Asterion Knossos

From Solas Tempus DB
Asterion Knossos
Asterion of the Celestial Craft
Height: 6'3"
Weight: 210 lbs
Gender: Male
Race: Vampire
Date of Birth: 2nd day of Poseideon in the 3rd year of King Katreus
June 2nd, 2217 BCE
Place of Birth: Island of Crete
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Black
Occupation: Master Vampire of Los Angeles
Rank / Skill Level: Master
Status: NPC
Setting: Angelic Sins

Asterion Knossos embodies the duality of ancient nobility and the shadows of immortality. At his essence, he is an artist, perceiving the world with a keen aesthetic eye. Each decision, every nuance of his existence, is akin to a brushstroke on the vast canvas of his eternal life. His passion for art, particularly in mediums like oil painting and watercolors, remains fervent, offering him moments of solace from the relentless pull of his vampiric nature. Yet, the passage of time and the vampiric curse have contorted his noble spirit, manifesting in a cruelty especially directed towards those he perceives as lesser. This darkness is not just evident in his demeanor but also in his mastery of torture, a dance of agony and ecstasy he conducts with chilling precision.

Over the ages, Asterion's intellect has only grown sharper, establishing him as a strategic force to be reckoned with. His profound knowledge in law, medicine, and arcane magic equips him with a holistic approach to challenges. Those who dare oppose him soon realize the depths of his vengeance. However, beneath this veneer of malevolence and pride, traces of the man he once was linger—a proud son of Crete, a devoted artist, and a passionate lover.

Special Abilities

Asterion Knossos, a figure of legend and power, possesses a myriad of unique abilities that set him apart. His echolocation skill allows him to navigate in utter darkness, while his artisan's enchantments breathe life into his artworks, granting them magical properties. An innate talent for illusionary magic, combined with centuries-old knowledge of lost spells, makes him a master of deception. His voice, a tool of manipulation, can both soothe and terrify, while his shadow mastery lets him meld with darkness, using it to his advantage. Additionally, his ability to create mimetic mirages and distort perceptions further cements his reputation as a formidable and enigmatic being.

Natural Affinity for Illusionary Magic
Asterion possesses an innate talent for illusion magic, allowing him to craft intricate and convincing illusions that can bewilder even those with strong magical defenses.
Asterion can emit subsonic frequencies, allowing him to navigate and detect objects, obstacles, and beings in complete darkness or through barriers.
Artisan's Enchantment
Any artwork or craft he creates can be imbued with specific magical properties, such as sculptures that serve as guardians or paintings that act as portals.
Memory Absorption
By consuming a small amount of blood, Asterion can access the memories and knowledge of his victims, amassing vast knowledge over the centuries.
Voice Manipulation
Asterion can modulate his voice to induce various effects, from soothing and calming to instilling paralyzing fear or compelling obedience.
Shadow Mastery
He can meld with and emerge from shadows, manipulate shadows to create illusions, hide objects, or use them as tendrils to grasp and bind.
Mimicry Mirage
Asterion can create illusory doubles of himself that move and act independently, deceiving and confusing his adversaries.
Perception Distortion
He can manipulate the senses of his targets, making them perceive things that aren't there or masking real events from their perception, ranging from subtle changes to dramatic illusions.

Special Skills

Throughout the millennia, Asterion Knossos has cultivated a vast array of skills that reflect both his noble heritage and the demands of his immortal existence. A master of illusionary magic, his knowledge encompasses ancient spells and rituals lost to the sands of time, granting him a depth of arcane wisdom few can rival. His artistic prowess, particularly in oil painting and watercolors, captures the essence of his experiences, making each artwork a timeless masterpiece. Beyond the arts, Asterion's darker inclinations have honed him into an expert torturer, adept at extracting information with chilling precision. His long life has also seen him become a learned lawyer, navigating the intricacies of legal systems across ages, and a skilled doctor, blending ancient remedies with modern medical practices to heal and harm in equal measure.

