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; Rank / Skill Level: Expert Gnomish Engineer and very talented Goblin engineer (Scoggle has been engineering for many many years creating very high tech weapons and utilities for his own ship.)
; Rank / Skill Level: Expert Gnomish Engineer and very talented Goblin engineer (Scoggle has been engineering for many many years creating very high tech weapons and utilities for his own ship.)
; Player ID: @Ori-O#0505 on Discord
; Player ID: @Ori-O#0505 on Discord
;Power Rating: A
;Destructive Rating: S
;Defense Rating: C
;Speed rating: B

== Personality ==
== Personality ==

Revision as of 15:12, 10 January 2017

Scoggle Denishen
Height / Weight
(Don't have on hand)
Hair / Eye Color
Blue Eye's / Green Hair
Universe of Origin
World of Warcraft
Pirate / Mercenary
Rank / Skill Level
Expert Gnomish Engineer and very talented Goblin engineer (Scoggle has been engineering for many many years creating very high tech weapons and utilities for his own ship.)
Player ID
@Ori-O#0505 on Discord


Scoggle is a sociopath at his core but would not hurt people that he is working for unless given a reason or by accident. He tends to joke, joke around even in serious situations giving away his particular way of only caring about what he chooses is worthy to care about.


Money, to make more inventions and to kill.


Due to being a sociopath Scoggle feels he has very little, if anything, to fear.


Born in royalty. (Not even Scoggle knows.)


Common (English)


Special Skills

Master engineer, Very skilled at aiming with his engineered rifle and is fairly adept with his melee weapons. Able to create very interesting inventions and more and easily repair his equipment that he made with relative ease. Anything that is logical that wasn't made by Scoggle would take some time to figure out and possibly repair.


Scoggle does not remember too much of his childhood but being on a ship with pirates. Over the years as he grew older he took a huge liking to engineering and became the ships engineer for years and because of Scoggle's crazy inventions they were able to rule the sea for many years. Scoggle's ship was eventually destroyed though and most of his friends were killed in the process. After that he went into the city of Stormwind for the first time knowing that the guards would not know that he was on the ship and would work there to make new inventions and more for awhile.

General Strengths

Scoggle is very powerful with his inventions giving him a huge advantage which makes up for his disadvantages. Scoggle is able to work under pressure without too much stress and is able to fight in a fairly calm state of mind. Scoggle, as a gnome, is fairly strong and has fairly good reaction time as he has been in many battles for almost his entire life. Scoggle is very use to pain as well so minor (Or some moderate) hits will not phase Scoggle too long allowing him to recover very quickly as well he can take a punch, this does not mean Scoggle is able to withstand critical injury. Scoggle is more or less a mad genius simply coming up with new inventions and ideas all the time and clever ways to fight his enemies surprising them in combat.

General Disadvantages

Scoggle is fairly weak in general without his inventions, either if they are to break or malfunction and depending if it is one of Scoggle's signature weapons. Due to Scoggle's size, in a normal fight he would easily be over powered by physically stronger enemies and he is able to be knocked off his feet much easier than other creatures or races. Scoggle is able to hold his own without his inventions and simply using his solid sword but simply a physically stronger enemy could over power that and so on.

Scoggle's weapons also carry a critical disadvantage for their power. His weapons are fairly unstable and no matter how hard Scoggle tries to minimize the chance it is almost always the same. When ever Scoggle uses any of his engineered weapons there is a chance for it to malfunction, either becoming unusable or causing something unintended.

Arms and Equipment


Scoggle's basic, solid weapon. It is kept in fairly good condition and seems rarely used. This is Scoggle's last resort weapon if his inventions fail him so he isn't left with nothing. The handle of the weapon is insulated protecting him from electric.

Fiery Sword

Fiery Sword

Scoggle's signature melee weapon. It has the strength of a blow torch and can keep on for a long time. VERY effective against low armored enemies but loses some of it's effectiveness against armored enemies but due to the severe heat of the weapon it can still be deadly against armored enemies. Scoggle will can also use this weapon to either torture, maim and so on. Scoggle can also use this weapon as tool and normally does. The fiery sword is not too durable and good hit could break it. Although it is fairly difficult to actually hit the hilt of the fiery sword in the first place. This weapon is concealed and cannot be seen on Scoggle under normal circumstances.

High-Powered Bolt Gun

High-Powered Bolt Gun

Scoggle's Signature Ranged weapon. The bolt gun is modified from the classic bolt gun engineers are accustomed to. The bolt gun is able to shoot a bolt at high speed which is able to easily pierce through armor using electricity to actually fire the projectile. After the projectile is shot, it will cause a small explosion after a few moments meaning it does NOT explode on contact and can enter inside of a body, wait a few seconds and then explode causing major internal damage. In theory it is possibly to rip the bolt out of you before it explodes but it would be very pain for to do so and you are extremely timed. the explosion is fairly small in general. This is Scoggle's most unstable weapon and requires regular maintenance! The gun is able to automatically reload making it usable multiple times in the middle of combat. The bolt rifle is extremely durable making it difficult to actually break it. The more times the rifle is fired, the higher a chance that there will be a malfunction, the longer it goes without a malfunction the bigger the malfunction could be.

