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Part [[Demon]] and part [[Vampire]], the broxa is created at the whim of its demon parent/master. The percentages of demon essence and vampire blood combined vary depending on the creature's purpose, usually. Those created as slaves have enough essence to perform whatever task is intended, though not normally any more. A minimum of 10% is necessary for any broxa or it wouldn't fare well in Hell on a long-term basis.
[[File:Broxa-female.jpg|thumb|Sketch of a typical Broxa woman.]]
[[File:Broxa-male.jpg|thumb|Sketch of a typical Broxa man.]]
Broxas, the extraordinary offspring born from the merging of demons and vampires, possess a unique and captivating essence that sets them apart from ordinary beings. With their dual heritage, broxas embody a fusion of demonic strength and vampiric allure. They exhibit mesmerizing eyes, shimmering with an otherworldly glow, and ethereal beauty that radiates from their flawless, pale skin. Their physical traits often resemble humans, allowing them to pass unnoticed in human society, yet subtle otherworldly tells reveal their true nature. They possess elongated fangs, reminiscent of their vampiric lineage, and their voices carry an enchanting quality, capable of captivating all who listen. Broxas are marked by an aura of mystery, captivating the curiosity and fascination of those around them. Through their shifting age and appearance, they can effortlessly transition between youthful vitality and a more aged countenance, embodying both wisdom and eternal youth. Their combined demonic and vampiric nature grants them enhanced physical abilities, such as agility, strength, and grace. While broxas can exhibit an alluring charisma that draws others in, their ambitious drive and cunning manipulation should not be underestimated. They possess a dualistic nature that gives rise to internal conflicts and subtle tensions between their demonic and vampiric aspects. Broxas are not invulnerable, as sunlight weakens them and holy relics or symbols of fate can diminish their power. However, true destruction of a broxa requires complete annihilation of their earthly body, purification through a sacred flame, or severance of both realms, with the survival and regeneration of the broxa's essence dependent on the strength of its vampiric aspect. Broxas stand as enigmatic beings, forever caught between their demonic and vampiric heritage, offering a mesmerizing and formidable presence in the world they inhabit.

A broxa is never created with more than 60% essence. Powerful enough to start having designs on its maker doesn't last long in the paranoid power schemes of the realm. It can also be taxing on a demon to pull enough essence to create something that essence-heavy.
== Physical Traits ==
Broxas, despite their extraordinary heritage and distinct traits, generally possess a predominantly human appearance, granting them the ability to seamlessly blend into human society. They can easily pass as ordinary humans due to their human-like features. However, perceptive observers may catch glimpses of subtle otherworldly tells that betray their true nature—an enchanting gaze that hints at mesmerizing eyes, an ethereal beauty radiating an otherworldly allure, or a captivating voice that carries an enchanting quality even in the most secretive conversations. It is worth noting that while most broxas can effectively conceal their unusual features, such as horns or fangs, utilizing magical means, some may still exhibit these distinctive traits.

Broxa cannot change form in the way a demon can. They are limited to changing age and all that entails (size, voice, strength), and may be crafted physically in additional ways, such as wings or horns, extra limbs, etc. Regeneration is based on its percentage; the more essence, the faster it heals and the less effort needs to be put forth to do so. It feeds as either parent does, not limited to one or the other. The more vampire blood in the creation, the more 'character' of the vampire is in the broxa. One made with a high dose of Toreador blood, for example, would have the distractibility and craving for beauty that the vampire donor did, as well as the vampire's abilities.
; Hypnotic Eyes: Broxas have mesmerizing eyes that draw others in, often shimmering with an otherworldly glow or vibrant hues. Their gaze holds a captivating intensity that can leave onlookers spellbound.
; Ethereal Beauty: Broxas exhibit a striking and ethereal beauty, a blend of the alluring characteristics inherited from their demonic and vampiric lineages. Their features possess an otherworldly allure, with flawless, pale skin that seems to radiate a subtle luminosity.
; Fangs of Vampiric Heritage: Broxas bear elongated, sharp fangs that evoke their vampiric ancestry. These fangs serve as a testament to their connection to the world of darkness and their capacity for feeding on blood.
; Enthralling Voice: Broxas possess a voice that holds a captivating quality, capable of invoking a range of emotions in those who hear it. Their voices can carry an enchanting melody or a commanding resonance, effortlessly capturing the attention of those around them.
; Aura of Mystique: A broxa emanates an aura of mystery and intrigue. They exude an intangible quality that sets them apart, hinting at their dual nature and attracting curiosity and fascination from others.
; Shifting Age and Appearance: Broxas possess the ability to manipulate their age and physical appearance. They can effortlessly shift between youthful vitality, exuding an aura of eternal youth, and a more weathered and aged countenance, exuding wisdom and experience.
; Mesmerizing Charisma: Broxas possess a mesmerizing presence, an irresistible charisma that draws others in. Their combined demonic and vampiric traits create an alluring magnetism, simultaneously intriguing and potentially dangerous.

