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{{DEFAULTSORT:Hanstrig, Eva}}
{{DEFAULTSORT: Lanister, Eva}}
{{Character Box
{{Character Box
|image=Evelyn 1C.jpg|Second Body
|name= Evelyn "Eva" Hanstrig
|name= Evelyn S. Lanister (official),AHS E19016 (retired name)
|race= Human
|race= Genetically Modified Artificial Human
|sex = Female
|sex = Female
|height= 5'7" (Old Body), 7'6" (New Body)
|height= 5'4"
|haircolor= Nearly White (Old Body), Creamy Brown
|haircolor= Blonde
|eyecolor= Sky Blue (Old Body), Golden Yellow (New Body)
|eyecolor= Ocean Blue
|age= 379 Years Old
|age= 55 Years Old
|dob= September 8th
|dob= March 21st
|birthplace= Uvia, 4th planet of the Sarvati System
|birthplace= Manester, Luvia. Manester Artificial Human Production Facility. Harsky System, Valeria (4th Planet of the Harsky System).
|universe= Original
|universe= Original
|occ= Commander of the Armed Forces (Former), War Criminal (Current), Prisoner (Current)
|occ= Commander of the 17th Reconnaissance Battalion (Former), War Criminal (Current), Prisoner (Former), Rebe Sniper/Medic (Current)
|rank= Professional
|rank= Field Marshal, Experienced
|figure= Lean (Old Body), Curvy (New Body)
|figure= Short, Average
|setting=Blazing Umbra
|setting=Blazing Umbra

“The Devil in the Guise of a Beautiful Woman”, “The Queen of Death”, “Mastermind” and etc. Eva is the architect of the systematic genocide of more than 4.5 Quadrillion lives, human or alien.
'''[Implementation of Changes is still Incomplete]'''
A capable Commander, her reputation has earned her the respect and fear of every man, woman, and child; Seeing her both as the very embodiment of Evil, or as a Hero. Depending on who you ask.
Despite of her short stature, and young appearance (not looking one day older than 20), Eva is an experienced soldier. Her history, experience, and sheer luck had all played into turning her into who she is now. A young woman who, despite everything she had went through, still smiles and does her best.
Eva has significantly changed since her arrival in Nimbus, and as such, would be unrecognizable to her former colleagues. Especially with her new appearance being completely different from what she used to look like.

Her old body stood at about 5’7, Eva is a very beautiful woman with a rather lean figure. Her old body had near-white hair and sky blue eyes, a pale complexion is present, but it’d require a person to take a closer look to see it.
Standing at about 5'4, Eva has blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. She has a pretty average build, mostly thanks to her genetics. Her right arm is dark grey prosthetic that melds into the rest of her body.
Her new body is taller, standing at about 7'6, a new curvier and womanly body, with short Creamy Brown Hair and Golden Yellow eyes. Eva herself created her new body, and as such, her new body was designed according to what Eva wanted to look like.
Her clothes are reminiscent to that of the SS Uniform, minus the armband, only thing different from the SS Uniform (aside from the missing armband) is the non-puffy pants she wears, instead opting for a more conventional formal one.

<s>It's notable as to how her right arm and left leg are prosthetics made out of microbots. Along with the rest of her body below her neck having a metallic 'web’ running across them, said 'web’ is also present on the back of her head, running the entire length of her spine.</s> (No Longer Present in her New Body)
On her back, stretching from the middle all the way to her lower back, is a silvery sheet of a metallic material. On top of it is a black spinal attachment. She has a scar running down the front of her torso.


Eva is seen as an authority figure both by her subordinates and superiors, primarily because she can influence whatever the Kaiser's next action would be; Her subordinates, according to official records, described her as 'Terrifying, it was like she was accompanied by death itself, every time we see her, she'd send chills down our spine’, when added to her harsh and brutal way of disciplining a soldier (which was pretty much torture in essence), her reputation as the 'Embodiment of Evil’ lives up to it's name.
A sweet and happy young woman. Eva is described by her comrades as their 'Light in the Darkness', as her friendly and calming nature had more than once given them motivation to continue fighting despite the odds turning against them. Despite of her (official recorded) history, she's one that radiates pure innocence.
She has a reputation of taking delight in killing, known to be the type to personally execute prisoners herself. She's also known to be the type of person who does not see value in life, using the reasoning that a lost life can be replaced. This is supported during the Harkov Trials, when she was shown video footage of piles and piles of dead bodies with seemingly no reaction.

Even under captivity, she still holds her head high with pride as a soldier of the Empire. During the war, she notably cares about her troops, making sure to keep them at top fighting condition.  
A risk taker, Eva has a history of going rogue for the sake of rescuing her comrades. Being berated for her actions by her superiors soon after. Coinciding, she's been known to shove her own life and future aside to personally administer first aid and drag a wounded comrade back to friendly lines, even under intense fire. Her fellow soldiers see her acts of selflessness as necessary. As the Civil War was turning against their favor.

Eva's behaviour compliments her personality, someone who always has a smile on her face and acts in a rather 'nice' way (until you get to know her), she still has some humour in her. But when serious, her subordinates described her as someone who has the eyes of a stone-cold killer.
In times of anguish, she's known to just take a deep breath and try her best to prevent herself from losing composure. A trait of hers that is easily seen by her comrades, both old and new. She rarely ever gets angry, the times she were, she would take the time to calm herself down and prevent herself from losing composure.

She was raised by her assigned "parent", who was a gunsmith, inventor, seamstress, tailor, and dressmaker. She picked up her skills and habits as she grew up. Resulting in her habit of tinkering with anything and everything.

