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* Spectral Duster
* Spectral Duster
: A high-tech duster coat made of advanced nanofiber material. It offers enhanced protection against energy-based attacks, as well as radiation hazards. The coat also makes it difficult for sensors or targeting scanners to lock onto him.
: A high-tech duster coat made of advanced nanofiber material. It offers enhanced protection against energy-based attacks, as well as radiation hazards. The coat also makes it difficult for sensors or targeting scanners to lock onto him.
* MultiTac A1 Hand [[Phaser]] (2)
* [[MultiTac A1 Hand Phaser]] (2)
* [[MultiTac A1R Phaser Rifle]]
* [[MultiTac A1R Phaser Rifle]]
* [[Vertex Scanner]]
* [[Vertex Scanner]]

Latest revision as of 00:54, 19 October 2023

Alex Steel
Played by: User:Cyclops
Alias: Hawk
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 184 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Andorian
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Date of Birth: April 9th, 2351
Place of Birth: Andoria
Eye Color: Dark Blue
Hair Color: White
Figure: Muscular and Athletic
Universe of Origin: Unique
Organization: Independent
Occupation: Digital Sheriff
Rank / Skill Level: Experienced
Status: Active
Setting: Blazing Umbra

Alex Steele is a multifaceted individual shaped by his Andorian upbringing and the influence of his family. He possesses a strong sense of duty, empathy, and analytical acumen, traits that make him both compassionate and intellectually rigorous. However, these qualities are tempered by his self-critical nature, emotional detachment, and competitive streak. In personal interactions, he is generally empathetic and loyal but can be overly analytical and indecisive, often leading to emotional distance. His competitive nature, honed through early life experiences with his sister Tara, can make him stubborn and impulsive, especially in emotionally charged situations.

Professionally, Alex's analytical mind and problem-solving abilities make him an invaluable asset in high-stakes operations. His expertise in digital forensics and multilingual skills provide him with a distinct advantage in diplomatic and investigative scenarios. However, his perfectionism and self-critical nature can sometimes hinder collaboration, as he sets high standards not just for himself but also for those around him. Despite this, his sense of duty and commitment to justice drive him to excel in his career, even if it means grappling with the internal conflicts that these high standards engender.

Special Abilities

Alex Steele is endowed with a unique blend of physical and mental attributes that make him exceptionally capable in his professional endeavors. As an Andorian, he has natural resistance to cold, superior agility, and acute hearing, traits that give him an edge in various challenging environments. Complementing these are his analytical mind and high pain tolerance, which enable him to solve complex problems and endure physical discomfort. His advanced metabolism and resilience further aid in quick recovery from injuries and emotional setbacks.

Enhanced Cold Resistance
Andorians are native to a frigid environment, giving them a natural resistance to cold temperatures. This allows them to function optimally in cold climates where other species might struggle.
Superior Agility
Andorians are known for their agility and quick reflexes, which make them excellent in hand-to-hand combat and other physical activities.
Acute Hearing
Andorians have a highly developed sense of hearing, allowing them to detect sounds that are inaudible to many other species.
Analytical Mind
Alex possesses an extraordinary ability to analyze complex problems and come up with innovative solutions.
High Pain Tolerance
Andorians are known for their ability to endure physical discomfort, which can be an asset in prolonged physical endeavors or combat situations.
Advanced Metabolism
Andorians have a faster metabolism compared to many other species, allowing them to recover more quickly from injuries and fatigue.
Alex has an exceptional ability to recover quickly from physical and emotional setbacks.

Special Skills

Alex Steele's expertise in digital forensics, multilingual abilities, and proficiency in Ushaan ritual combat are particularly impactful skills that synergize with his innate Andorian traits of an analytical mind, acute hearing, and superior agility. His digital forensics skills have been crucial in solving complex financial fraud cases, while his multilingualism enhances his acute Andorian hearing, allowing for effective communication and subtle understanding in diverse cultural settings. His Ushaan combat skills are augmented by his natural agility and high pain tolerance, making him a formidable asset in physical confrontations.

