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Latest revision as of 03:14, 6 July 2023

Played by: User:necahual
Height: Variable
Weight: 42 kg
Gender: Non-Binary
Race: Az'Thnk
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Age: 33 Earth Years
Place of Birth: Shug'Ghnahoth
Eye Color: Orange
Figure: Amorphous protoplasmic mass with tentacles, mouths and eyes forming and dissolving back into the main mass.
Occupation: Soth Ahfhtagnor (space explorer)
Rank / Skill Level: Experienced
Approved By: User:Cyclops
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Ev mostly has a strong sense of curiosity and a need to learn. Much like a child it does not have a strong sense of morality.

Special Abilities

As a slime mold, it is capable of reconstituting itself if its body is separated forcefully
Ev can use something alike to cellular fission to make a smaller independent version of itself to assist in tasks.
Genetic Shift
While they eat Ev also analyzes the DNA of its food allowing them to modify their own genome on the fly.
Ev has a limited ability to mimic shapes/body forms/textures/colors

Special Skills

Part of their education is for altering genetic material to create new biomorphs or modify existing bioforms for different conditions.
Material science
An education into the physical/chemical characteristics of elements, compounds and molecules.
Classical/Quantum physics
The youngest field for their race, this knowledge is mostly for understanding the limits of calculations and power consumption of organic computers (Analytical Ganglion).

Special Equipment

A 140 foot (180 foot accounting the tentacles) ship with limited manufacturing capability. The ship is powered by a fusion reactor and gathers hydrogen passively en route to the destination. The ship has multiple different scanner organs as well as signal transmission organs. It has no offensive capabilities but it does have a plasma field organ for dealing with micro meteors. The ship propels itself via ion thrusters. It is not suited for maneuverability in space nor in atmosphere but has a thick carapace for protection.
The main exosuit that Ev uses for an EVA or if they need to leave the safety of the ship. Fully controllable by them with limited intelligence. It is a chemoheterotroph, using fuel fabricated within the ship for sustenance. It is modular with different parts able to added or subtracted as needed.


Ev was spawned on the planet of Shug'Ghnahoth. They were part of a spawning that was meant for more scientific endeavours. Now that the planet was unified they focused their efforts on expanding into space.Ev was part of that space bound push. They were given top education possible and distributed out to the different programs. Ev landed in a deep space program meant to send lone mission out to far off star systems for scans and establishment of colonies and if necessary the establishment of diplomatic relations with alien races. The last one was an afterthought to them however as they had not encountered nor observed signs of alien intelligence. Then approximately 33 earth years after it was first spawned Ev was sent out for their long mission in a bioship suitable for the mission.