Airgid Drochaid

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Drochaid stone inlaid into the stone floor
Open Drochaid portal

Drochaids, monumental in scope and ancient in origin, are enigmatic monoliths measuring 4 to 5 meters in diameter, either circular or oval. These massive stones, infused with magic, glow with an inner light, a testament to their deep connection with ley lines and wells of magical energy. Modern efforts to replicate these relics have invariably failed, underscoring the unique blend of divine influence and arcane knowledge in their creation. Consequently, the existing Drochaids are finite and irreplaceable, anchoring cities to their mystical locales and serving as rare portals across the lands of Elder Soteria.


Activating a Drochaid is a ritual steeped in simplicity, echoing the fundamental balance of the Old Gods' teachings. The silver-engraved symbol serves as a conduit, channeling magical energy to initiate the portal's lensing effect, a clear, tangible bridge between two stones. With a Focusing Stone in hand, even laypersons can tap into this energy, their intent shaping the flow to complete the connection. When activated, the Drochaid summons a vortex of energy, a gateway that exists fleetingly unless anchored by presence.

Focusing Stones

Focusing Stone

A Focusing Stone, not inherently magical but a receptacle for intention, can be attuned to a specific Drochaid or tuned generally. To activate a general stone, the wielder typically must have a prior connection to the destination. Mages of moderate prowess can imbue a Focusing Stone with a targeted Drochaid’s resonance, but crafting a universal stone demands greater mastery, reflecting the intricate balance of Kyntris's teachings. These stones, lying dormant until unearthed from ancient soils or ruins, can persist through centuries untapped. The rarest are those leading to forgotten Drochaids, their locations a secret guarded by monarchs or lost to history, their discovery a momentous event celebrated or shrouded in secrecy, depending on the finder's discretion.


Forging an Airgid Drochaid is a solemn rite, reserved for mages who have earned favor with Kyntris through their dedication to mastery. The intricate preparation of silver, echoing the whispers of divine knowledge in dreams, takes months, with stone carvings wrought by hand, a nod to the labor extolled by the Goddess. The consecration, a two-day ritual, unites stone and silver in anticipation of Kyntris's blessings, while a subsequent week-long rite, necessitating the unity of 14 mages, mirrors the Fates' collaboration, sealing the arcane patterns with a harmonious convergence of magic and might.


Kyntris, the Goddess of Knowledge, deemed the diligent pursuit of wisdom among mortals worthy of divine reward, bestowing the secrets of crafting the first Airgid Drochaid through dreams. As a testament to their scholastic devotion, these dream-whispered instructions were a beacon of enlightenment. However, the Fates intervened, insisting that such arcane knowledge should not be hoarded. In a bold act that defied Kyntris’s intent for selective dissemination, they scattered the inaugural Drochaid stones among human settlements. In retribution, Kyntris proclaimed that only those with a Focusing Stone, crafted through further scholarly labor, could harness the portals, thereby ensuring that knowledge remained a prize for the persevering.