Emotional Intelligence
Alex has a high degree of emotional intelligence, allowing him to read people and situations with remarkable accuracy. This skill is particularly useful in negotiations and interrogations, where understanding the emotional state of others can provide valuable insights.
Alex has a knack for languages, both human and alien. This skill allows him to communicate effectively with a wide range of species, providing him with a distinct advantage in diplomatic and investigative scenarios.
Digital Forensics Expert
Building on his natural aptitude for technology, Alex has specialized in digital forensics. He can recover, analyze, and interpret electronic data to solve crimes.
Advanced Encryption and Decryption
Building on his expertise in digital forensics, Alex has become proficient in the art of encryption and decryption. This skill is invaluable in both securing sensitive information and breaking into fortified digital systems, making him a dual threat in the realm of cybersecurity.
Ushaan Expertise
Most Andorians are trained in the art of Ushaan, a form of ritual combat. This gives them a distinct advantage in melee combat situations.
Artistic Expression Through Holography
Alex has a keen interest in the arts, particularly holography. He uses this medium to create intricate and emotionally resonant pieces that often serve as a form of personal expression or storytelling. This skill also has practical applications in his work, where he can create realistic holographic simulations for training or investigative purposes.
Traditional Andorian Music
Alex is well-versed in traditional Andorian music. He plays the Thalassan, a stringed instrument native to Andoria, and his musical abilities offer a unique form of emotional expression and cultural connection.
Tactical Planning
Alex's analytical mind extends to the realm of tactical planning. He can quickly assess a situation and formulate a strategy, often considering variables and outcomes that others might overlook. This makes him an invaluable asset in high-stakes operations.
Interstellar Law Savvy
Given the complex and often conflicting legal frameworks that govern different species and regions in the galaxy, Alex has made it a point to become well-versed in interstellar law. His understanding of legal codes, treaties, and jurisdictional issues is not only academic but also practical, allowing him to navigate legal complexities during investigations and diplomatic endeavors.

Special Equipment

  • Spectral Duster
A high-tech duster coat made of advanced nanofiber material. It offers enhanced protection against energy-based attacks, as well as radiation hazards. The coat also makes it difficult for sensors or targeting scanners to lock onto him.

Marriage and Family

In 2370, Alex Steele married Wesson Phoenix Rider, a human with a strong sense of justice and a commitment to protecting the innocent. Wesson is not just Alex's romantic partner but also his professional ally, as her combat abilities perfectly complement Alex's engineering skills. Their marriage serves as a cultural exchange, with Wesson learning about Andorian customs and Alex gaining an appreciation for human values. The Steele family had initial reservations about this union, given the cultural differences and Alex's unconventional career path. However, over time, they have come to respect and appreciate Wesson. Her strong sense of justice resonates with Thalas, while her human perspective is refreshing to Valeera. Tara, initially skeptical, has grown to admire Wesson's bravery, and Lysar finds her to be a fascinating addition to the family. Elara, the youngest, is particularly fond of Wesson and sees the couple as role models.


Thalas and Valeera Steele share a harmonious and complementary relationship that has stood the test of time. Thalas, with his military background and strong sense of duty, brings a structured and disciplined approach to family life. Valeera, on the other hand, contributes her scientific curiosity and intellectual rigor to the family dynamic. Despite their differing professions, they share a deep respect for each other's work and often engage in intellectual discussions that enrich their personal lives. Their strong partnership serves as the foundation of the Steele family, providing a stable and nurturing environment for their children.

Thalas Steele
Thalas, the patriarch of the Steele family, has always had high expectations for Alex, especially given his own distinguished career in the Andorian Imperial Guard. Initially skeptical of Alex's decision to venture into digital law enforcement, Thalas eventually came to respect his son's unique path. He has a reserved but genuine admiration for Wesson, appreciating her strong sense of justice and her influence in drawing Alex out of his self-imposed isolation.
Valeera Steele
Valeera, the family's matriarch and a noted scientist, has been a nurturing influence on Alex's intellectual development. She was more open to Alex's career choice from the start and finds Wesson's human perspective refreshing, though she occasionally worries that Alex's adventurous life may distance him from his Andorian roots.


The Steele siblings have a multifaceted relationship with Alex, who occupies the unique position of being a middle child, younger than Tara but older than Lysar. Tara, being the eldest, often engages in mock battles and combat training with Alex, sharing a mutual respect for each other's skills and a sense of duty towards their family and community. She appreciates Alex's intellectual depth and often seeks his counsel on tactical matters. Lysar, who is younger than Alex, finds a kindred spirit in him when it comes to intellectual pursuits. They often engage in philosophical discussions and debates, enriching each other's perspectives. Lysar also appreciates Alex's more balanced approach to life, seeing him as a bridge between Tara's intense focus on duty and his own artistic inclinations.

Elara, the youngest, looks up to Alex as a role model and often seeks his advice on academic and personal matters. She admires his ability to balance duty and intellectual curiosity and aspires to emulate these traits as she grows older. Alex, in turn, takes his role as an older brother seriously, providing guidance to Elara and serving as a mediator between Tara and Lysar when needed. His position as the middle child gives him a unique vantage point, allowing him to understand and relate to each of his siblings individually, while also appreciating the collective strength and diversity of his family.