Those who ''seriously'' get to know her knows her as a nice, caring, and humorous woman. The sadistic woman she was known to be being more of a wall/faux persona; to dissuade enemy soldiers and to insert discipline into those under her command.
Due to her history, deep inside, she is still a relatively fragile woman. Compounded by the fact that she constantly has to maintain the image of a strength, confidence, and authority, further worsened by how busy and stressed she was back then, leaving her next to no time to rest. Ultimately culminating in the Genocide of K'lka (Kulka).
The gravity of what she had done had fallen on her all at once during the Harkov Trials. But she held her self high. Not daring to show any sign of weakness, to save face. She ultimately shattered on the night after the trial, very few knowing how many tears were sher from her eyes that night.


Born on September 8th, in the Capital City of Mäldsten on her home planet of Uvia. Eva grew up in an abusive family, her father regularly beat her, her mother pretty much didn't give a single thought about her. At one point, as punishment for accidentally breaking a plate when she was only six, she was locked in an 3x3 foot closet for a week with no food or water.
Part of the Generation XIX Program of Artificial Human Soldiers. Number 19016, Code E. 16th of the 150 AHS Produced under Gen XIX. She was put under command of Major Adolf Brunetsky, brother of Field Marshal Anton Brunetsky (Overall Commander of the 116th Special Operations Division), as part of the 116th Special Operations Division, Company Alpha, 2nd Platoon. (Which wouldn't go into effect until she was 20 years old).
The treatment she received became her primary motive to finish her studies, in the background, she would brutally murder little animals as a way to release stress and anger, for fun basically.
When she graduated at the age of 22, she had managed to build an image of a 'nice’ girl. It was only fortunate that her best friend was the leader of a political party, and she quickly rose up the ranks of the party, becoming the Vice Chancellor at the age of 29.
Her brutality became known to the higher members of the party when she was given the task of 'Watching’ their political opponents; Within the next 3 years, she, along with 23 other people, eliminated political opponents one-by-one.
3 years later, her party won the elections by a landslide, and she was given a position in the Military and the Government: Commander of the Armed Forces.
When the original goal of 'Living Space’ was set in motion to be fulfilled, then her true colors began to show.
Commanding the 3rd and 4th Fleets, she lead the expansion of the Empire, a series of victories and her reputation began to rise. Becoming the main face of the Empire's propaganda machine, and the war itself.
During the Wars’ 8th year, she was called back from the frontlines to her home, to be given the highest award to be bestowed on someone: Hero of the Empire with Iron Cross and Platinum Oak Leaves.
During the 2 weeks she was back in her home planet, she was given the task of coming with a Solution to the 'Overpopulation’ problem persisting in Prison Planets. Her original plan was to have them conscripted to the military to serve as ‘Bullet Magnets’...until she deemed the prisoners as ‘incapable’ of 'upholding what regular units can do better’

So her second plan? ‘Liquidate’ the prisoners in camps, stating that 'it would be better for the Empire to have these “prisoners” dead than waste resources on keeping them alive’
Generation XIX were specialized Artificial Humans who were programmed to be more 'Human' compared to previous generations. Being the first generation to have the ability to feel emotions, capability of rational thinking, and being built to have their own personalities. They were built to allow compatibility with Natural Human Soldiers, who deemed the previous Generations as nothing but 'puppets' and, more often than not, refused to work with them. Nonetheless, features of the previous Generations, such as the inability to age after reaching 20 years of age, and the bog standard Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes combination common with all Artificial Human Soldiers of the Merkovian Reich.

There was a very long consideration to her plan, it was originally rejected, so she decided to pull some strings and force it to be accepted. During her plans' second review period, it was expanded upon, covering 'persons-of-interest’, 'traitors’ and 'prisoners-of-war’ as the people who were to be executed.
As part of the program, she was raised in a Military Academy, common for preceding AHS Generations. As part of the first 20, she was raised like a 'Normal' Girl. Assigned a "parent", receiving Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education like a normal human would (but was required to participate in Military Training as part of her curriculum). Finishing with a Masters Degree in Foreign Relations and Diplomacy. Which would mostly go to waste as she was a soldier.

All of this was done under wraps, the civilian populace uninformed of the horrors that were about to unfold in secret.
Once she was finished with her education, she was officially "Commissioned" into the 116th Special Forces Division. Once that was done, they were sent to fight on Suraften 4 (Mars), during the Invasion of the Suraften (Sol) System. It was during the 4 years of fighting when she formed bonds with her comrades. In a particularly hairy engagement, she disobeyed orders and ran across No Man's Land to drag an injured comrade back into the trenches. It was here when she lost her right arm from an enemy .50 Caliber round. She successfully managed to bring her injured comrade to safety, at the cost of her nearly losing her life. Consequently, she was sent back home to recover. It was around this time a nanite production device was implanted inside her chest, around her heart. Using nanoreplicators to produce [[nanites]] tasked with repairing and protecting her body from threats and damage, both internal and external (along with other features).

After her 2 week leave from the frontlines, she decided to personally lead the final armored push on the Capital of the 7th Planet they invaded, it was here when she lost her arm and leg to a sniper.
6 years later, in an odd twist of fate. She was sent to Officer School to begin training. Specifically, for promotion to Field Marshal. The reason was largely unknown, some speculate the reason being to appease the protests calling for Artificial Humans to be permitted to be Officers, Commanders and whatnot. Consequently, after 4 years of Officer School (which she was forced to take up Combined Arms Tactics as a Specialty), she was promoted to Field Marshal and given command of...the 17th Reconnaissance Battalion. Being given command of tanks (heavy, medium, light), Armored Cars, Aircraft (18 of them) and other associated logistics

Unfortunately, her lost limbs couldn't be saved, so they replaced it with a prosthetic arm using magnetically secured, semi-individual plates of a diamond-shaped microbots made out of an incredibly strong lightweight metal called 'Xithricite’, mostly used as armor on battleships. In addition, her genes were modified, preventing her from ever aging, and [[nanites]] were injected into her (several ten septillion, powered by a special hub around her heart that uses her heartbeat to power the nanites passing through it, can also replace lost nanites via replication), essentially turning her into a semi-cyborg, semi-immortal being, a side effect being that there was now a metallic 'web’ running across her entire body.
Once again, orders were given to deploy to the Suraften System. Suraften 4 again. While she was regarded as an effective Commander. Her most major achievement was when she was forced to hold off the advance of an enemy formation, totaling 80,000 Troops and 400 tanks compared to her measly 450 soldiers, 30 tanks, and 10 155mm Artillery Guns. The flexibility of herself and her subordinates, successful resource management, and nightly raids were successful in demoralizing the enemy. Forcing them to withdraw in fear of fighting an even larger force, with her Battalion facing minimal losses.

