Sphinx Workpod

From Solas Tempus DB
(Redirected from Sphinx Workpods)
6.2 x 3.7 x 2.1 m
Crew Capacity
1 or 2 people
Cruising Speed
Less than 50 m/s
Maximum Speed
500 m/s
Burst Speed
2000 m/s for 15 seconds
Power Source
Fusion Reactor
Maneuvering Thrusters

The workpod is a utility vehicle used by space stations and starships for repair, maintenance, and short range cargo transportation.

Life Support

Life support is minimal providing atmospheric rebreathing and a 16 hour emergency air supply. In addition the emergency supplies include basic ration packages for its occupants. The work bee also does not provide any artificial gravity.


The pod is equipped with anti-grav arms at the front of the vehicle used to both manipulate and hold cargo released from the rear compartment. At the rear compartment is equipped with a micro-tractor beam to pull in cargo.