Tara Steele
Tara, the eldest and a member of the Andorian Imperial Guard like her father, initially had reservations about Alex's unconventional career and his marriage to a human. However, she has come to respect Wesson for her bravery and her positive influence on Alex. Tara remains protective of Alex and is proud of the man he has become.
Lysar Steele
Lysar, the artist of the family, has always been more understanding of Alex's need to forge his own path. He finds Wesson fascinating and appreciates the diversity she brings into the family. Lysar often serves as a mediator in family discussions, especially when they revolve around Alex's more unconventional life choices.
Elara Steele
The youngest, Elara, looks up to Alex as a role model and is intrigued by his life's adventures. She is particularly fond of Wesson and is eager to learn from both of them.


Alex Steele was born in 2351 on the icy moon of Andoria to parents Thalas and Valeera Steele, who significantly influenced his early life. His father, Thalas, instilled in him a sense of duty and honor through tales of military valor, while his mother, Valeera, fostered his scientific curiosity through her botanical research. During his formative years, Alex developed close relationships with his siblings: he honed his combat skills through mock battles with his eldest sister, Tara, engaged in intellectual discussions about philosophy and Andorian culture with his brother Lysar, and served as a role model for his youngest sibling, Elara.

Adolescence and Academic Life

As Alex entered his teenage years, he excelled in academics and showed a particular aptitude for both the sciences and martial arts. At the age of 13, he began to feel the weight of academic and societal expectations. Driven by a desire to make his parents proud, he immersed himself in his studies and training, leading him to withdraw from social activities and spend less time with his friends, including his close friend, Toren Veyal.

A year later, at age 14, tragedy struck. Toren Veyal, feeling isolated and despondent over a failed relationship, went ice surfing with another group from the academy and died in an accident. Devastated by the loss and filled with guilt, Alex challenged the group to an Ushaan duel. The duel ended disastrously, resulting in severe injuries for Alex and a subsequent hospitalization. This setback in his physical health also affected his academic progress and led him to question his own abilities and judgment.

Early Adulthood and Marriage

After leaving his homeland of Andoria and still grappling with the social isolation and grief from his adolescence, Alex Steele ventured into the broader universe. It was during this time that he met Wesson Phoenix Rider. Their initial interactions were marked by a friendly yet intense rivalry, as both were highly skilled in their respective fields. This rivalry, however, soon transformed into a deep, personal connection. As they collaborated on various missions, they discovered that their skills were highly complementary, leading to mutual respect and a deepening of their professional relationship. This partnership quickly earned them a reputation as a "Dynamic Duo," known for solving complex problems requiring both technological and tactical expertise.

As their friendship blossomed, Wesson became a pivotal figure in Alex's life, breaking through his self-imposed isolation. Wesson provided emotional support and understanding, helping Alex cope with his lingering guilt and grief. This emotional connection became a cornerstone of their relationship, filling a void in Alex's life and providing him with a newfound sense of belonging. Wesson's own life experiences further served as a catalyst for change in Alex's perspective. His role as the face of their "Dynamic Duo" made him more social and began to crack his shell of isolation. This change inspired Alex to become more socially engaged, reinforcing the idea that they were stronger together, both professionally and personally.

Alex found immense joy in the chase and the investigation, an aspect of their missions that required intellectual rigor. The victories they achieved together not only enhanced their reputation but also gave Alex a sense of fulfillment that had long eluded him. His love for the chase and the satisfaction derived from solving intricate cases became driving forces in his life. This focus channeled his lingering grief into a relentless pursuit of justice, allowing him to serve others in a way he could never serve his lost friend. This life of service offered him a form of solace and a renewed sense of purpose.

Becoming a Digital Sheriff

In the years 2367 to 2370, Alex Steele served as an apprentice or 'deputy' under a seasoned digital lawman, learning the ropes of the profession. This period was instrumental in shaping his career but was not without its challenges. One of the first hard lessons came when Alex, eager to prove himself, prematurely executed a cyber sting operation without adequately verifying the identity of the target. The operation backfired, compromising the integrity of a months-long investigation and teaching him the importance of meticulous verification and patience. Another difficult experience involved a case of digital fraud where Alex relied too heavily on algorithmic predictions rather than human intuition. The perpetrator exploited this oversight, leading to a temporary loss of critical assets. This incident underscored for him the irreplaceable value of human judgment in even the most technologically advanced investigations. Lastly, Alex faced a moral dilemma when he discovered corruption within the ranks of his own mentors. The experience of exposing the corruption was emotionally taxing and taught him the complexities of justice, including the difficult task of holding those you respect accountable.