After operation, in the few weeks she was at full capacity, in her fury, she ordered the execution of every living being in the planet where she lost her arm. Totaling more than 233 billion lives executed.
However, her small victory was shortlived, as Merkovian Forces were forced to withdraw from the Suraften System. She was deployed to other fronts, in which Merkovian Forces were forced to withdraw from. All of which was soon followed by the fall of the Merkovian Empire 11 years later. After failure to defend Valeria from a combined Surafian, Desronian, and Nikovian Invasion forced the Empire to an unconditional surrender. As with all officers and commanders, she was locked up awaiting trial.

After that, it was discovered that her body needed to adjust to the genetic modifications, prosthetic arm, and nanites. And so, she was put into cryosleep in secret.
It was during this waiting period when Imperial Commanders, seeking to save their own selves, formulated false documents, testimonials, and bribed soldiers to pin the blame of war crimes to solely Artificial Humans. Unknowingly setting the stage for the next conflict. Of over 1,117,879 documented War Crimes, 1,857 were blamed on Eva, and the remaining 1,116,020 documented War Crimes were pinned on Artificial Humans, with only 2 being blamed on Natural Humans.

As the war dragged on, her status was slowly forgotten, and she was proclaimed Dead 4 years after her ‘disappearance’.
As punishment, she was sentenced to life in prison alongside a million Artificial Humans. She spent the next 11 years in Prison. It was here where, due to laws requiring prisoners to have an official non-military identity, she chose the name Evelyn S. Lanister, adopting the middle name and surname of her assigned parent. Also in that time, a new war was being brewed. The result of the Trials had resulted in a sharp increase in discrimination and hate against Artificial Humans, which made up 40% of the Population of Merkov. Eventually erupting into violent resistance against their existence. Merkovian Army elements also turned against their existence, and eventually, even the National Government turned against them. Resulting in the Crystal Night of 2438. Where businesses, homes, and other sectors owned by Artificial Humans were raided and destroyed by the Natural Human Populace, both Civilian and Military. Artificial Humans and their sympathizers were forced to resist, with some going into hiding.

After 300 something years, she was awakened from her cryosleep by enemy soldiers. It quickly became evident to her that they lost the War. As the chamber she was in was inaccessible to anyone not authorized.
It was at the start of the so-called "Humanitarian Conflict" when the maximum security prison Eva was being held in was raided by AH Sympathizers. Setting free a total of 3 million Artificial Humans, most eventually joining to fight for their cause. For the next 3 years, Eva once again fought as a soldier for the Liberation Army, fighting as a sniper and medic. Most of her old comrades, at least, those she had commanded, had decided joined to fight for the Liberation Army. Eventually, she got to where she is now. Fighting inside a Fortress, during the ongoing Siege of Fortress Intolerance.

After several days of recovery, she was put in trial, and was held responsible for the deaths of more than 4.5 Quadrillion lives, Human or Alien. And was to be executed the following month.

In the meantime however, she was put in a Guided Missile Ship converted to a Prison ship just outside of her Home System, to ensure that nobody tries to break her out, or if she ever tries to escape.
When she lost her arm, she was subsequently upgraded after some (behind the scenes) pushing of the scientist behind the Gen XIX Program. Mainly to test some new technologies that were under development, and also because she was the first Gen XIX wounded in combat.

*Prosthetic Arm
Her missing arm was replaced with a prosthetic arm, with a central Xithricite "bone". The "muscles" and "skin" being a single piece made up of nanites, allowing her to shape her arm to any shape she wants (as long as it doesn't exceed the maximum length of 3ft). The whole arm is powered by a micro-anti-matter reactor. Which is able to provide back up power to her nanite production device around her heart. The prosthetic is directly connected to her skin, bones, and nervous system, as such, maintenance is to be done with it attached or risk life-threatening injuries trying to detach it. Her nanites, in conjunction with the nanites of the prosthetic, allow her to move the prosthetic as if it was a natural limb, using her own nerbous system as a conduit. Due to its artificial nature, it is significantly stronger and more resilient to damage than the rest of her body. Able to shatter 12-inches of Vickers Cemented Armor in a single punch with the strength governor removed.

Ever since she ended up in the hands of [[Solas Tempus]], Eva has notably changed. In the past year since her arrival, she had went through a number of personal and behavioural, changes.
The nanite production device is a metallic "foil" wrapped around her heart, semi-permanently integrated via microscopic needles that penetrate the walls of her heart and inject and extract the nanites directly into her bloodstream. The nanites themselves can do double duty, able to do the job of RBCs and WBCs whenever needed, relying on commands sent by the body, and if necessary, corrective commands by the Production Device. The nanites can repair damaged genes, however, this has a limit.

