Tenuis Daemonium

From Solas Tempus DB
(Redirected from Slender Man)

The Tenuis Daemonium is a humanoid pseudo-demon summoned to this plane by its creator. They stand exceedingly tall, typically 6 to 7 feet, with notably long arms, hands, and fingers. While they may appear faceless, this is a misconception. They possess facial features, but these remain concealed unless necessary. Their vision does not rely on light; instead, they identify people and navigate the world through the energy and aura they perceive. They are incredibly strong, capable of lifting 10-15 times their body weight effortlessly. Endowed with intelligence equivalent to or surpassing that of a human, these creatures can utilize complex tools, the level of intelligence dependent on what their creator instills in them.

These entities usually lack names and rarely communicate verbally. However, they possess the capability to speak, and when they do, an intense sense of fear pervades among those who hear their voice. The voice, an eerie fusion of screams forming words, has been described as anything from "deeply unsettling" to "nightmare-inducing" and even "traumatic". There are documented instances of individuals driven to madness following continued attempts to converse with these entities.

Tenuis Daemonium are consistently seen adorned in attire resembling a simple black suit, complete with a black tie, white shirt, and black hat. The rationale behind this choice is uncertain. This attire has been consistent across all known sightings throughout the 20th century. Although descriptions from previous eras are absent, it's believed these creatures have existed since time immemorial.

Urban Legend and Mythology

The Tenuis Daemonium, with its spectral presence and unique abilities, has had a profound social impact, weaving its way through the fabric of our folklore and popular culture. It's believed to be the cryptic force behind the Slender Man phenomenon that emerged online in the 21st century, its towering, faceless figure becoming a symbol of abstract fear for an entire generation. The widespread sightings of "Grey" aliens in the 20th and 21st centuries could also be attributed to this entity, adding an eerie layer to the UFO mythology. In addition, the Tenuis Daemonium is tied to age-old myths from diverse cultures, reflecting its historical influence on human imagination. Its presence in modern media is unmistakable, embodied in unsettling characters such as 'The Silence' from Doctor Who. The influence of the Tenuis Daemonium is intricate, intertwining myth, reality, fear, and fascination. Whether these depictions are driven by actual sightings or are purely products of imaginative storytelling remains a topic of fascinating debate, showcasing the potent cultural impact of the Tenuis Daemonium.

Special Abilities

The Tenuis Daemonium's abilities to induce hallucinations and manipulate minds correspond with the tales of Slender Man compelling individuals to carry out unspeakable acts. Their capacity to teleport resonates with Slender Man's ability to elusively appear and disappear at will. Amplifying their eerie presence, the Tenuis Daemonium projects an aura of terror, infusing their victims with an enduring paranoia reminiscent of Slender Man encounters. Their ability to manipulate memory could account for the discrepancies and confusion in Slender Man sightings. Furthermore, their skill to camouflage within shadows aligns with Slender Man's associations with dark, secluded areas. On rare occasions, Tenuis Daemonium's potential to create shadowy duplicates reflects the accounts of Slender Man being seen alongside similar tall, thin figures. Collectively, these abilities demonstrate a plausible link between the terror-inducing legend of the Slender Man and the enigmatic Tenuis Daemonium.

Inducing Hallucinations
This trait could tie in with the memetic abilities of Tenuis Daemonium. They can manipulate perceptions and make people see things that are not there, or conversely, not see things that are present. These hallucinations could range from simple illusions to complex, immersive experiences that can drive a person to madness.
Mind Control
Tenuis Daemonium can subtly influence thoughts and actions of their victims over time. This could explain the lore of Slender Man compelling individuals to commit heinous acts. The extent of control could depend on the strength of the creature and the susceptibility of the victim.
The Tenuis Daemonium can move instantaneously from one location to another within the material plane. This would align with the Slender Man's reputed ability to appear and disappear suddenly, making him difficult to track or escape from.
Aura of Fear
Amplifying the effect of their unsettling voice, Tenuis Daemonium can project an aura of terror. This ability can be passively active, but they can also intensify it at will to render their victims immobile with fear or drive them into paranoia over time.
Memory Manipulation
Beyond inducing amnesia, Tenuis Daemonium can plant false memories or entirely erase specific memories, leaving the victims confused and disoriented. This could explain the inconsistency in the Slender Man sightings and experiences, as the memories of the encounters are usually vague or contradictory.
Shadow Camouflage
Tenuis Daemonium can blend seamlessly with the shadows, making them almost invisible in dark places. This would align with the Slender Man's association with forests and other dark, secluded locations.
In some rare cases, the Tenuis Daemonium can create shadowy duplicates of itself. These duplicates are not as powerful as the original, but they can serve as diversions or additional threats. This could tie into the tales of Slender Man being accompanied by other tall, thin figures.

Special Skills

The Tenuis Daemonium exhibits an intelligence that's as intriguing as it is alarming. These creatures demonstrate a level of cognition that parallels, and in some cases exceeds, human capacity. However, their intelligence isn't autonomous. Instead, it's guided and modulated by the greater demonic entity that spawned them. These creator entities imbue the Tenuis Daemonium with knowledge and directives, like a puppeteer manipulating marionettes from a shadowed stage. This control defines the extent and application of the creature's intellect, and it's this directed intelligence that makes them such efficient, single-minded executors of their tasks. They don't question, they don't hesitate, they simply act according to their master's will. Consequently, they mirror the intents and strategies of their creators, leading to varied manifestations of their intelligence, contingent on the nature and motives of the controlling entity.

Master Manipulator
The Tenuis Daemonium is adept at manipulating perception and consciousness due to their telepathic and illusion-casting abilities. This includes implanting false memories, inducing amnesia, sowing confusion, and even projecting complex illusions to mislead their targets. This ability to warp reality makes it exceedingly difficult to discern their true intentions or actions.
Harbinger of Madness
The Tenuis Daemonium's voice, often described as a cacophony of screams, has been fine-tuned into a tool of psychological terror. When they do choose to speak, it's not just to communicate but to induce fear and chaos. The sound can trigger instinctual fear, even madness, in those who hear it, making the Tenuis Daemonium a master at psychological warfare.
Single-Minded Executor
The Tenuis Daemonium are not known for their creative problem-solving; rather, they excel at following orders to the letter, even if it means taking a more direct or challenging path. The ability to duplicate themselves aids in this, allowing them to coordinate with their clones to execute tasks more effectively. While this can lead to more straightforward strategies, the sheer force of their concerted efforts often overcomes any obstacles in their path.

Creation & Purpose

The Tenuis Daemonium is a creation of a greater demonic force, acting as a foot-soldier or proxy within the material plane, typically when the creator cannot enter the plane itself. These creatures straddle both planes, with their energy bound and anchored to the prime material plane by their bodies. Their bodies are maintained through the absorption of supernatural energies. The number of Tenuis Daemonium that can be created is directly proportional to the power a demonic entity can introduce into the plane. This energy usually requires a physical anchor, the most effective of which are Demonic Runes, inscribed in blood or another potent physical manifestation of Aether.

The sole purpose of these creatures is to serve the entity that created them. They remain in constant contact with their creator, who sustains their life force. They follow their creator's wishes, often assigned to guard valuable locations or perform tasks that the entity cannot do in their current plane.