== Personality Traits ==
A perpetual underground war rages within a Broxa, as the demonic side vehemently regards the vampiric side as feeble, highlighting their own inherent strength. However, the infusion of vampiric lineage grants broxas heightened cunning, an ardent appreciation for the arts, and a discerning eye for beauty. This underlying dynamic creates an enigmatic tension, forging complex and multifaceted personalities within broxas, forever caught between these contrasting forces.
; Ambition: Broxas possess a natural ambition and drive, fueled by their demonic heritage. They are often motivated to prove themselves and seek personal power or influence within their respective realms.
; Adaptability: Broxas display remarkable adaptability, able to navigate both the demonic and vampiric realms with ease. They quickly adjust to different situations, environments, and social dynamics.
; Cunning and Manipulation: Broxas are known for their inherent intelligence, strategic thinking, and ability to manipulate others to achieve their goals. They possess a keen sense of observation and excel in complex power games.
; Primal Urges: As offspring of vampires, broxas experience primal urges associated with their bloodline. They may wrestle with intense cravings for blood, heightened desires, or struggles with control over their impulses.
; Appreciation for Beauty and the Arts: Influenced by their vampiric lineage, broxas possess a deep appreciation for aesthetics, art, and beauty. They have a keen eye for details and often find self-expression through various artistic endeavors.
; Independence: Broxas exhibit a strong sense of independence and self-reliance. They are comfortable operating on their own and making decisions without heavy reliance on others.