Expertise in Illusionary Magic
Over the centuries, Asterion has honed his innate talent for illusionary magic, becoming a master in crafting intricate and lifelike illusions. His expertise is unmatched, and he can deceive even the most seasoned magic users with his illusions.
Vast Magical Knowledge
Asterion's understanding of magic is not limited to illusions. His knowledge spans centuries, encompassing ancient spells, rituals, and magical practices that have been lost to time. This reservoir of arcane wisdom gives him an edge, as he can employ techniques and spells unknown to contemporary magic users.
Master Artist
Asterion's artistic talents are vast, but he particularly excels in oil painting and watercolors. His artworks are a blend of ancient Minoan aesthetics and modern techniques, making them unique and highly sought after. Each piece tells a story, often infused with subtle magical properties.
Expert Torturer
A darker aspect of his skill set, Asterion is adept in the art of torture. His methods, refined over millennia, are both physical and psychological. He employs this skill to extract information, punish, or simply as a manifestation of his vampiric cruelty.
Learned Lawyer
Asterion's long life has allowed him to study and understand the evolution of legal systems across different cultures and eras. His knowledge of laws, both ancient and modern, combined with his sharp intellect, makes him a formidable legal mind.
Skilled Doctor
Drawing from ancient medical practices and blending them with modern medical knowledge, Asterion is a proficient doctor. He understands ailments, remedies, and surgical techniques spanning centuries, making his approach to medicine both holistic and effective.


In the early haze of his transformation, Asterion's insatiable thirst and feral instincts led him to commit an act of unspeakable horror: the killing of his own parents, Elara and Lycomedes. Their memories, once filled with pride and love for their son, were tragically extinguished by the very hands they had raised. The weight of this act haunts Asterion, a constant reminder of the monstrous nature he had become. In contrast, his love for Lyria was so profound that he couldn't bear the thought of an eternity without her. Driven by this undying affection, he turned her into a vampire, binding their souls in an eternal dance of darkness, ensuring they would never be parted, even in the face of the monstrous acts they would come to commit together.

Mother - Elara of Phaistos

Elara was a distinguished diplomat of the high court of Knossos. Born into a lineage of skilled negotiators and envoys, she was known for her eloquence, wisdom, and ability to forge alliances with distant lands. Her beauty was often spoken of in hushed tones in the courts of Egypt and the Near East, but it was her sharp intellect and diplomatic prowess that made her a legend. She played a pivotal role in establishing trade routes and ensuring that Minoan influence spread far and wide. Her charm and wit made her a favorite in the royal court, and she was often King Katreus's first choice for diplomatic missions.

Father - Lycomedes the Star-gazer

Hailing from the illustrious city of Malia, Lycomedes was Crete's most renowned scholar and astronomer. His observatory, perched high in the mountains, was a testament to Minoan architectural prowess and his passion for the cosmos. He penned several scrolls on the movement of celestial bodies, some of which were used by Minoan sailors to navigate the vast Mediterranean. His works were not just limited to astronomy; he was a polymath, delving into philosophy, mathematics, and the mysteries of the universe. His name, "Lycomedes," which means "he who wards off wolves," was symbolic of his role as a protector of knowledge and wisdom.

Wife - Lyria Knossos

Lyria, once a high priestess with a voice that could tame even the wildest of spirits, has, over the centuries, transformed into a being as enigmatic and dark as her husband, Asterion. Her melodies, which once resonated with hope and devotion, now carry an eerie allure, ensnaring the souls of those who listen. As a vampire, her cruelty mirrors Asterion's, with a penchant for psychological torment that rivals her husband's physical methods. Yet, in the depths of her malevolence, there's an undeniable charisma, a magnetic pull that, combined with her haunting voice, makes her a mesmerizing and formidable figure in the shadows of eternity.


Born under a fortuitous constellation in the reign of King Katreus, Asterion Knossos emerged from Crete's noble lineage, with his mother, Elara, being a revered diplomat and his father, Lycomedes, a distinguished astronomer. As he matured, Asterion's unparalleled artistry, mentored by the famed Dexios the Sculptor, resonated beyond Crete, making him a celebrated figure across ancient civilizations. However, a chance encounter with a feral vampire transformed him into a creature of the night. His undying love for his wife, Lyria, a high priestess with a mesmerizing voice, led him to turn her, binding them in eternal darkness. Together, they journeyed through the ages, culminating in their reign as the formidable Master and Mistress of Los Angeles by 2005.