Due to effectively being under 'House Arrest', Eva has had time to reflect on her actions. Ultimately culminating in a failed attempted suicide (which, as of to date, nobody knows about); as a way to get those thoughts out of her mind, she buried herself in any sort of activity to keep herself busy. Reading about 'Earth' and its history (of which, the Mid-20th Century was certainly an interesting one for her), culture, entertainment and etc. The consequence of which her picking up cosplaying, clothes making, gunsmithing, and random inventing and tinkering as a hobby.
Uniquely enough, she comes equipped with a replicator on her right hand and lower spine. The replicator is of a unique design also. Unlike other replicators, the replicator that Eva has are what's termed as "flat" or "foil" replicators. Which means that they don't jut out or have any "holes" or "wells", but are instead just sheets that are either buried inside skin or exposed (the replicator in her right hand is buried in her palm, while the one on her back is exposed). The replicators Eva has can replicate an object through skin and clothing, but only within the immediate vicinity of them.  

Eventually, six months after her arrival, Eva made a decision, choosing to accept and live with the gravity and severity of her actions. Living with the guilt and realization that, no matter how much she sacrifices as atonement, the lives she had taken and the dreams she had shattered will never be replaced nor return. This acceptance is better pronounced in her behaviour and her way of speaking, becoming more open and vocal as opposed to before.  
The replicator in her palm can replicate anything that fits inside a 12x12cm cube, while the one attached to her lower spine can replicate anything that fits inside a 36cm tall, 30cm wide cuboid. Uniquely, the replicator on her back, while being just one whole piece, is obstructed by a spinal attachment, running through the middle of the replicator. This doesn't impede function however.

The fact that she spends most of her time inside her room, along with picking up inventing and tinkering as a hobby, has had somewhat problematic consequences for her. One of her most problematic inventions was a portable replicator, which has exploded more than once due to technical malfunctions (which she is still working on), while her most successful invention was a small 'Emergency' Pistol. Which utilised a unique over-under design. With a break action sliding lower barrel chambered in a 12.7x33mm cartridge and a [[phaser]] on top (which is pre-set to 'Kill'...since the only time you'd get to use the thing was when you were in extreme danger. But can be set to one of the other phaser settings via a rear mounted dial).
*Spinal Attachment
The object attached to her back runs the whole length of her spine, from the back of her neck to the bottom of her spine. Attached to her via needles. It serves no purpose other than to allow her to control exoskeletons. The object is removable.

Another hobby of hers was clothes making, partially caused by her cosplaying hobby. Most of the clothing she makes is made out of the same material as her officers clothing, but with a special material insert that made said clothing highly resistant to pistol and assault rifle calibers (i.e projectile doesn't penetrate, but it is still painful to get hit by one, as the material does not stop the transfer of kinetic energy carried by the bullet.)
*Reinforced Skeletal System
Her skeletal system was reinforced by inserting nanite assisted liquid Silk Steel into her and forcing them to wrap around her bones, and in some cases, even "meld" themselves as part of the bone structure. The nanites in the liquid Silk Steel prevent any sortnof medical issue that could arise from having her bones be locked into one era and prevent the natural cycle from taking place.

Recently, she has taken it upon herself to enact a new level of "change": literally transferring her consciousness into a new body. The new body was specifically created by Eva using a modified version of her own genes.
=="Evelyn" Body==
Eva's new body. The artificially made body was created using a modified version of Eva's genes. Namely, the body was better suited for the gene modification that prevented aging (hence: Age-immortal), and as such, eliminates any incompatibility problems that Eva had faced.
The new body is also significantly more capable, being tailor made to be what (effectively) amounts to a Super Soldier Body. Unlike Eva's old body, the "Evelyn" Body (named after Eva herself. Her full first name being "Evelyn") is capable of achieving the same strength as her prosthetic limbs can. Without the use of nanites whatsoever.
The new body also has a considerably stronger bone structure, at the slight cost of being less buoyant than everyone else. Alongside this was backpain and shoulder pain from the (largely unnecessarily) admittedly oversized chest area.
Finally, her new body dispenses the Replicator Attached to her lower spine. Eva is still working on a new one that simply attaches and latches on to the body without the need for surgery.


'''Physical: (Old Body)'''
*'''General Skills'''
*Physical Strength, Upper Body: 2A
**'''Strength (2C)'''
*Physical Strength, Lower Body: 2A
***As part of the Generation XIX, she is stronger than an average human. Able to easily lift objects weighing 2,340lbs without the need for extra support. Raised to 2,600lbs with the introduction of nanites that assist her muscles and other body parts and prevent them from tearing themselves apart.
*Agility: 2A
**'''Agility and Speed (2B)'''
*Endurance: 1A
***Generation XIX was originally aimed at being a "Scout" generation. I.e maximizing agility and movement. Plans were changed halfway through the development, unfortunately, it was too late. As such, Eva possesses an above average agility as it was virtually impossible to completely shift the build to what the new plans required.
*Ranged Accuracy: 2D
**'''Endurance (2A)'''
***Part of the original plan. Generation XIX possess an efficient energy consuming body. Done by modifying their cells to utilize as little energy and resources as possible but still be able operate at maximum capacity. As such, Eva can spend days, weeks, months, and possibly even years without food, water, or proper rest. Additionally, thanks to the modifications, she can spend several hours (tested limit is at 8 hours, but possibly more) underwater without any breathing devices.
**Reaction Time (2D) [when compared to preceding and succeeding generations of artificial humans]
***Compared to other Artificial Humans, Generation XIX have a slower reaction time. With a response time of 0.05 milliseconds, compared to preceding generations with a response time of 0.001 milliseconds. This was done to focus on the 'human' aspect. Nanites, unfortunately, could not fix this flaw.

