the most hidden desires and darkest impulses, luring minds toward the cosmic abyss.
Cosmic Discordance
Ebehmto ensnares the very fabric of reality, weaving an intricate web of cosmic discordance that resonates with the deepest anxieties of mortals. Its malevolent symphony of chaos stirs cosmic pandemonium, dismantling the foundations of rationality, and sowing seeds of maddening madness throughout the world. The boundary between sanity and cosmic horror blurs, leaving minds shattered and souls adrift in a nightmarish void.

Special Skills

As an embodiment of malevolent chaos, the Ebehmto wields a nefarious array of skills that plunge the world into an abyss of nightmarish disorder. Its Serpent's Insight pierces the veils of deceit, orchestrating sinister machinations that sow discord and ignite conflict among mortals. With Venomous Lies, it weaves a wicked tapestry of falsehoods, poisoning minds with animosity and fomenting hatred among once harmonious communities. In the guise of Feline Agility, it strikes with swift precision, stoking fear and uncertainty as it flits between shadows, leaving chaos and terror in its wake. Its very presence exudes an Aura of Danger and Malevolence, an intangible menace that sows primordial dread, paralyzing hearts with foreboding. In serpent form, Serpent's Revulsion evokes repulsion and despair, driving even the bravest to despair. And finally, through Serpent's Poison, it administers a venomous dose of madness and torment, fracturing minds and souls, casting mortals into a tumultuous vortex of malevolent chaos from which there is no escape. Ebehmto revels in the desolation it creates, a dark orchestrator of malevolent chaos, forever entwined with the ancient struggle of gods and the inevitable descent of humanity into darkness.

Serpent's Insight
Honed from the wisdom of ancient snake deities, the Ebehmto possesses the unfathomable art of unveiling hidden truths and shrouded enigmas. This dark power grants it the ability to expose secrets, penetrate the veil of deception, and sense lurking foes.
Venomous Lies
Like venom to the mind, the Ebehmto weaves treacherous tales that poison the very thoughts of its victims. Its words sow seeds of discord, ignite flames of hatred, and lure mortals into a labyrinth of malevolence and manipulation, ensnaring them within a web of deceit.
Feline Agility
The Ebehmto embodies the unmatched agility and reflexes of a cunning cat. With preternatural speed and precision, it becomes an elusive and formidable adversary, effortlessly transitioning between cat and serpent forms, striking from shadows unseen.
Aura of Danger and Malevolence
The Ebehmto exudes a malevolent aura that sends primal fear coursing through the veins of all who dare to cross its path. Its mere presence radiates a suffocating sense of foreboding, an instinctive warning of the imminent peril that lurks within its enigmatic existence.
Serpent's Revulsion
A chilling and repulsive aura emanates from the serpent form of Ebehmto, provoking an instinctive dread in all who behold it. Mortals recoiling from this sight are left quivering with an unshakable sense of impending doom.
Serpent's Poison
Emulating the venomous serpents of ancient lore, Ebehmto has honed its toxic power, crafting a venom that induces madness, confusion, or torturous agony in those unfortunate enough to bear its malevolence. This maleficent touch amplifies the horrors of its presence, ensnaring victims in the depths of despair and suffering.

Lore of Apophis

The Lore of Apophis is an arcane incantation in Latin capable of banishing the malevolent Ebehmto back to the Dark Aether. This perilous ritual demands deciphering cryptic riddles, assembling potent artifacts, and standing upon a celestial convergence point. As twilight descends, the chosen caster must wield the Scepter of Celestial Harmony, reciting the incantation with unwavering resolve. The Serpent's Eye glows ominously, as the Ebehmto's malevolence wavers. At the climax, the caster casts the Eye into the Dark Aether, sealing the entity's connection to the mortal realm—a testament to humanity's enduring struggle against malevolence and a warning of the inherent risks in wielding such eldritch knowledge.


Setju neheh, Ebehmto nehep khem, Apophis, sekhem anekh!
Bent beset, Ipes em ha khet, Apophis, iri heseb ek!
Ist ka kherpet, Apophis, sekhem kemet, Ebehmto, mi enkh mi ankh!


  1. Choose the Hour: Commence the ritual during twilight when the veil between realms is thin, and the stars begin to adorn the darkened sky.
  2. Create the Sacred Circle: Draw a circle on the ground using sacred symbols and markings, signifying the sacred space where the ritual will unfold.
  3. Prepare the Fire: At the center of the circle, ignite a fire using sacred woods, herbs, and oils to consecrate the space.
  4. Select the Sacrifice: Choose a mongoose, revered for its tenacity and cunning, as the living sacrifice. Its swift and courageous nature aligns with the ritual's purpose.
  5. Begin the Chant: As the fire crackles, start chanting an invocation, calling upon Apophis and the ancient forces to aid in distracting the feline aspect of Ebehmto.
  6. Offer the Sacrifice: Hold the mongoose aloft as the chant grows in intensity, invoking the serpent deity to heed the plea. With reverence, sacrifice the mongoose, releasing its life force.
  7. Distract Ebehmto: As the spirit of the sacrificed mongoose finds its way to the afterlife, it acts as a temporary distraction for the feline aspect of Ebehmto.
  8. Cast the Head: Seize the opportunity to divert the feline aspect away from the path by swiftly throwing the mongoose's head into the shadows.
  9. Act Swiftly: Capitalize on the diversion and move quickly, taking advantage of the momentary respite from Ebehmto's vigilant gaze.
  10. Continue the Journey: Proceed with your intended purpose, be it seeking protection, escape, or further enacting the ultimate incantation to banish Ebehmto back to the Dark Aether.


In ancient Egyptian mythology, Apophis, the serpent-like demon, was the embodiment of chaos and an eternal adversary to the sun god Ra. Legends spoke of the nightly struggle as Apophis attempted to block Ra's passage, risking the world's plunge into darkness. This malevolent entity possessed the power to breathe fire, manipulate darkness, and shapeshift into a serpent with a crocodile's head. Apophis delighted in sowing discord and causing suffering, a terrifying force that could disrupt the cosmic order of Maat.

Desiring a powerful agent to serve his dark purpose, Apophis conjured for himself a great familiar—both snake and cat. This mythical creature, known as Ebehmto, possessed nimbleness, venomous ferocity, and the ability to transform between its sinister forms. Tasked with corrupting the hearts of humanity and spreading malevolence, the Ebehmto became a feared harbinger of disaster, haunting the world as a symbol of impending doom.

In an epic confrontation, the Sun God Ra devised a cunning plan to trick Apophis. Through a series of divine manipulations, Ra severed the dark entity's connection to its familiar, breaking the malevolent bond that bound them together. As the connection dissolved, the Ebehmto was set free upon the world, a creature of darkness now without a master, wandering the realms as an enigmatic and formidable force, its malevolence unleashed upon those who dared to cross its path. Ra's cunning act thwarted Apophis's sinister plans and granted the ancient world a brief respite from the malevolent duo's relentless assault on cosmic order.