Early Life

Born under the constellation of Taurus on the 2nd day of Poseideon, in the third year of the reign of King Katreus, Asterion Knossos was marked for greatness from the outset, blessed with his mother Elara's diplomatic grace and his father Lycomedes' vast intellect. Raised amidst privilege, he was tutored by the finest minds of Crete. While he displayed a keen interest in various disciplines, it was the realm of artistry and craftsmanship that ensnared his passion. Under the mentorship of the renowned Dexios the Sculptor, Asterion mastered fresco painting, pottery, and sculpture. His creations, a harmonious blend of his mother's adventurous tales and his father's celestial narratives, were epitomized in a famed fresco that portrayed the dance of the Pleiades. As time unfurled, Asterion's reputation as the Luminary Artisan of Crete burgeoned. His masterpieces, gracing the palatial walls of Knossos, became coveted treasures for both nobility and royalty.


As Asterion transitioned into young adulthood, his artistic genius began to echo beyond Crete's shores. His masterpieces, blending Minoan aesthetics with tales of his family's adventures and celestial wonders, found homes from Egypt's bustling markets to the sacred temples of Mesopotamia. The Knossos emblem, the dancing Pleiades, became synonymous with luxury as their ships, laden with Crete's finest wines and olive oils, docked in ports across the Mediterranean. Alongside these trade missions, Asterion, with his charm and reputation, forged bonds with noble houses from various nations, ensuring his art reached esteemed patrons.

In the midst of his rising fame, Asterion's heart found solace in the company of Lyria, a captivating priestess from the temple of Knossos. Lyria, with her raven-black hair and eyes that mirrored the depths of the Aegean, was known for her melodic voice and her profound spiritual insights. Their love story became the stuff of legends. They wed in a grand ceremony, attended by dignitaries from near and far. Together, they navigated the complexities of life, facing challenges with grace and fortitude. Their union was not just a marriage; it was a partnership, with Lyria often providing spiritual and emotional guidance to Asterion as he journeyed through the myriad experiences of life.


One fateful evening, as Asterion wandered the outskirts of Knossos, he was ambushed by a young vampire, ravenous and wild-eyed. In that era, vampires roamed with abandon, their thirst unquenchable, feeding without restraint. The young vampire, driven by hunger rather than malice, sank his fangs into Asterion, infecting him with the ancient curse. As the venom coursed through his veins, Asterion's world darkened, and he was reborn into the night, sired by this feral creature. The once-celebrated artisan of Crete now roamed its streets, a creature of instinct and hunger, his noble demeanor replaced by a primal ferocity.

In his wild state, Asterion's path inevitably crossed with Lyria's. The realization of his transformation was a heart-wrenching blow to her, but her love for him remained unwavering. Each night, after succumbing to his insatiable thirst, Asterion would seek solace in Lyria's presence. Her melodious voice, a balm to his tormented soul, would weave a spell, taming the beast within him, if only for a while. As days turned into nights, the truth of his existence became undeniable. Unable to bear an eternity without her, and with Lyria's willing consent, Asterion turned his beloved wife. As the darkness embraced her, her transformation was softened by her spiritual depth, and together, they navigated their new reality.

The centuries saw the rise of Asterion and Lyria as a formidable pair. Their love, now eternal, was matched only by their growing power. As they journeyed through time, they left a trail of tales—some of awe, others of dread. Their influence expanded, their names whispered in fear and reverence. The world changed, and with it, the territories of the night. By 2005, their dominion had reached the sprawling city of Los Angeles. The city of angels, with its glitz and shadows, became their kingdom. As Master and Mistress, they ruled, their legacy a blend of their ancient Minoan heritage and the modern pulse of LA, a testament to their enduring power and passion.