Elysian Bookbinders Society: Difference between revisions

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[[File:Binders-Modern.png|thumb|Modern insignia of the Elysian Bookbinders Society]]
[[File:Binders-Ind.png|thumb|Insignia of the EBS from Industrial Revolution
[[File:Binders-Original.png|thumb|Original Elysian Bookbinders Society Symbol]]
Founded in the 20th Century BCE in Mesopotamia, the Elysian Bookbinders Society has evolved from a fellowship of scribes and scholars to a complex, globally connected organization dedicated to safeguarding magical and supernatural knowledge. Rooted in a deep respect for knowledge, the Society values stewardship, humility, integrity, collaboration, continuous learning, secrecy, and adaptability. These guiding principles, along with their storied history, have allowed the EBS to thrive in its sacred mission of preserving knowledge from the 20th Century BCE to the modern digital era, ensuring that the wisdom of the past isn't lost to future generations.
Founded in the 20th Century BCE in Mesopotamia, the Elysian Bookbinders Society has evolved from a fellowship of scribes and scholars to a complex, globally connected organization dedicated to safeguarding magical and supernatural knowledge. Rooted in a deep respect for knowledge, the Society values stewardship, humility, integrity, collaboration, continuous learning, secrecy, and adaptability. These guiding principles, along with their storied history, have allowed the EBS to thrive in its sacred mission of preserving knowledge from the 20th Century BCE to the modern digital era, ensuring that the wisdom of the past isn't lost to future generations.

Revision as of 07:02, 27 June 2023

Modern insignia of the Elysian Bookbinders Society

[[File:Binders-Ind.png|thumb|Insignia of the EBS from Industrial Revolution

Original Elysian Bookbinders Society Symbol

Founded in the 20th Century BCE in Mesopotamia, the Elysian Bookbinders Society has evolved from a fellowship of scribes and scholars to a complex, globally connected organization dedicated to safeguarding magical and supernatural knowledge. Rooted in a deep respect for knowledge, the Society values stewardship, humility, integrity, collaboration, continuous learning, secrecy, and adaptability. These guiding principles, along with their storied history, have allowed the EBS to thrive in its sacred mission of preserving knowledge from the 20th Century BCE to the modern digital era, ensuring that the wisdom of the past isn't lost to future generations.


Respect for Knowledge
Above all else, the Binders believe in the inherent worth of knowledge. They respect all forms of learning, whether it's the sciences, humanities, or the arcane and supernatural. Every piece of information is valuable, providing a deeper understanding of the world and its many mysteries.
The EBS view themselves as the stewards of knowledge, not its owners. They believe in preserving knowledge for future generations, safeguarding it from destruction, manipulation, and misuse. They view this task as a sacred duty, and it forms the cornerstone of their mission.
Despite their vast knowledge and expertise, the Binders value humility. They understand that no individual or organization can know everything, and that wisdom comes from acknowledging one's limitations. This also includes respect for the unknown and the unknowable, especially in the realms of the supernatural and magical.
The EBS believes in conducting their work with integrity. This means acting responsibly with the knowledge they possess, and ensuring that it is not used for malicious purposes. They hold themselves to a high ethical standard and expect the same of their members.
Recognizing the vast scope of their mission, the EBS values collaboration. They work closely with one another across their various divisions, pooling their knowledge, resources, and expertise. They believe that together, they can achieve much more than they could individually.
Continuous Learning**
The Binders are committed to lifelong learning. They understand that the pursuit of knowledge is a journey without end, one that requires constant curiosity, exploration, and study. They foster a culture of intellectual curiosity and continuous growth among their members.
Due to the nature of the knowledge they safeguard, the EBS values discretion and secrecy. They take steps to ensure their work remains confidential, protecting both the Society and the wider world from the potential misuse of dangerous knowledge.
The EBS has survived and thrived over centuries due to their adaptability. They recognize the need to evolve and adapt to the changing world, whether that means embracing new technologies or revising their practices to better safeguard their collections.