'''Physical: (New Body)'''
*'''Non-Essential Skills:'''
*Physical Strength, Upper Body: 2A
**'''Gunsmithing (1B)'''
*Physical Strength, Lower Body: 2A
***Learned from her assigned parent. She can build a gun from basically any piece of scrap she can find. If necessary, even improvise a propellant for the projectile if there's no proper propellant nearby.
*Agility: 2B
**'''Sewing (1A)'''
*Endurance: 2E
***Also learned from her assigned parent. If needed, she can quickly make a dress for the occasion. If necessary, she can even make her own thread and needle from whatever material she can find.
*Ranged Accuracy: 2C

*Tactical Skill: 1C
*Management: 1D
*Tolerance: 1D
*Stress Tolerance: 1A
*Cooking: 1A
*Observational Skill: 1A
*Singing: 1B
*Conversational Skills: 1E

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[[File:rd-x1.jpg|left|thumb|200px|RD-X1 Gloves]]
[[File:rd-x1.jpg|left|thumb|200px|RD-X1 Gloves]]

'''RD-X1 Gloves'''

Looking like normal gloves, these gloves are made of a special material that is able to tighten itself around the skin of its wearer and is very resistant to damage itself able to seal minor cuts in the gloves.  The material is a special composite which is energy absorbent, it is resistant to high energy radiation such as gamma and cosmic rays and the material itself is chemically inert in most situations making it ideal for defense against most chemicals.  The gloves surface has interwoven in it micro-circuit fibers to display time, current conditions, including dangerous ones such as radiation exposure and the presence of dangerous chemicals in contact with the gloves or in the area around the gloves.

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[[File:hugo officer trenchcoat.jpeg|right|thumb|200px|'Hugo' Officer Trenchcoat]]
[[File:hugo officer trenchcoat.jpeg|right|thumb|200px|'Hugo' Officer Trenchcoat]]

''''Hugo' Officers Trenchcoat [May or May Not Fit her New Body]'''
The trench coat is made out of a similar material to the gloves, it is also high energy radiation resistant and resistant to chemical exposures.  The cuffs perform a similar function as the gloves, able to provide information such as current time, conditions, but they also add the current GPS and inertial position, altitude, etc…. This is done via the same type of micro circuit fibers woven into the fabric.


[[File:P89 1 and 2.jpg|left|thumb|200px|P89 Type 1 and Type 2]]
[[File:P89 1 and 2.jpg|left|thumb|200px|P89 Type 1 and Type 2]]
'''P89 Type 1 and Type 2'''
A kinetic/directed energy pistol that utilizes a 9x24mm telescoping caseless cartridge and positrons. It has an ammo counter and loaded chamber indicator at the rear, along with a selector to use either Directed Energy or Kinetic rounds. They're the same in general appearance, but differentiate in their methods of dealing damage.
The Type 1 uses 9x24 Telescoping Caseless Rounds as it's primary method of killing enemies, the bullet has a plasma core, improving performance against shields, while her second pistol, the Type 2, uses Positrons as it's primary method of killing.
The Type 2 has an extension that's attached to the muzzle of the gun that has 6 smaller holes right next to the muzzle, these are 15m long taser wires.
She carries both in two holsters on her hips/chest/sides, usually hidden under the trench coat.


The Nanites in her skin provide a way for the Nanites in her body to sense external dangers and be aware of burns, scrapes, cuts, or other damage to the skin.  In her blood the Nanites protect her from most bacterial and viral infections giving her an extreme immune response.  Since the Nanites are able to detect foreign agents in her blood that also goes for chemical agents, for which they assist the body’s own defense against chemical and biological attacks.
The Nanites are powered from a device implanted with her heart to generate power from the beat of her heart and other autonomic muscle functions.
'''<s>Prosthetics</s> [No Longer Present in Her new body]'''
<s>Her right arm and left leg are prosthetics, a combination of a xithricite (similar to tritanium in effectivity, but lighter) skeleton and polymer composites which make up the artificial muscles and ligaments of the limbs.  The prosthetics are maintained by an army of micro-robots, diamond shaped, and roughly each the size of a normal human cell (about 10x the size of the Nanites in her blood).  These maintain the prosthetics and their systems.  Along with the limbs, her skeletal structure was reinforced to support the increased strength provided by the limbs (it wouldn’t do to lift up an anvil only to have the arm fall off at the joint).
The Nanites in her blood work together with the micro-robots to allow her mind to control the prosthetics as if they were her natural limbs.  They relay information between the artificial limbs and her brain using her own nervous system as the conduit.  Each limb has a specialize reactor similar to the [[Spatial Variance Reactor]] in principle, but not directly the same, to provide power for operations. These power sources can also be tapped into to power the Nanites in her blood if required.</s>


'''G3 Gas Mask'''
'''N7 Gas Mask'''

A gas mask made out of Nanomachines, it's concealed in a apparatus attached to the users ear, said gas mask also acts as a respiration system when in vacuum and wraps around the entire head when in vacuum.
A gas mask made out of Nanomachines, it's concealed in a apparatus attached to the users ear, said gas mask also acts as a respiration system when in vacuum and wraps around the entire head when in vacuum.
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'''<s>R24 Portable Replicator</s> [No Longer Present in her New body]'''

<s>A replicator powered by a small reactor, it can replicate anything Eva needs that can be held in one hand: A magazine for her pistol, chains, a disposable phone, and even individual potato chips or french fries.