[[Category:Supernatural Creatures]]
== Special Abilities ==
Broxas, born from the fusion of demons and vampires, possess a diverse array of abilities that vary based on the percentages of [[demon]] essence and vampire blood infused within them, as well as the intentions of their creator. The interplay between these elements determines their inherent powers, physical alterations, and characteristics. Their abilities can range from heightened physical strength and demon summoning to [[Enhanced Senses|enhanced senses]] and mind control. The specific purpose for which a broxa is created also influences the distribution of their powers. This diversity makes each broxa a unique and formidable entity, shaped by their parentage and intended role.
; Supernatural Strength and Agility: Broxas inherit the physical prowess of their demon and vampire ancestors, granting them superior strength, speed, and agility compared to ordinary beings. This allows them to perform impressive feats of physicality and excel in combat.
; Age Manipulation: Broxas have the ability to manipulate their age at will, altering their physical appearance and associated attributes accordingly. They can appear as young or old as they desire, adjusting their size, voice, and physical capabilities to match their chosen age.
; Regeneration: The demon essence within broxas grants them accelerated healing abilities. They can regenerate wounds and injuries at a faster rate compared to humans, with the speed of regeneration directly influenced by the percentage of demon essence they possess.
; Supernatural Senses: Broxas possess heightened senses similar to those of vampires. They have enhanced vision, allowing them to see clearly in darkness, and acute hearing that allows them to detect even the faintest of sounds. Their senses of smell and taste are also heightened, enabling them to track scents and discern nuances that others might miss.
; Immortality and Longevity: Broxas inherit the extended lifespan characteristic of vampires. They do not age in the same way as humans and are immune to diseases and ailments that affect mortals. While not invulnerable, they can live for centuries, granting them a perspective and understanding of the world that few others possess.
; Demon Summoning: Drawing upon their demonic lineage, broxas possess the ability to summon and command lesser demons. They can call upon these creatures to aid them in battles or perform specific tasks, utilizing their demon bloodline to establish dominance over infernal entities.
; Mind Control and Influence: Some broxas possess limited abilities to manipulate the minds of weaker-willed individuals. Through their vampiric heritage, they can exert a subtle influence over others, compelling them to comply with their desires or planting suggestions within their thoughts.
== Lineage ==
Broxas born to vampires are exceedingly rare occurrences, but they do happen. Broxas, regardless of their lineage, can manifest as male, female, or possess characteristics of both genders or neither. The abilities of a broxa are heavily influenced by the specific parentage from which it arises. Generally, the more demonic essence present, the more potent its powers become. However, it is customary to limit a broxa's demonic essence to two-thirds or less, as greater proportions could lead to a potential challenge to the power and authority of their parents.
== Weaknesses ==
To defeat a Broxa, it is known that sunlight weakens them, although it does not prove fatal. Holy relics or symbols of fate can also diminish their strength. However, there are three sure-fire methods to destroy a Broxa:
; Disintegration of the Earthly Body: Complete annihilation of the Broxa's earthly body is a potent means of destruction. By employing powerful spells, rituals, or utilizing ancient artifacts, the Broxa's physical form is reduced to mere dust, eradicating its presence from the material plane entirely.
; Purifying Holy Flame: Unleashing a sacred flame infused with intense positive energy upon the Broxa proves highly effective. The holy flame engulfs the Broxa, consuming its essence and reducing its physical manifestation to ashes, purging its presence from the world.
; Severance of Both Realms: Sending the Broxa to the [[Severed Realm]], where the demonic energy is banished and the vampiric essence is severed from the material plane, can ensure its destruction. If the vampire side of the Broxa is strong enough to survive in the Severed Realm alongside the demon side, both aspects will endure, allowing the Broxa to regenerate and eventually return to the material plane. However, if the vampire side is not resilient enough, both sides will perish, eliminating the Broxa completely.
It is worth noting that while some Broxa may be immortal, others are not. The survival of a Broxa's essence in the Severed Realm, as well as the potential for regeneration, hinges on the strength of its vampiric aspect. If the vampire side is potent enough to withstand the challenges of the Severed Realm alongside the demon side, both aspects will endure, leading to eventual regeneration and return. However, if the vampire side lacks the necessary resilience, neither aspect will survive, resulting in the permanent demise of the Broxa.
[[Category:Unexplained Entities]]

Latest revision as of 23:16, 20 June 2023

Sketch of a typical Broxa woman.
Sketch of a typical Broxa man.

Broxas, the extraordinary offspring born from the merging of demons and vampires, possess a unique and captivating essence that sets them apart from ordinary beings. With their dual heritage, broxas embody a fusion of demonic strength and vampiric allure. They exhibit mesmerizing eyes, shimmering with an otherworldly glow, and ethereal beauty that radiates from their flawless, pale skin. Their physical traits often resemble humans, allowing them to pass unnoticed in human society, yet subtle otherworldly tells reveal their true nature. They possess elongated fangs, reminiscent of their vampiric lineage, and their voices carry an enchanting quality, capable of captivating all who listen. Broxas are marked by an aura of mystery, captivating the curiosity and fascination of those around them. Through their shifting age and appearance, they can effortlessly transition between youthful vitality and a more aged countenance, embodying both wisdom and eternal youth. Their combined demonic and vampiric nature grants them enhanced physical abilities, such as agility, strength, and grace. While broxas can exhibit an alluring charisma that draws others in, their ambitious drive and cunning manipulation should not be underestimated. They possess a dualistic nature that gives rise to internal conflicts and subtle tensions between their demonic and vampiric aspects. Broxas are not invulnerable, as sunlight weakens them and holy relics or symbols of fate can diminish their power. However, true destruction of a broxa requires complete annihilation of their earthly body, purification through a sacred flame, or severance of both realms, with the survival and regeneration of the broxa's essence dependent on the strength of its vampiric aspect. Broxas stand as enigmatic beings, forever caught between their demonic and vampiric heritage, offering a mesmerizing and formidable presence in the world they inhabit.