(Subject to change)Dynamite: This is Scoggle's mystery offensive weapon mostly and tends to change depending if he makes something new or X. But usually its dynamite. The dynamite's explosion is large and one should be careful. There is a static 5% chance that it is a dud. If the dynamite gets wet then there is a 30% - 80% that it is a dud.(Depends what happens in role play) This weapon is concealed and cannot be seen on Scoggle on normal circumstances.

Placement Exchanger Gun

This gun is mostly harmless. What this gun does is changes places with another person or small/medium object. (Cannot be bolted to ground or be too dense/heavy) If the person that is teleported is not use to being teleported, they will feel dizzy or possibly even nauseated. The gun works off of pure electricity and can shoot twice in one sitting before it needs to recharge. The gun is able to slowly recharge itself over time. (Gun has a static 70% chance for a minor teleport malfunction, a 40% chance for a moderate teleport malfunction, and a 10% chance for a major teleport malfunction. Every time the gun is used, the malfunction chance increases by +5% starting from 0%.)

Note: Buttons can change over time possibly.

Gravity Inverter (Blue Button)

A blue button can be found on Scoggle's belt which can invert the gravity around him temporaryly. (Base malfunction chance is 0, after first use +15 malfunction chance is added, every use after that adds a +10 malfunction chance to the gravity inverter. The malfunctions for the gravity inverter are very static. there is a 70% chance that the gravity inverter will simply over heat making it unusable for the rest of combat. If it over heats -20 malfunction chance is removed, and a 30% chance for it to break down requiring it to be repaired. The button is fairly durable and is unlikely to break upon receiving damage. Malfunction chance is reduced back to 0% at the end of combat unless it malfunctions.)

Camouflage Emitter (Gray Button)

The button can also be found on Scoggle's belt. The emitter is able to camouflage Scoggle using mirrors that make him difficult to see from a moderate distance. There is almost no chance for a malfunction to occur. If Scoggle is to receive damage there is a 20% chance that it can break the button. If Scoggle is attacked while camouflage and is hit, the button will have a 100% chance to break and would require repairs.

Shield Emitter (Yellow Button)

This button will quickly begin to drain Scoggle's belt batteries if used for too long. A moderate electric shield will appear in front of Scoggle which is somewhat durable protecting him. The back of Scoggle is unprotected. The shield is excellent at stopping many projectiles including armor piercing ones, Once the shield stops a projectile the shield would break. The shield is immune to any electric/laser based projectiles as well as recharging Scoggle's belt battery slightly. The shield can only be used 3 times and then after that the battery should be drained. (Unless stated otherwise) Melee weapons easily pierce through the shield destroying it quickly although if the weapon the enemy is using is not properly insulated then a shock of electricity can hit the enemy. Scoggle is unable to attack with the shield up. If too many laser weapons attack the shield it can overload Scoggles battery causing a random malfunction roll to occur. (If Scoggle's battery has a charge of 5) Scoggle's battery only loses a charge if the shield is broken. If Scoggle's belt battery charge hits 0 then all other buttons will become unusable until charged.

Scoggle's Lens

Scoggle does indeed have both eyes and simply uses a special engineered lens on his right eye. The lens has 4 modes: Standard mode, (Green) where it is basically doing nothing; View mode, (Blue) Allowing him to see further into the distance; Smoke mode, (Yellow) Allows Scoggle to see through fog or smoke easier {Does not have infinite smoke piercing range of course}; And Heat mode (Red mode) Allowing him to see the temperatures of things if it is hotter or colder, Scoggle will usually try to turn this mode on during combat if able. | The Lens are connected to Scoggle's belt battery and so if the belt battery runs out of charge then yellow and red mode become unusable and blue mode's zoom cannot be changed. A good hit to the lens can also make all modes unusable with a 40% - 100% (Depending on what's happening) chance to break requiring repairs.

Misc Inventions

(These are random inventions that Scoggle has created that he may or may not have with him at times and are usually situational.)

Robotic Bombling

Robotic Bombing

Scoggle can place down this robotic bombling which he can control to move to other places to blow up. The bombling has very little durability and can be easily defeated. The bombling's explosion is moderately large so one should be careful around it. If the bombling is defeated by force there is a 60% chance for it to blow up. The bombling is fairly unlikely to malfunction. The bombling does have a set stationary mode allowing it to hide the bomb with it's legs and then explode when commanded to. Scoggle tends to not carry this around unless he knows he is going to use it because if an enemy was to hit the bomb while it is with him it could be fatal.