The Replicator can only replicate a maximum of 32kg of matter at one time in the space of either a 32cm cube or 20cm radius sphere (whichever is reached first).  Anything larger than that would require multiple uses.  The device's power recharge is proportional to the mass that is replicated, at full capacity (32kg in a 32cm cube) it takes at least 15 minutes to fully recharge the capacitors.</s>

Her uniform is also mildly resistant to radiation and chemical damage, but only provide minimal protection against such, perhaps giving her an extra few moments in a high radiation or caustic chemical environment.
Her uniform is also mildly resistant to radiation and chemical damage, but only provide minimal protection against such, perhaps giving her an extra few moments in a high radiation or caustic chemical environment.
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The protection generally offers protection from lethal exposure indefinitely below 200 rems.  Due to her nanites she is able to bend that somewhat, and can, in an emergency, withstand 300-400 rems of acute exposure for limited periods of time with no adverse effects.  At 500 rems her nanites begin to break down even with protection after acute exposure.  For cumulative exposure, her nanites provide robust protection against radiation repairing cellular and chromosomal damage over time.
The protection generally offers protection from lethal exposure indefinitely below 200 rems.  Due to her nanites she is able to bend that somewhat, and can, in an emergency, withstand 300-400 rems of acute exposure for limited periods of time with no adverse effects.  At 500 rems her nanites begin to break down even with protection after acute exposure.  For cumulative exposure, her nanites provide robust protection against radiation repairing cellular and chromosomal damage over time.
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Image:Abendrot1.jpg|Abendrot, Upper Front Left view
Image:Abendrot2.jpg|5 side view
2nd ship of the ''Celestial''-class Prison Ships, ''Abendrot'' (Rising Sun), ex-''Kirov''-class Missile Cruiser ''Kirov''
A relatively lightly armored Ship, the ''Abendrot'' started out as the lead ship of the Kirov-class Missile Cruisers, Kirov, it participated in multiple battles alongside Eva's Flagship Berlin.
The ''Abendrot'' is Eva's favourite ship, as it's the only ship to have participated in every major battle and survived during the Empire's Conquest.
Spanning 450m in length and 160m in width. It's the only ship in Eva's Universe that utilizes two different warp drives: the standard Slipstream Drive and the more Combat Oriented [[Star Trek]]-style [[Warp Drive]], with a maximum warp range for the Slipstream Drive being 150 light years per warp, with a 24 hour cool down (when used at max range)
It was repurposed as a prison ship (using the Brig) to bring back High Ranking Empire Officers from parts of the Galaxy for the Fulden Trials. It was originally supposed to be scrapped, but Eva's appearance and trial necessitated a ship to hold her in, considering most of the prison ships were deployed or were already scrapped.
While the ship was once Armed with 8 large torpedo tubes, 6 small torpedo tubes, 4 Anti-Matter Arrays, 14 Point Defense Turrets, 2 fixed forward facing railguns, and 78 missile launchers (with a total of 700+ missiles). It was designed with the thought of a battlecruiser in mind: Strike Fast, and Strike Hard.  Now, as a prison ship, her weapons have been removed to prevent prisoners from escaping and turning the weapons on those who would recapture them.  Though she still has much of the primary hardware, the ship's weapons systems are missing key components that would make them operational. It’s systems are largely automated and the few crew assigned to the ship do not live on the ship, again this is to prevent a potential hostage situation, it is rumored that if Eva was to escape, they should simply destroy the ship to prevent her escape.
The ship is currently docked in an external dock in the [[Umbral Shipyards]]. Status is currently unknown.
==Minor Updates==
*<s>Eva is now permanently blind in her left eye after an incident involving a firearm she was making. The wound is not severe, with the bullet, fortunately enough being loaded with an incredibly weak powder load, lodged in her eyesocket.</s>
*Eva now has a new body, with a new appearance. Only a few know what her new body looks like, mainly those who helped her with the consciousness transfer.
*Eva is, without a doubt, traumatized by her actions. The realization and extreme guilt she feels has affected her mental health, to the point where she hallucinates the living corpses of her victims. She is still learning to live with this issue, but has denied, nor have any plans to seek, professional help.

Revision as of 16:32, 27 March 2020

Evelyn S. Lanister (official),AHS E19016 (retired name)
Eva Lanister
Played by: AscendingCanadian
Height: 5'4"
Race: Genetically Modified Artificial Human
Age: 55 Years Old
Date of Birth: March 21st
Place of Birth: Manester, Luvia. Manester Artificial Human Production Facility. Harsky System, Valeria (4th Planet of the Harsky System).
Eye Color: Ocean Blue
Hair Color: Blonde
Figure: Short, Average
Universe of Origin: Original
Occupation: Commander of the 17th Reconnaissance Battalion (Former), War Criminal (Current), Prisoner (Former), Rebe Sniper/Medic (Current)
Rank / Skill Level: Field Marshal, Experienced
Status: Approved
Setting: Blazing Umbra

[Implementation of Changes is still Incomplete] Despite of her short stature, and young appearance (not looking one day older than 20), Eva is an experienced soldier. Her history, experience, and sheer luck had all played into turning her into who she is now. A young woman who, despite everything she had went through, still smiles and does her best.


Standing at about 5'4, Eva has blonde hair and ocean blue eyes. She has a pretty average build, mostly thanks to her genetics. Her right arm is dark grey prosthetic that melds into the rest of her body.

On her back, stretching from the middle all the way to her lower back, is a silvery sheet of a metallic material. On top of it is a black spinal attachment. She has a scar running down the front of her torso.


A sweet and happy young woman. Eva is described by her comrades as their 'Light in the Darkness', as her friendly and calming nature had more than once given them motivation to continue fighting despite the odds turning against them. Despite of her (official recorded) history, she's one that radiates pure innocence.

A risk taker, Eva has a history of going rogue for the sake of rescuing her comrades. Being berated for her actions by her superiors soon after. Coinciding, she's been known to shove her own life and future aside to personally administer first aid and drag a wounded comrade back to friendly lines, even under intense fire. Her fellow soldiers see her acts of selflessness as necessary. As the Civil War was turning against their favor.

In times of anguish, she's known to just take a deep breath and try her best to prevent herself from losing composure. A trait of hers that is easily seen by her comrades, both old and new. She rarely ever gets angry, the times she were, she would take the time to calm herself down and prevent herself from losing composure.

