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Female (Succubus)
Male (Incubus)

The Sayksumarahw is a shapeshifting winged demon that feeds upon the life essence of mortal beings exchanged during the climax of intercourse. Within folklore this demon has two distinct names, that of a Succubus and Incubus corresponding to the Female and Male versions of the demon. A Sayksumarahw is known to be seductive, cunning, secretive, and utterly unscrupulous in the pursuit of its goals. Very intelligent and able to change itself to fit an appearance required they also possess intense chemical pheromones as well as powerful magic & psionic abilities, which they will use to successfully couple and feed.

A Sayksumarahw can appear in a variety of ways with a variety of different attributes. The most common are leathery bat-like wings protruding from the back, curling ram-like horns protruding from the forehead, and cloven or otherwise animal-like feet and claw-like fingers. Some Sayksumarahw look decidedly more human even in their natural state than this while others can look even more demonic. There is no known reason for the differences.


The Sayksumarahw could have many different origins, though no one knows for sure which (if any) is true. The most common belief, attached to the idea of the Succubus, is that they were created when Lilith left the garden of eden and refused to return. When Lilith refused to return she became a succubus and mated with an angel. Other folklore from different parts of the world indicate they are some kind of malicious spirits preying on those who have left themselves open to malevolence.


A Sayksumarahw is not driven by its hunger like some other demons. They are incredibly intelligent, though largely solitary demons. Most enjoy creating chaos and blend feeding with activities that breed chaos in their wakes. A Sayksumarahw is almost always utterly malevolent, with very little pity and absolutely no qualms about what it wishes to do. While they do not have to pass for human, most do in their search for people to feed off of. A few have even achieved notoriety in various points in time taking up positions that pass for human and allow them a steady stream of mortals to feed off of.

Life Cycle

As a demon the Sayksumarahw generally cannot be killed in a conventional sense, they are immortal beings but not invulnerable. They can be banished from the material plane or they can be drained of energy until they are too weak to stay manifested. It is possible to destroy a Sayksumarahw, once it is weak enough if forced to remain manifested in the material world it will become vulnerable to conventional weapons, so long as it is not allowed to escape to another plane. Once trapped in physical form it can be then killed and a final banishing spell of what demonic energies are left scatters them and renders the Sayksumarahw effectively dead.


To reproduce two Sayksumarahw of opposing genders must be fully fed and mate with each other. The male will then inject his collected life force into the female's body. This act is brutal by mortal standards, involving a savage and violent sexual encounter. The male must utterly dominate the female to impregnate her, she cannot be impregnated unwillingly. Not only must she be willing but she must be too weak with resist. Paradoxically it is mostly the succubus that initiates mating, usually through picking a fight with a male she wishes the mate with.

Once impregnated the succubus will produce its young within a matter of weeks. Once born, the young demon will mature within a matter of hours into fully formed Sayksumarahw. While Sayksumarahw are not sentimental creatures they will care for their young, usually teaching them with brutal methods of manipulation and even cruelty. The young Sayksumarahw will often stay with its mother while the incubus goes on its way, though occasionally the reverse happens. In either case the young Sayksumarahw learns very quickly and is ready to leave the parent within a matter of months.

Mortal Reproduction

A Sayksumarahw cannot reproduce through a mortal and will rarely even make the attempt. Unlike a Vampire, which can produce a half breed, a Sayksumarahw cannot produce any such half breed.

Most common is for an incubus to impregnate a mortal woman, for which the woman will experience all of the signs of pregnancy except for the growth of a fetus. At some point in time between 8 and 10 months the woman will "give birth" by expelling from her body a kind of ghostly child, malevolent and demonic in nature. This is called a Kelthubilaz, they are very rare entities and will go on to haunt their mother's family line.

Far less common if for a succubus to be impregnated by a mortal man, doing such a thing would almost certainly require the cooperation of the succubus. In any case, the mortal man would have to violently defeat and dominate the succubus until it chose to receive his seed, similar to what an incubus would do. In a successful impregnation, the succubus would then have to choose (or be forced) to carry the Kelthubilaz to term, similarly in 8 to 10 months. In this case, the Kelthubilaz would become attached to the father and effectively haunt the women in his family.


These demons are skilled and very powerful sources of pure Aether and are able to act as a conduit for such powers. They have the ability to draw energy from a mortal and amplify that energy, as such they can be powerful allies to a mortal wishing to pay the price of such an alliance. The Sayksumarahw is able to change itself, not only in appearance but in all physical respects as well, into whatever form matches their particular gender and is needed. Though usually they have a "human form" they use regularly for which they are particularly adept at becoming. As such they can pass entirely for human for as long as they wish. They can also become non-corporeal like a ghost, unable to impact the physical world directly in this form, a Sayksumarahw will use this ability to manipulate and influence mortals around them and even hide / escape it it becomes necessary. These abilities depend on the Sayksumarahw being able to feed, as such in it's weakest form it is non-corporeal and must then use other methods to feed.


The feeding itself takes place not during sexual intercourse and not, as folklore suggests, by the collection of sexual fluids such as semen or feminine fluids excreted before and during the act of sexual intercourse. Though such fluids do carry with them the prized mortal life essence from which the Sayksumarahw feeds, the demon will take advantage of the exchange of life essence which occurs at the same time. They are able to feed off of someone who simply climaxes close enough that they can use their talents to draw in and consume the energy of the mortal they have coupled with.

When unable to take a physical form within the material plane, a Sayksumarahw will use their abilities unseen to facilitate feeding. They will either go to a place where intercourse is happening in some kind of quantity or pick a target and use their manipulations and magic to push that person into a sexual encounter.

Side Effects

For a mortal which feeds a Sayksumarahw, they are left wanting more. This can manifest in many different ways but the primary two manifestations are either an intense desire to pull away from the demon or the polar opposite, where the mortal becomes intensely interested in repeated couplings. After repeated couplings a mortal will often become somewhat mentally unhealthy, intensifying the darker side of their personality. Most who do not pull away after the first time will only want more in the future. The intensity with which a mortal may seek out more (or run in disgust) is proportional to the size and duration of the climax as well as length of time between couplings.

When a pair of mortals engaging in a sexual encounter climax, it can be fed off of by the Sayksumarahw who may be non-corporeal at the time. The effect on the mortals is that they generally want to keep going, lacking some quintessential part of the satisfaction and release of intercourse, their passions will intensify. This is because the Sayksumarahw has drained away the essential exchange of essence at climax which should sate their desires for a time. On rare occasions one or both partners may feel something is wrong, something is off, and react accordingly.

Gender & Feeding

While a Sayksumarahw can easily feed off of the same gender as they are and have no qualms with doing so, they gain the most satisfying nourishment from their opposite gender. Folklore relating to this suggests that the demon perceives different kinds of intercourse with different flavors and will seek out a different flavor as their mood dictates.