Arcane Antiquarians
The Arcane Antiquarians are charged with the thrilling task of cataloging and preserving the magical artifacts within the Society's custody. This diverse team of historians, archaeologists, and magic-specialists are skilled in deciphering the history, origin, and arcane properties of each artifact. They work hand in hand with the Magical Theory & Research division to investigate the artifacts and with the Vault Guardians to secure their preservation. This division, infused with a sense of whimsy and wonder, brings the enchanting world of magical artifacts to life within the Society.
Cryptic Codebreakers
The Cryptic Codebreakers, as their whimsical name suggests, are the Society's expert cryptographers and cybersecurity specialists. As the guardians of the Society's digital domain, they employ sophisticated codes and cutting-edge technology to ensure that their collection of magical and supernatural knowledge remains secure and confidential in the Information Age. This division is also responsible for monitoring the internet for any potential breaches of the Society's secrets.
Arcane Archivists
The Arcane Archivists serve as the investigative arm of the Elysian Bookbinders Society. Their work often leads them to the far corners of the world as they follow leads and hints to new knowledge and potential artifacts. This division, full of daring explorers and dogged detectives, ensures the Society's collection continues to grow, uncovering and reclaiming lost magical and supernatural knowledge.
Mythopoeic Scribes
The Mythopoeic Scribes are a group of writers, librarians, and scholars who meticulously document, transcribe, and translate the knowledge within the Society's collection. Steeped in the mystique of the written word, they ensure that the magic and supernatural lore gathered by the Society are carefully preserved and intelligibly presented for future generations. They work closely with the Arcane Antiquarians, the Cryptic Codebreakers, and the Invisible Inquisitors to record and share their findings.


Founded in the 20th century BCE in Mesopotamia, the Elysian Bookbinders Society has a long history of safeguarding and curating knowledge, particularly that which delves into the supernatural and magical realms. Throughout antiquity, each significant library held a secret vault maintained by the society, home to rare books and artifacts of a mystical nature. After the fall of the Western Roman Empire, the Society members embraced a form of monastic life, becoming the Binder-Monks dedicated to preserving knowledge amidst the chaos. As time progressed, they adapted to societal changes, including the rapid dissemination of knowledge during the Renaissance and the scientific curiosity of the Victorian era. In the modern Information Age, they've incorporated cryptography and cyber security to their arsenal of skills, creating a digital sanctuary to continue their mission of protecting and controlling magical and supernatural knowledge.


Initially, the group was simply a fellowship of learned scribes, scholars, and librarians who had devoted their lives to the preservation of knowledge. Their collections comprised of clay tablets, early forms of paper scrolls, and other mediums, recording everything from mathematics to poetry to astronomy.

However, as they ventured further in their quest for knowledge, they began to encounter texts and objects that couldn't be explained by conventional means. These included writings about magic, inter-dimensional theories, artifacts with unusual properties, and more. Recognizing the importance and potential danger of these items, they decided to form a separate, secret group within their ranks. Thus, the Elysian Bookbinders Society was born, named after the Elysium, a conception of the afterlife that was known as the final resting place of the soul of the heroic and the virtuous, signifying their commitment to the noble pursuit of protecting knowledge.

Throughout the centuries, as human civilization spread and evolved, the EBS adapted with it. As major libraries were established in Alexandria, Pergamon, and Constantinople, secret vaults were added to house the expanding collections of the EBS. The Binders carefully maintained these vaults, each one filled with a unique selection of magical books and artifacts.

Members of the EBS have always been chosen for their passion for knowledge and their area of expertise. Every Binder has extensive and precise knowledge of a particular aspect of magic or artifacts. This specialization helps them to better understand, protect, and manage their collections. For instance, one Binder may specialize in ancient curses and counter-curses, while another may be an expert in mystical beings and their lore.

Throughout history, the Binders have played a silent yet significant role in many events. They have been there to secure magical artifacts after the fall of empires, to protect knowledge during times of war and destruction, and to ensure that the wisdom of the past isn't lost to future generations. In the modern day, the EBS continues to uphold their ancient duty, ever vigilant and always ready to step in when supernatural knowledge is at risk. Their history is a testament to the importance of safeguarding knowledge - both ordinary and supernatural - and the lengths that dedicated individuals will go to protect it.

Middle Ages

In the chaotic aftermath of the fall of the Western Roman Empire in 476 AD, members of the Elysian Bookbinders Society stepped in to preserve and maintain the continuity of classical knowledge. Embracing monastic traditions, they became Binder-Monks, establishing sanctuaries of learning in remote monasteries, castles, and hidden locations across Europe. These places served dual roles, functioning both as spaces for contemplation and study and as secure vaults for magical books and artifacts. In the spirit of these monastic orders, the Binder-Monks developed a deep reverence for knowledge, considering their mission sacred, and pledged an oath of dedication to protect knowledge from oblivion.