Physical Traits

Broxas, despite their extraordinary heritage and distinct traits, generally possess a predominantly human appearance, granting them the ability to seamlessly blend into human society. They can easily pass as ordinary humans due to their human-like features. However, perceptive observers may catch glimpses of subtle otherworldly tells that betray their true nature—an enchanting gaze that hints at mesmerizing eyes, an ethereal beauty radiating an otherworldly allure, or a captivating voice that carries an enchanting quality even in the most secretive conversations. It is worth noting that while most broxas can effectively conceal their unusual features, such as horns or fangs, utilizing magical means, some may still exhibit these distinctive traits.

Hypnotic Eyes
Broxas have mesmerizing eyes that draw others in, often shimmering with an otherworldly glow or vibrant hues. Their gaze holds a captivating intensity that can leave onlookers spellbound.
Ethereal Beauty
Broxas exhibit a striking and ethereal beauty, a blend of the alluring characteristics inherited from their demonic and vampiric lineages. Their features possess an otherworldly allure, with flawless, pale skin that seems to radiate a subtle luminosity.
Fangs of Vampiric Heritage
Broxas bear elongated, sharp fangs that evoke their vampiric ancestry. These fangs serve as a testament to their connection to the world of darkness and their capacity for feeding on blood.
Enthralling Voice
Broxas possess a voice that holds a captivating quality, capable of invoking a range of emotions in those who hear it. Their voices can carry an enchanting melody or a commanding resonance, effortlessly capturing the attention of those around them.
Aura of Mystique
A broxa emanates an aura of mystery and intrigue. They exude an intangible quality that sets them apart, hinting at their dual nature and attracting curiosity and fascination from others.
Shifting Age and Appearance
Broxas possess the ability to manipulate their age and physical appearance. They can effortlessly shift between youthful vitality, exuding an aura of eternal youth, and a more weathered and aged countenance, exuding wisdom and experience.
Mesmerizing Charisma
Broxas possess a mesmerizing presence, an irresistible charisma that draws others in. Their combined demonic and vampiric traits create an alluring magnetism, simultaneously intriguing and potentially dangerous.

Personality Traits

A perpetual underground war rages within a Broxa, as the demonic side vehemently regards the vampiric side as feeble, highlighting their own inherent strength. However, the infusion of vampiric lineage grants broxas heightened cunning, an ardent appreciation for the arts, and a discerning eye for beauty. This underlying dynamic creates an enigmatic tension, forging complex and multifaceted personalities within broxas, forever caught between these contrasting forces.

Broxas possess a natural ambition and drive, fueled by their demonic heritage. They are often motivated to prove themselves and seek personal power or influence within their respective realms.
Broxas display remarkable adaptability, able to navigate both the demonic and vampiric realms with ease. They quickly adjust to different situations, environments, and social dynamics.
Cunning and Manipulation
Broxas are known for their inherent intelligence, strategic thinking, and ability to manipulate others to achieve their goals. They possess a keen sense of observation and excel in complex power games.
Primal Urges
As offspring of vampires, broxas experience primal urges associated with their bloodline. They may wrestle with intense cravings for blood, heightened desires, or struggles with control over their impulses.
Appreciation for Beauty and the Arts
Influenced by their vampiric lineage, broxas possess a deep appreciation for aesthetics, art, and beauty. They have a keen eye for details and often find self-expression through various artistic endeavors.
Broxas exhibit a strong sense of independence and self-reliance. They are comfortable operating on their own and making decisions without heavy reliance on others.