She was raised by her assigned "parent", who was a gunsmith, inventor, seamstress, tailor, and dressmaker. She picked up her skills and habits as she grew up. Resulting in her habit of tinkering with anything and everything.


Part of the Generation XIX Program of Artificial Human Soldiers. Number 19016, Code E. 16th of the 150 AHS Produced under Gen XIX. She was put under command of Major Adolf Brunetsky, brother of Field Marshal Anton Brunetsky (Overall Commander of the 116th Special Operations Division), as part of the 116th Special Operations Division, Company Alpha, 2nd Platoon. (Which wouldn't go into effect until she was 20 years old).

Generation XIX were specialized Artificial Humans who were programmed to be more 'Human' compared to previous generations. Being the first generation to have the ability to feel emotions, capability of rational thinking, and being built to have their own personalities. They were built to allow compatibility with Natural Human Soldiers, who deemed the previous Generations as nothing but 'puppets' and, more often than not, refused to work with them. Nonetheless, features of the previous Generations, such as the inability to age after reaching 20 years of age, and the bog standard Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes combination common with all Artificial Human Soldiers of the Merkovian Reich.

As part of the program, she was raised in a Military Academy, common for preceding AHS Generations. As part of the first 20, she was raised like a 'Normal' Girl. Assigned a "parent", receiving Primary, Secondary, and Tertiary Education like a normal human would (but was required to participate in Military Training as part of her curriculum). Finishing with a Masters Degree in Foreign Relations and Diplomacy. Which would mostly go to waste as she was a soldier.

Once she was finished with her education, she was officially "Commissioned" into the 116th Special Forces Division. Once that was done, they were sent to fight on Suraften 4 (Mars), during the Invasion of the Suraften (Sol) System. It was during the 4 years of fighting when she formed bonds with her comrades. In a particularly hairy engagement, she disobeyed orders and ran across No Man's Land to drag an injured comrade back into the trenches. It was here when she lost her right arm from an enemy .50 Caliber round. She successfully managed to bring her injured comrade to safety, at the cost of her nearly losing her life. Consequently, she was sent back home to recover. It was around this time a nanite production device was implanted inside her chest, around her heart. Using nanoreplicators to produce nanites tasked with repairing and protecting her body from threats and damage, both internal and external (along with other features).

6 years later, in an odd twist of fate. She was sent to Officer School to begin training. Specifically, for promotion to Field Marshal. The reason was largely unknown, some speculate the reason being to appease the protests calling for Artificial Humans to be permitted to be Officers, Commanders and whatnot. Consequently, after 4 years of Officer School (which she was forced to take up Combined Arms Tactics as a Specialty), she was promoted to Field Marshal and given command of...the 17th Reconnaissance Battalion. Being given command of tanks (heavy, medium, light), Armored Cars, Aircraft (18 of them) and other associated logistics

Once again, orders were given to deploy to the Suraften System. Suraften 4 again. While she was regarded as an effective Commander. Her most major achievement was when she was forced to hold off the advance of an enemy formation, totaling 80,000 Troops and 400 tanks compared to her measly 450 soldiers, 30 tanks, and 10 155mm Artillery Guns. The flexibility of herself and her subordinates, successful resource management, and nightly raids were successful in demoralizing the enemy. Forcing them to withdraw in fear of fighting an even larger force, with her Battalion facing minimal losses.

However, her small victory was shortlived, as Merkovian Forces were forced to withdraw from the Suraften System. She was deployed to other fronts, in which Merkovian Forces were forced to withdraw from. All of which was soon followed by the fall of the Merkovian Empire 11 years later. After failure to defend Valeria from a combined Surafian, Desronian, and Nikovian Invasion forced the Empire to an unconditional surrender. As with all officers and commanders, she was locked up awaiting trial.

It was during this waiting period when Imperial Commanders, seeking to save their own selves, formulated false documents, testimonials, and bribed soldiers to pin the blame of war crimes to solely Artificial Humans. Unknowingly setting the stage for the next conflict. Of over 1,117,879 documented War Crimes, 1,857 were blamed on Eva, and the remaining 1,116,020 documented War Crimes were pinned on Artificial Humans, with only 2 being blamed on Natural Humans.

As punishment, she was sentenced to life in prison alongside a million Artificial Humans. She spent the next 11 years in Prison. It was here where, due to laws requiring prisoners to have an official non-military identity, she chose the name Evelyn S. Lanister, adopting the middle name and surname of her assigned parent. Also in that time, a new war was being brewed. The result of the Trials had resulted in a sharp increase in discrimination and hate against Artificial Humans, which made up 40% of the Population of Merkov. Eventually erupting into violent resistance against their existence. Merkovian Army elements also turned against their existence, and eventually, even the National Government turned against them. Resulting in the Crystal Night of 2438. Where businesses, homes, and other sectors owned by Artificial Humans were raided and destroyed by the Natural Human Populace, both Civilian and Military. Artificial Humans and their sympathizers were forced to resist, with some going into hiding.

It was at the start of the so-called "Humanitarian Conflict" when the maximum security prison Eva was being held in was raided by AH Sympathizers. Setting free a total of 3 million Artificial Humans, most eventually joining to fight for their cause. For the next 3 years, Eva once again fought as a soldier for the Liberation Army, fighting as a sniper and medic. Most of her old comrades, at least, those she had commanded, had decided joined to fight for the Liberation Army. Eventually, she got to where she is now. Fighting inside a Fortress, during the ongoing Siege of Fortress Intolerance.


When she lost her arm, she was subsequently upgraded after some (behind the scenes) pushing of the scientist behind the Gen XIX Program. Mainly to test some new technologies that were under development, and also because she was the first Gen XIX wounded in combat.