To safeguard the sacredness and longevity of this knowledge, they developed a sophisticated system of scripts, languages, and symbols—the "Sacred Script"—allowing them to safely record and share insights about the magical and supernatural. They devoted their lives to studying these phenomena, transcribing fragile documents onto more durable materials, and constructing magical wards for their collections. In monastic tradition, they lived in solitude or small communities, fostering a culture of contemplation, learning, and shared responsibility. They also nurtured the next generation, training young apprentices who showed a natural understanding of the supernatural, ensuring the survival and continuity of their mission.


During the Renaissance, the Elysian Bookbinders Society found themselves amidst an era of fervent exploration and intellectual rebirth. This period, spanning roughly the 14th to 17th century, was characterized by a renewed interest in the classical knowledge of the ancient Greeks and Romans, a fervor for exploration, and the emergence of humanist philosophy. Many of the Binders would have been deeply engaged in this societal rebirth, aligning closely with the humanist belief in the potential and dignity of the individual, and the pursuit of a wide array of scholarly interests. Indeed, the Renaissance's emphasis on inquiry and the empirical observation of the natural world would have stimulated the Binders to seek even deeper into their exploration of the arcane and the supernatural.

The invention of the printing press in the mid-15th century marked a turning point for the Society. Suddenly, knowledge could be disseminated rapidly and widely, making the Binders' mission of controlling and protecting magical knowledge significantly more complex, but also, arguably more crucial. As books became more accessible, the Elysian Bookbinders redoubled their efforts, developing new methods to safeguard dangerous supernatural knowledge. During this period of expansion and discovery, Binders likely journeyed with explorers to distant lands, seeking out unfamiliar forms of magical knowledge and artifacts. The Society's collections would have grown in richness and diversity, echoing the broader cultural exchange and intellectual flowering of the period. It was a time of transformation for the Elysian Bookbinders Society, aligning their mission with the wider societal shift towards exploration, discovery, and the sharing of knowledge.

Victorian Era

As the Elysian Bookbinders Society transitioned into the Victorian era, they found themselves in a world rapidly changing due to industrialization and technological advancements. The Victorian period, stretching from the mid-19th to early 20th century, was characterized by strict social codes, the emergence of novel scientific thought, and swift industrial progress. The Binders, steeped in their mission of safeguarding magical and supernatural knowledge, had to adapt to these shifts. They possibly became more secretive, developing intricate codes, rituals, and systems to secure their knowledge in a world growing increasingly connected. This era likely saw the Elysian Bookbinders Society refining their methods, utilizing the era's scientific advancements to catalogue, study, and protect their troves of supernatural artifacts and phenomena.

The Victorian values of discipline, decorum, and a passion for discovery echoed strongly within the Elysian Bookbinders Society. The Victorian ideal of the 'gentleman scholar' or the 'enlightened lady' - those who pursued knowledge for its own sake - would have found a natural home among the Binders. Many of them might have been scholars or inventors, subtly guiding the scientific and cultural advancements of the era with their unique knowledge. Others may have functioned as guardians, working tirelessly behind the scenes to ensure the world's magical and supernatural knowledge was preserved, accessible yet safely guarded. The Victorian era, with its blend of rapid societal change and a fervor for discovery, would have challenged the Elysian Bookbinders Society, but also undoubtedly strengthened their resolve and commitment to their mission.

Modern Era

As the world entered the Information Age in the late 20th century, the Elysian Bookbinders Society faced an unprecedented challenge. Knowledge and information were no longer confined to physical mediums but were increasingly stored and shared digitally, accessible to anyone with an internet connection. The Binders, charged with the mission of protecting and controlling magical and supernatural knowledge, found themselves navigating uncharted waters. In response, they had to significantly adapt their methods. Drawing from their centuries-old tradition of secrecy, the Elysian Bookbinders Society turned towards the emerging fields of cryptography and cyber security. They developed complex digital codes and rituals akin to their physical ones, creating a sort of 'digital vault' to secure their knowledge in this new virtual world.

In the modern era, the Elysian Bookbinders have embraced technology as a tool to aid in their mission. They utilize advanced algorithms and AI to monitor the internet, ensuring that dangerous supernatural knowledge does not leak into the public domain. Their members are not just scholars and historians now but also programmers, data scientists, and cyber security experts. Yet, despite these significant changes, the heart of the Elysian Bookbinders Society remains unchanged. They are still the tireless guardians of knowledge, the quiet scholars studying the mystical, the devoted preservers of the arcane. They've transitioned into the digital age, carrying with them their ancient mission, guided by their enduring principles, and fueled by their unwavering passion for protecting knowledge.