USS T'Kumbra (NCC-62100)

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USS T'Kumbra (NCC-62100)
USS T'Kumbra (NCC-62100)
Class: Nebula Class Starship
Affiliation: Starfleet
Commanding Officer: Captain Solok

She is a Starfleet vessel with a predominantly Vulcan crew.

Service History

  • 2371: Commissioned at Utopia Plenetia Shipyards
  • 2372: Assigned exploratory duties mapping dwarf stars in Beta Quadrant
  • 2374: Assigned to defend the Setlik system from Cardassians
  • 2379: Assigned as escort to Romulus for Admiral Ross
  • 2380: Assigned to investigate anomalous temporal and gravitational readings in the Nekkar star system