Solo Cases

Alex Steele has been at the forefront of solving some of the most intricate and impactful cases in recent years. Among these, two cases are particularly noteworthy for their complexity and the depth of Alex's involvement. The first significant case, dubbed "The Financial Phantom," unfolded in 2370 and shook multiple planetary economies due to high-profile financial frauds. Alex's unparalleled skills in digital forensics and financial systems were pivotal in untangling this complex case, ultimately leading to its successful resolution. The second landmark case, known as "The Code of Silence," occurred in 2372 and centered on a nefarious criminal organization engaged in human trafficking. Alex's expertise in code decryption was key to exposing the organization's covert operations, resulting in multiple arrests and the liberation of numerous victims. These cases not only highlight Alex Steele's diverse skill set but also underscore his relentless pursuit of justice.

Year Case Name Description Resolution Status
2370 The Financial Phantom Investigating a series of high-profile financial frauds affecting multiple planets. Successfully Resolved
2371 The Nebula Disappearances Investigating the mysterious disappearances of ships and their crews in a hazardous nebula. Unresolved
2372 The Code of Silence Decrypting a complex code to expose a criminal organization involved in human trafficking. Successfully Resolved
2373 The Orion Underworld Infiltrating and attempting to dismantle a notorious criminal syndicate involved in drug trafficking. Partially Resolved
2374 The Vanishing Vessel Solving the mystery of a ship that appears and disappears, suspected of illegal activities. Successfully Resolved
2375 The Artful Dodger Investigating a series of art thefts across several planets. Successfully Resolved
2376 The Andorian Insider Exposing an insider trading ring that had infiltrated Andorian corporations. Successfully Resolved
2377 The Mind Invader Tracking down a criminal capable of hacking into neural interfaces to commit crimes. Successfully Resolved
2378 The Galactic Hitman Identifying and capturing a notorious assassin targeting high-profile individuals. Partially Resolved
2379 The Ponzi Scheme Investigating a large-scale Ponzi scheme affecting multiple planetary economies. Successfully Resolved
2380 The Data Bandit Neutralizing a rogue hacker who had stolen sensitive data from multiple corporations. Successfully Resolved

Joit Cases with Wesson

The partnership between Alex Steele and Wesson Phoenix Rider has been marked by a series of high-stakes missions that have had a profound impact on the safety and well-being of various communities. Their complementary skill sets and shared dedication to justice have made them a formidable team, often referred to as the "Dynamic Duo." Among their numerous missions, three cases stand out for their complexity and the seamless collaboration between the two. These include "The Hostage Crisis" of 2376, "The Mining Colony Siege" in 2380, and "The Cult of Despair" in 2388. In each of these missions, Alex's technological and engineering expertise perfectly complemented Wesson's tactical and combat skills, leading to successful resolutions that saved lives and restored order.

Year Case Name Description Resolution Status
2374 The Outlaw Gang Alex's tactical planning and Wesson's combat skills eliminated a violent gang terrorizing frontier settlements. Successfully Resolved
2375 The Train Heist Alex's engineering expertise disabled the train's security systems, while Wesson neutralized the criminals. Successfully Resolved
2376 The Hostage Crisis Alex hacked into the insurgents' communication, and Wesson led the rescue operation. Successfully Resolved
2377 The Mercenary Threat Wesson's reconnaissance and Alex's strategic planning neutralized mercenaries targeting vulnerable communities. Successfully Resolved
2378 The Smuggler's Cove Alex traced the smugglers' transactions, and Wesson led the raid to capture them. Successfully Resolved
2379 The Vigilante Justice Wesson's tracking skills located the vigilante, and Alex's negotiation skills brought them in peacefully. Successfully Resolved
2380 The Mining Colony Siege Alex disabled the syndicate's security measures, and Wesson led the liberation of the colony. Successfully Resolved
2381 The Shadow Assassin Wesson's combat skills cornered the assassin, and Alex's forensics confirmed their identity. Successfully Resolved
2382 The Arms Dealers Alex identified the network's key players, and Wesson's tactical assault captured some of them. Partially Resolved
2383 The Abduction Ring Wesson's undercover work identified the kidnappers, and Alex's tech skills located the victims. Successfully Resolved
2384 The Rogue Fleet Alex's engineering skills disabled the rogue ships, and Wesson's combat tactics neutralized the threat. Successfully Resolved
2385 The Spaceport Showdown Wesson's combat readiness prevented a conflict, and Alex's diplomacy resolved the underlying issues. Successfully Resolved
2386 The Prison Break Alex's security measures prevented the break, and Wesson's quick response captured the instigators. Successfully Resolved
2387 The Warlord's Downfall Wesson's combat skills subdued the warlord, and Alex's intelligence gathering led to their capture. Successfully Resolved
2388 The Cult of Despair Alex infiltrated the cult's digital network, and Wesson's tactical skills led to its dismantling. Successfully Resolved