  • Prosthetic Arm

Her missing arm was replaced with a prosthetic arm, with a central Xithricite "bone". The "muscles" and "skin" being a single piece made up of nanites, allowing her to shape her arm to any shape she wants (as long as it doesn't exceed the maximum length of 3ft). The whole arm is powered by a micro-anti-matter reactor. Which is able to provide back up power to her nanite production device around her heart. The prosthetic is directly connected to her skin, bones, and nervous system, as such, maintenance is to be done with it attached or risk life-threatening injuries trying to detach it. Her nanites, in conjunction with the nanites of the prosthetic, allow her to move the prosthetic as if it was a natural limb, using her own nerbous system as a conduit. Due to its artificial nature, it is significantly stronger and more resilient to damage than the rest of her body. Able to shatter 12-inches of Vickers Cemented Armor in a single punch with the strength governor removed.

  • Nanites

The nanite production device is a metallic "foil" wrapped around her heart, semi-permanently integrated via microscopic needles that penetrate the walls of her heart and inject and extract the nanites directly into her bloodstream. The nanites themselves can do double duty, able to do the job of RBCs and WBCs whenever needed, relying on commands sent by the body, and if necessary, corrective commands by the Production Device. The nanites can repair damaged genes, however, this has a limit.

  • Replicator/s

Uniquely enough, she comes equipped with a replicator on her right hand and lower spine. The replicator is of a unique design also. Unlike other replicators, the replicator that Eva has are what's termed as "flat" or "foil" replicators. Which means that they don't jut out or have any "holes" or "wells", but are instead just sheets that are either buried inside skin or exposed (the replicator in her right hand is buried in her palm, while the one on her back is exposed). The replicators Eva has can replicate an object through skin and clothing, but only within the immediate vicinity of them.

The replicator in her palm can replicate anything that fits inside a 12x12cm cube, while the one attached to her lower spine can replicate anything that fits inside a 36cm tall, 30cm wide cuboid. Uniquely, the replicator on her back, while being just one whole piece, is obstructed by a spinal attachment, running through the middle of the replicator. This doesn't impede function however.

  • Spinal Attachment

The object attached to her back runs the whole length of her spine, from the back of her neck to the bottom of her spine. Attached to her via needles. It serves no purpose other than to allow her to control exoskeletons. The object is removable.

  • Reinforced Skeletal System

Her skeletal system was reinforced by inserting nanite assisted liquid Silk Steel into her and forcing them to wrap around her bones, and in some cases, even "meld" themselves as part of the bone structure. The nanites in the liquid Silk Steel prevent any sortnof medical issue that could arise from having her bones be locked into one era and prevent the natural cycle from taking place.


  • General Skills
    • Strength (2C)
      • As part of the Generation XIX, she is stronger than an average human. Able to easily lift objects weighing 2,340lbs without the need for extra support. Raised to 2,600lbs with the introduction of nanites that assist her muscles and other body parts and prevent them from tearing themselves apart.
    • Agility and Speed (2B)
      • Generation XIX was originally aimed at being a "Scout" generation. I.e maximizing agility and movement. Plans were changed halfway through the development, unfortunately, it was too late. As such, Eva possesses an above average agility as it was virtually impossible to completely shift the build to what the new plans required.
    • Endurance (2A)
      • Part of the original plan. Generation XIX possess an efficient energy consuming body. Done by modifying their cells to utilize as little energy and resources as possible but still be able operate at maximum capacity. As such, Eva can spend days, weeks, months, and possibly even years without food, water, or proper rest. Additionally, thanks to the modifications, she can spend several hours (tested limit is at 8 hours, but possibly more) underwater without any breathing devices.
    • Reaction Time (2D) [when compared to preceding and succeeding generations of artificial humans]
      • Compared to other Artificial Humans, Generation XIX have a slower reaction time. With a response time of 0.05 milliseconds, compared to preceding generations with a response time of 0.001 milliseconds. This was done to focus on the 'human' aspect. Nanites, unfortunately, could not fix this flaw.
  • Non-Essential Skills:
    • Gunsmithing (1B)
      • Learned from her assigned parent. She can build a gun from basically any piece of scrap she can find. If necessary, even improvise a propellant for the projectile if there's no proper propellant nearby.
    • Sewing (1A)
      • Also learned from her assigned parent. If needed, she can quickly make a dress for the occasion. If necessary, she can even make her own thread and needle from whatever material she can find.


RD-X1 Gloves

'Hugo' Officer Trenchcoat

P89 Type 1 and Type 2

N7 Gas Mask

A gas mask made out of Nanomachines, it's concealed in a apparatus attached to the users ear, said gas mask also acts as a respiration system when in vacuum and wraps around the entire head when in vacuum.

It provides Eva with IR/Night Vision at a distance of about 300m, and also gives her two lights on the temple of the gas mask.


Her uniform is also mildly resistant to radiation and chemical damage, but only provide minimal protection against such, perhaps giving her an extra few moments in a high radiation or caustic chemical environment.

The most robust protection is when her uniform, trench coat, and gloves are all worn together, which provides her with rather robust layers of protection and the most exposure time to radiation and dangerous chemicals. Working in unison, the three along with her gas mask allow her to withstand most environments of even high radiation for limited periods of time, though actual use times vary depending on environment. Even with these protections, it is understood that going into a reactor room, falling into a vat of concentrated sulfuric acid, or being directly exposed to a single dose greater than 1000 rems will still be lethal within 10 days.

The protection generally offers protection from lethal exposure indefinitely below 200 rems. Due to her nanites she is able to bend that somewhat, and can, in an emergency, withstand 300-400 rems of acute exposure for limited periods of time with no adverse effects. At 500 rems her nanites begin to break down even with protection after acute exposure. For cumulative exposure, her nanites provide robust protection against radiation repairing cellular and chromosomal damage over time.