Special Abilities

Broxas, born from the fusion of demons and vampires, possess a diverse array of abilities that vary based on the percentages of demon essence and vampire blood infused within them, as well as the intentions of their creator. The interplay between these elements determines their inherent powers, physical alterations, and characteristics. Their abilities can range from heightened physical strength and demon summoning to enhanced senses and mind control. The specific purpose for which a broxa is created also influences the distribution of their powers. This diversity makes each broxa a unique and formidable entity, shaped by their parentage and intended role.

Supernatural Strength and Agility
Broxas inherit the physical prowess of their demon and vampire ancestors, granting them superior strength, speed, and agility compared to ordinary beings. This allows them to perform impressive feats of physicality and excel in combat.
Age Manipulation
Broxas have the ability to manipulate their age at will, altering their physical appearance and associated attributes accordingly. They can appear as young or old as they desire, adjusting their size, voice, and physical capabilities to match their chosen age.
The demon essence within broxas grants them accelerated healing abilities. They can regenerate wounds and injuries at a faster rate compared to humans, with the speed of regeneration directly influenced by the percentage of demon essence they possess.
Supernatural Senses
Broxas possess heightened senses similar to those of vampires. They have enhanced vision, allowing them to see clearly in darkness, and acute hearing that allows them to detect even the faintest of sounds. Their senses of smell and taste are also heightened, enabling them to track scents and discern nuances that others might miss.
Immortality and Longevity
Broxas inherit the extended lifespan characteristic of vampires. They do not age in the same way as humans and are immune to diseases and ailments that affect mortals. While not invulnerable, they can live for centuries, granting them a perspective and understanding of the world that few others possess.
Demon Summoning
Drawing upon their demonic lineage, broxas possess the ability to summon and command lesser demons. They can call upon these creatures to aid them in battles or perform specific tasks, utilizing their demon bloodline to establish dominance over infernal entities.
Mind Control and Influence
Some broxas possess limited abilities to manipulate the minds of weaker-willed individuals. Through their vampiric heritage, they can exert a subtle influence over others, compelling them to comply with their desires or planting suggestions within their thoughts.


Broxas born to vampires are exceedingly rare occurrences, but they do happen. Broxas, regardless of their lineage, can manifest as male, female, or possess characteristics of both genders or neither. The abilities of a broxa are heavily influenced by the specific parentage from which it arises. Generally, the more demonic essence present, the more potent its powers become. However, it is customary to limit a broxa's demonic essence to two-thirds or less, as greater proportions could lead to a potential challenge to the power and authority of their parents.


To defeat a Broxa, it is known that sunlight weakens them, although it does not prove fatal. Holy relics or symbols of fate can also diminish their strength. However, there are three sure-fire methods to destroy a Broxa:

Disintegration of the Earthly Body
Complete annihilation of the Broxa's earthly body is a potent means of destruction. By employing powerful spells, rituals, or utilizing ancient artifacts, the Broxa's physical form is reduced to mere dust, eradicating its presence from the material plane entirely.
Purifying Holy Flame
Unleashing a sacred flame infused with intense positive energy upon the Broxa proves highly effective. The holy flame engulfs the Broxa, consuming its essence and reducing its physical manifestation to ashes, purging its presence from the world.
Severance of Both Realms
Sending the Broxa to the Severed Realm, where the demonic energy is banished and the vampiric essence is severed from the material plane, can ensure its destruction. If the vampire side of the Broxa is strong enough to survive in the Severed Realm alongside the demon side, both aspects will endure, allowing the Broxa to regenerate and eventually return to the material plane. However, if the vampire side is not resilient enough, both sides will perish, eliminating the Broxa completely.

It is worth noting that while some Broxa may be immortal, others are not. The survival of a Broxa's essence in the Severed Realm, as well as the potential for regeneration, hinges on the strength of its vampiric aspect. If the vampire side is potent enough to withstand the challenges of the Severed Realm alongside the demon side, both aspects will endure, leading to eventual regeneration and return. However, if the vampire side lacks the necessary resilience, neither aspect will survive, resulting in the permanent demise of the Broxa.